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    Joelle Decoration Review(s)

    327 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Davine Kurniawan Nugroho
    03 March 2025 | Groom at Davine & Jessica Wedding

    Davine & Jessica Wedding

    Thank you utk semua tim Joelle Decor! 🙌🏻🙏🏻 Kami puas dan seneng sih dgn decornyaa. Sorry kalau banyak mau ya di awal supaya nyamain gambaran visualnya, but kemarin kami seneng sih bagus decornya dan sesuai sama yg kami bayangkan 😍🤗 Banyak yg bilang baguss, muji buat decornya bagus warna dan layoutnya unik! Ga yg pasaran 😁
    Valensia Alvionita Wijaya
    25 February 2025 | Bride at evan & valen Wedding

    wedding decoration

    thankyou untuk joelle decor udah jadi vendor decor terbaik. decornya bagus dan semua sesuai sama yang aku request😍😍 makasi buat kak ferry dan tim joelle sudah ngebantu dari preparation sampai hari H. sukses terus untuk selurum tim joelle 🫶🏻
    Sharly Widya
    18 February 2025 | Bride at Sharly Yohanes Wedding

    Intimate Wedding

    Joelle betul betul mewujudkan gambaran decor kt yg bs dibilang banyak mau dan sering minta meeting tp hasil akhirnya betul betul sesuai sama apa yang udh kt expect. thank you joelle, sukses selalu!
    brenda christie
    01 January 2025 | Bride at Mayer and Brenda Wedding

    Best Decoration!

    Thank you untuk Ko Ferry, Ko Frank and team atas bantuan dan kerjasama nya dari proses design decor sampai hari h. Decor nya sesuai design kami dan hasilnya bagus banget. Semua tamu dan keluarga suka. 👍👍
    Renaldi Setiadi
    17 December 2024 | Groom at Renaldi & Silvia Wedding

    Review Dekor

    Kepada Team Dekor Joelle, Ko @⁨FrankF Owner Joelle Decor⁩ @⁨Ferry Fermansyah - Joelle Decor⁩ @⁨~Silvia Tang⁩ Kami ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas kerja keras dan kreativitas luar biasa yang telah diberikan untuk dekorasi pernikahan kami. Hasil karya kalian benar-benar melebihi ekspektasi kami, menciptakan suasana yang begitu indah, elegan, dan berkesan bagi kami serta para tamu yang hadir. Terima kasih telah membantu mewujudkan impian pernikahan kami menjadi nyata. Dedikasi dan profesionalisme kalian sungguh patut diacungi jempol. Semoga Dekor Joelle terus sukses dan semakin dipercaya oleh banyak pasangan lainnya! Dengan penuh rasa syukur, Renaldi & Silvia 🤍✨
    09 December 2024 | Bride at Marvin & Cynthia Wedding

    Wedding Decoration

    Thankyou banget untuk ka reni dan team sukak banget sama decornya!!!😍❤️ cantik banget secara keseluruhan sesuai ekspetasi aku… terimakasih Joelle uda support dari awal sampe hari H, sukses teruss buatt Joelle!!🙏🏻✨

    Decoration & Lighting

    Do you offer consultations?
    087882850416/08176670477 Fast response please wa us now :)
    What makes your services unique?
    We love art We design We strive to be creatives We love detail We do love Modern Decoration We serve UptoDate decoration Competitive rates Many satisfied Clients
    Which of the following services do you provide?
    Floral design,  Furniture rental,  Event décor
    What is the style of your decorations?
    Modern,  Romantic,  Rustic,  Glamorous
    If you have not worked at the ceremony or reception sites previously, would you be willing to visit the sites before the event?
    Do you provide sample arrangements?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Jabodetabek, Serang, Karawang, Cilegon
    What supporting equipment do you provide?
    Centerpieces,  Lighting,  Stage or dance floor, Chairs,  Tables
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    We had a client's deal within 2 weeks before the day. But for available date you should book as soon as possible.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30% for Down Payment 40% H-3 months 30% H-2 weeks
    When was your business established?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    50-1000 guest
    Jln Jomas no 21A ,RT 007 / RW 005 ,Pessangrahan,11620, Jakarta Barat Kembangan

    Why Joelle Decoration? We love art, We do arts We design We strive to be creatives We love detail We do love Modern Decoration We serve UptoDate decoration Competitive rates Many satisfied Clients Membuat pernikahan anda berkesan ialah dekorasi. Memberi memory tidak terlupakan ialah dekorasi. Menakjubkan banyak tamu ialah dekorasi. Melengkapi pernikahan anda menjadi Special ialah dekorasi. Kami Joelle Decoration hadir mewujudkan impian terindah anda.

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