Kami di sini tidak hanya untuk menginspirasi pikiran Anda, tetapi juga hati dan jiwa Anda. Kami sangat antusias berbagi pengalaman, ide, dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan Anda sebelum dan sesudah pernikahan.
A lot of us have tried cutting down on certain meals and foods in order to keep our diet in check before our wedding day. But, how about cutting down on other things, which are non-physical that may in fact have an even bigger impact on not only our big day but our future marriage as well. Find out what emotional diet we should be on before the wedding!
When you want to impress the in-laws, it is more helpful to get on their good sides one person at a time using different tactics. We have covered how to get on your mother in-law's good side in our previous post and now it is time for the father in-law. Find out how you can impress your future father in-law in the best way possible!
Pengalaman mungkin adalah guru yang terbaik, namun bagaimana Anda dapat menghindari penyesalan yang akan timbul seputar acara pernikahan Anda kelak? Artikel ini membeberkan 10 hal yang kerap menimbulkan rasa menyesal dalam diri seorang pengantin saat merencanakan pernikahan.
It is not a secret that some men choose to spend their money on sex and it is important for us to be able to know whether our partner has had previous experiences with it and figure out the best way to handle the situation. Our decision to stay or to leave the relationship will depend highly on the reasoning behind why they went. Find out the top 5 reasons why some men pay for sex.
Ladies, do you want to be able to experience sex with your husband without feeling self-conscious or worried about how you look? Find out tips on what you should be doing prior to having sex in order for you to really enjoy the experience with your man!
Have you heard the sounds of his past? Do you think you'll like the sound? Think about it, because the sounds of his past might play again in your future together.
"...in a discussion with my fiance about sex, he confessed that he would like to have a threesome with another girl. The first thing I felt was a pang of worry because the idea came out of nowhere. Should I give it a go or just say I don't want to? I'm not sure!"
Ikuti akun Instagram @thebridestory untuk beragam inspirasi pernikahan
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