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    EIFFEL CAKE Review(s)

    45 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Fei Siung
    04 January 2025 | Groom at Fei & Patricia Wedding

    The Best Wedding Cake in Town

    Thank you so much ci Vyfi & William yang udah kasih wedding cake yang begitu cantik dan mewah ke wedding saya dan Patricia, mulai dari proses moodboard, design sampai hasil di hari H beyond our expectations banget 😆 Rasa family cake yang diberikan ke kami juga super delicious! Over all puas banget pilih Eiffel Cake jadi Wedding Cake di hari bahagia kami, thank you Eiffel Cake! Sukses Selalu Eiffel Cake! 10 out 10 from us.
    29 November 2024 | Bride at Anthony & Mitha Wedding

    Wedding cake

    Aku pesen kue di eiffel cake dan minta custom sesuai seperti yg aku liat di pinterest. Pas jadi, aku happy karena bener2 sesuai seperti di foto. Thank you juga buat william yg super gercep dan helpful dari awal 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Airin Setiawan
    04 November 2024 | Bride at Edwin & Airin Wedding

    5 Tier Wedding Cake

    The bestt! Cakenya super cuteee & pada puji karena kek cotton candy. And ini sesuai dengan color palette, warnanya biru, putih, dan pink. Keliatan super cakeeppp & lucu ada lampu in between tier. Rasa kuenya juga enak & dpt byk mingle cake + family cake!! Super recommend & servicenya juga nice. Aku dibantu sama ko William 👍
    Natasha Gabriella
    22 October 2024 | Bride at Kevin Alfonso & Natasha Gabriella Wedding

    7 Tier Wedding Cake - Terdebestttttt

    Cake nya super duper bagus, cantik, sesuai request, mewahhh, sampe tamu pada blg bagus bgt, cocok bgt sama decor nya, bisa di match gitu sama backdrop aku lucu bgt, air mancur sama boneka couple nya juga menarik perhatian bgt 🥰✨ family cake & mingle cookies nya juga enak banget, packaging nya bagus bener2 diperhatiin sampe detail terkecil. bestttttttt, thankyou Eiffel🫰🏻
    Noviana Hussen
    10 October 2024 | Bride at Rico & Noviana Wedding

    Cake 5 tier 21.09.2024

    Kita order Eiffel Cake 5 tier untuk wedding kami, kuenya cantik banget. Rasanya juga ok, not bad untuk opera cake & lapis surabaya nya. Dijelasin semua sama ko William 2 kali di expo sangat jelas & ramah. Thank you ko William & Eiffel cake team. Sukses terus!
    07 October 2024 | Bride at Reynald & Juvenia Wedding

    Review Wedding Cake

    Puasss banget dengan wedding cake dari Eiffel Cake. Cuma info ke Ko William, aku mau nya gimana, pas hari H bener-bener cantik banget kue nya. Thank you Eiffel Cake ! Im a happy client. Sukses terus yaa xx

    Wedding Cake

    Do you provide customary cakes?
    Exactly, most of our cakes are custom.
    Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
    Describe how you price, such as by slice or by tier, for your cakes?
    By design and by tier.
    Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
    We offer custom cakes.
    What (if any) special ingredients, such as fresh fruits or farm-fresh butter, do you use in your cakes?
    Our special cakes are opera in ice cake and lapis surabaya.
    On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
    We always make a new cakes for dummy one or the real cake one. To make it clean and fresh we finish it 2-3 days before the event.
    What (if any) cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter, do you rent out?
    Yes, off course. Cake stand, skirting, lamp, cake cutter, crew. We provide it all in the event.
    What is the speciality of Eiffel Cake?
    We skecth and design the cake as a personal cake and make it different and beautiful so it becomes a centerpiece in your wedding day. We are also provide a modern cake flavour such as : opera cake, black forest, lapis surabaya and lapis keju.
    Do you provide customary cakes?
    I will do sketches and bring it into life
    Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
    Tasting is by appointment
    Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
    From sketch to reality
    What dietary needs do you accomodate?
    Vegan,  Other , Gluten free
    What kind of desserts do you cater?
    Pastries,  Cookies,  Cupcakes
    On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
    7 to 30 days depending on the difficulties of the cake design
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Our idea is originally out of the box, pretty yet unique. We put our heart in every touch of our cake design, we use only premium ingredients, We want our customers smile when the first time they see their cake on the stage.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Bank transfer
    When was your business established?
    We started our business since May 2011
    What is your payment terms?
    1 mio for booking fee Or 50% down payment The remain is 1 month before the wedding date
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    6-12 months before the wedding date
    What other services do you provide?
    Cake cutting,  Dessert station,  Bonboneries and wedding favors
    What cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter do you rent out?
    We have various design of cake stand. Contact us for further information
    What (if any) special ingredients, such as fresh fruits or farm-fresh butter, do you use in your cakes?
    Depending on both resquest, we are flexible to discuss if there are any special ingredients requested
    Ruko Mutiara Palem B3/2, West Jakarta. ( by appointment ) Phone / Whatsapp : 0817 012 1010

    Eiffel Cake is established in 2011. We concern in customer’s satisfaction by giving premium cake with a great taste! Not only the taste of the cake, Eiffel Cake embodied all the uniqueness and extraordinary gorgeous cake design that accomplish your once in a lifetime moment.

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