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    Ivoire Cake Design Review(s)

    24 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Jessica Budiman
    19 February 2024 | Bride at Kevin & Jessica Wedding

    Thank you Ivoire!

    Pertama ngelirik Ivoire waktu Bridestory Market 2023, dan setelah banding-bandingin dengan vendor lain yang ikut pameran juga, hati langsung berlabuh sama Ivoire. Kita suka banget dengan design template Ivoire yang opsinya super banyak dan bisa di custom juga dengan warna wedding kita. Kue Ivoire yang bakal dipake buat family cake juga super enak-enak. Cocok dengan taste orang tua dan juga anak muda. Service Ivoire juga super oke, kita kasih mereka moodboard dekorasi, Ivoire langsung kasih sekitar 10 opsi kue yang menurut mereka cocok dengan dekor kita, jadi kita udah ga perlu pusing cocok2in lagi hehe. Plus kita juga dikasih bonus rotating table jadi kuenya tetep bisa jadi centerpiece wedding kita even after dipotong. Thank you so much tim Ivoire & kak Yudi!
    Cristabella Wijaya
    18 December 2022 | Bride at Roberto & Bella Wedding

    Thank you Ivoire Cake & Mas Yudi!

    Thank you Ivoire cake for the prettiest wedding cake ever. Also big kuddos to mas Yudi yang selalu ramah, grecep dan friendly untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kita, dan juga bisa memberikan rekomendasi cake design yg cocok sama tema kita. Akhirnya kita milih option E (design terbaru yang baru di rilis di oktober 2022) yang kita pake di wedding kita di 5 November 2022. We are so happy to follow Mas Yudis recommendation and see how the cake fits our decor during the day. Didnt get the chance to taste the cake but got a positive feedback from the family members who did. Thank you once again , sukses selalu!
    27 September 2022 | Bride at Winaldo & Meggie Wedding

    Amazing Cake Design

    Hi cici oliv, Thank you for the beautiful cake on my wedding day. Until I can't turn away from the cake It tasted so good! I love it. And thank you for your help from the beginning. Hope we can work together on the next project.. Thank you..
    18 August 2022 | Groom at Kevin & Vera Wedding

    Thank You Ivoire & Team

    Thank you Ivoire for the wedding cake, semua bilang kue nya enaaaak bangettt baguss dan cantikkk Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    14 August 2022 | Bride at Johanes & Agata Wedding

    We Love Ivoire

    Aku happy banget kemarin semua cantikkkkk sesuai ekspektasiiiii😍😍 simple eleganttt hehehhe Kue nya juga enak banget loooo. Semua family pada minta lagi hehehe.. Thankyouu Ivoire for the wedding cake 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Thirsya Amanda
    09 August 2022 | Bride at Soo & Amanda Wedding

    The Best ♡

    Thank you so much Ivoire, super love sama cake nya yang one of a kind bangettt, bener2 bikin mood wedding reception ku put together dan elegant bangett 😍 gak salah ketemu sama ivoire kami super lucky 🥺

    Wedding Cake

    Do you provide customary cakes?
    , All of our clients have the luxury to design their own custom wedding cakes with us at no extra costs
    Do you offer private tastings or open house tastings?
    can be conveniently arranged by appointments
    Do you offer custom cakes, or do you work with pre-designed styles?
    Our goal is to create a truly personalised service for our clients. Hence we will provide consultation sessions with all of our clients to design their dream wedding cakes from scratch
    What dietary needs do you accomodate?
    Gluten free,  No pork,  Vegan,  Vegetarian,  Other
    What kind of desserts do you cater?
    Cheeze,  Cookies,  Cupcakes,  Dessert buffet,  Fruit,  Pastries, Please feel free to contact us if you have something special in mind
    On average, how far in advance of the event do you prepare the cake?
    5-10 days depending on the cake designs
    What cake accessories, such as a cake stand or cake cutter do you rent out?
    We have various cake stands and other decorations available for dessert tables. Please contact us for more details
    What other services do you provide?
    Cake cutting,  Dessert station,  Bonboneries and wedding favors
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    The most ideal time is 8 - 10 weeks prior to the wedding day
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Ivoire Cake Design focuses only on delivering a personalised masterpiece for its clients. Each and every one of our Wedding Cake is designed from a blank canvas to specifically meet our client’s wildest imagination in creating a memorable centre-piece for their very special day. We pride ourselves for pushing the boundaries with our designs and yet our emphasis is on delivering Elegance and Sophistication which is reflected in all of our creation
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, PayPal, Cheques, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    10% at confirmation of contract. Full payment 4 weeks prior to delivery / wedding date
    Jl. Boulevard Raya Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara 14240

    Led by a professional pastry chef from Sydney, Australia, Ivoire Cake Design is committed to delivering a truly personalized experience for its clients. At Ivoire we thrive to revolutionize wedding cake designs by introducing new, fresh and modern concepts emphasizing on simplicity, elegance and sophistication.

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