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    JHL SOLITAIRE Gading Serpong Review(s)

    2 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Hanna Gunawan
    19 October 2021 | Bride at Hanna & yohanes Wedding

    Best venue

    Jhl adalah salah satu five star hotel di tangerang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. Karena aku kalau di jakarta pastinya jauh, jadi memilih hotel berbintang 5 yang ada di tangerang. Dan pilihan ku sangat tepat, karena yang pertama sesuai sama abdget dan sesuai banget sama keinginan ku. Kulai dari pelayanan yg snagat ramah dan berkualitas bgt. Selain itu jhl solitaire ini salah satu rekomendasi dari mulut ke mulut, so banyak banget yang rekomendasiin ini. Kamarnya yang super nyaman megah dan mewah. Ballroom yang mewah dan cukup luas sangat mendukung acara kebahagiaan ku. Kemudian ballroomnya oun sudah mewah jadi untuk dekor tidak perlu repot tambah ini itu yang hanya menambah budget pengeluaran. Tak hanya itu smeua bagian fnb nya pun patutbdi acungkan jempol. Karna enak dan hygiene. Smeua staff yang ada di sana pun sigap dan cepat dll menangani maslaah. Jadi profesional bgt. Best venue lah. Ngga nyesel. Nga klh sama yang di jkt, meski satu2nya hotel bintang 5 ditangerang jgn di ragulan, di coba dulu nanti baru tau deh kerenn banget pokoknya thank youuu jhl ❤️🥰🥰. Pastinya mencari venue tuh nga mudah karena kita harus menyeseuaikan dri smeua segi yg kita mau. Bahkan kalau ydh deal pun pasti ada ngga srek nya 1 2 biji, tpi kalu ini aku sih srek abis yh. Dan mencari venue tuh harus yang tepat sesuai dgn jumlah tamu dan sesuai budget juga tentunya.
    Khayim Beshafa One Stop Wedding
    31 August 2020 | Partnering Vendor at Wedding

    Amazing venue to create your beautiful moment

    As a first 5 star hotel in tangerang JHL Solitaire very recommended. Bisa untuk banyak pilihan konsep baik itu intimate wedding maupun royal wedding. Karena indoor ballroom dan outdoor arenya sangat elegant. Dekorasi ruangan yang sangat bagus menambah kesan classy untuk moment pengantin kami. Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh management team dan semua crew yang terlibat juga sangat membantu dan memuaskan sekali. Thank you JHL Solitaire sudah menjadi salah satu pilihan venue terbaik dalam One Stop Wedding Package kami. Salam sukses selalu untuk JHL Solitaire dan team


    What settings does your venue provide?
    Indoor,  Outdoor covered
    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    Religious ceremony,  Reception, Social Events
    Please describe more details on the venues that you have
    JEWEL Wedding at JHL Solitaire A 180 degree view of the City, the Sky Ballroom is the only venue of choice for all occasions. The hotel also has 7 small to medium-sized meeting room equiped with latest state of the art sound and visuals.
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Banquet hall/ ballroom,  Restaurant,  Hotel,  Garden
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Local,  Chinese,  International Cuisine,  Asian,  Japanese,  Italian
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    with corckage charge
    Is there any corkage fee?
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation,  Catering
    Do you offer valet parking?
    Is there handicap access?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    What makes your services unique?
    Your wedding venue is more than a setting, its the place where memories are made. Elevate your wedding to the 15th floor with unbeatable views of 180 degree view the famed Gading Serpong roundabout and exquisite culinary fanfare.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The best ideal time for a client to contact us would be 6-12 months prior to the wedding.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    PayPal, Cheques, Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    25% for booking fee
    When was your business established?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    50 - 300 Pax
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Maximum number of party at Sky Ballroom
    300 Pax
    Jln Gading Serpong Boulevard Barat Blok S No 5, Tangerang 15810

    JEWEL OF THE CITY JHL Solitaire, Gading Serpong is our 5 Star Luxury hotel situated 50 minutes from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The hotel vicinity boasts the largest Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) as well as the finest highrise business complexes and mega shopping mall like AEON and IKEA amongst others. Iconic, Majestic and Spectacular state of the art design and architecture, it consist of 144 stylishly appointed premier rooms and suites.

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