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  • Share your experience with Mercure Tangerang BSD City


    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    Religious ceremony,  Reception, Sangjit , Engagement
    What settings does your venue provide?
    Indoor,  Outdoor covered
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Hotel,  Inn/ bed & breakfast, Banquet hall/ ballroom
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation,  Catering
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Chinese,  International Cuisine, Indonesian
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    Please describe more details on the venues that you have
    Mercure Tangerang BSD City, memiliki area indoor dan outdoor. Area indoor atau ballroom yang dapat menampung sampai dengan 500 tamu (termasuk area indoor) serta outoor, yaitu area taman yang cantik diantara suasana hijau BSD City yang tenang.
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    tamu minimum mulai dari 50 orang
    Do you offer an onsite wedding consultant?
    Kami menyediakan satu dedikasi sales untuk melengkapi kebutuhan tamu
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    dengan corkage
    Is there any corkage fee?
    Do you offer valet parking?
    bisa dengan biaya tambahan atapun tidak
    Is there handicap access?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    What makes your services unique?
    Dengan venue yang terdiri dari indoor dan outdoor, serta berbagai fasilitas penunjang termasuk dedikasi sales yang paham akan event ini, kami siap menyambut tamu.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    Waktu ideal bagi kami adalah 6-12 bulan, namun silahkan menghubungi kami apabila tamu menginginkan waktu tertentu.
    What is your payment terms?
    Syarat pembayaran dapat dilakukan DP 10% dan pelunasan setelahnya
    When was your business established?
    Kami berdiri sejak 2019
    Jl. Edutown, CBD 55 Kavling Lot II No. 8, BSD City, Kec. Pagedangan 15339

    Mercure Tangerang BSD City is an artsy premium 4-star hotel nestled in the Central Business District of BSD City, conveniently located near the lifestyle and entertainment main attractions. It is the ideal place for your weddings in BSD City with capacity up to 500 person.

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