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Tip Hubungan pada
The Bridestory Blog

Kami di sini tidak hanya untuk menginspirasi pikiran Anda, tetapi juga hati dan jiwa Anda. Kami sangat antusias berbagi pengalaman, ide, dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan Anda sebelum dan sesudah pernikahan.

The Boxes in a Man’s Head
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Have you ever looked at your man and wondered what is going on inside his head? Because we have! Read on to learn about what we found out about the boxed part of a man's brain.

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Heart-To-Heart Talk: Being Single
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"I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I've changed a lot — my appearance, how I talk and how I walk. But I think there's something wrong, because no man is attracted to me."

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How to Cope with His Expensive Hobbies
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Men and women differ in a lot of ways, and in a relationship, one's hobbies will and may affect one's expenditures in a great way. Are you in a relationship with a guy who spends a lot on his toys, whatever his guilty pleasure may be? Why and how should you learn to accept his expensive hobbies?

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All About Men and Their Feelings
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Have you ever been in a situation with your man where you ask him to talk about his feelings and he just sits there with the most confused look? Feelings? What feelings? For most men, the topic of emotions is definitely not one they want to get into. They would much rather talk about what they're thinking than how they're feeling. For us, women on the other hand, it can be frustrating to try and explain our emotions to our spouses because often times men simply just don't get it. Why is it so? Are men just not as emotional as women are? Do they even have emotions to begin with? Here we discuss a few things we need to understand about men and their emotions.

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How to Deal with a Fixer-Upper
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"I didn't realize that there is a difference in being with someone who inspires me to want to be a better person and being with someone who has his own idea of the person I should be." Are you currently involved with someone who demands to change you for his own idea of a better you? Read on to learn from this girl's past relationship with a fixer-upper.

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Jika Anda sudah menjalin hubungan cukup lama dan merasa bahwa tidak ada progres atau pembicaraan menuju masa depan, Anda akan mulai bertanya-tanya apakah ia akan segera melontarkan pertanyaan yang Anda harapkan. Berikut adalah 6 tanda umum yang mengatakan bahwa ia tidak akan melamar Anda dalam waktu dekat.

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4 Things That Turn Men Off in a Relationship
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September is Men's Month here on the Bridestory Blog. That means that we will be dedicating this month to bring you some insights into understanding men ─ if that's even possible, but we will at least attempt to do so anyhow. Some will be written by men or from a men's perspective, while some will be from women's experiences with men. We hope you enjoy what we've got in store for this month! To kick off this program, let's take a look at men's four major turnoffs during the dating period.

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