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    Lily of The Valley Wedding Conceptor Review(s)

    19 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Windy Angela
    18 November 2024 | Bride at Jack & Windy Wedding

    Smooth D-Day

    Tania and her partners are very experienced in organizing weddings so we did not have to worry about anything on our D-Day and enjoyed it very much. Thank you Tania and team!
    21 September 2024 | Groom at Ben & Sisca Wedding


    Thank you LOV for doing such a good job for our wedding. Helped out so much during vendor selection as we are not based in Bali, and helped running the event such that our wedding was really smooth!
    Patricia Valerie
    27 January 2024 | Bride at Kevin & Patricia Wedding

    Best decision ever!

    Picking Nana as my wedding planner was the best choice ever. Im overseas and had another wedding to plan before the Bali one, so it wasnt a top priority. I checked out a few organizers, but when I spoke to Nana, I could tell she knew her stuff and would be a huge help for someone like me whos clueless about Bali. Shes organized, reliable, and caring, always quick to respond despite the time difference. She gave me a list of vendors, and I even let her decide on some for me. Turns out, they were all fantastic. She genuinely cares about the wedding, not just treating it as another job. She made sure I didnt stress about anything. On the day, there were assistants taking care of transportation, family, and everything else I could think of. Its a fantastic deal for the money!
    Joelle Gabriella
    25 September 2023 | Bride at Joelle & Goan Wedding

    PERFECT DAY! Thank you my Dream Team. #Blessed

    Thank God I found you Nana & Lily of the valley team! Bersyukur banget bisa bertemu kalian di perjalanan weddingku. Mulai dari planning Nana dan team sangat supportive, mereka mau mendengarkan keinginanku, sehingga plan dan ide-ide tersebut bisa dieksekusi di hari H dengan sangat baik. Komunikasinya best, enak diajak diskusi, bisa terbuka soal budget jadi bisa dibantuin daannnn fast response (ini yang penting banget!!). Karena aku baru sadar ternyata kita harus cari WO yang cocok dan bener2 mau jadi best friend di wedding planning kita, bener2 peduli sama acara kita, nggak cuman sekedarnya aja karena at the end team ini yang bener2 membantu acara kita bisa berjalan dengan baik atau tidak. and again semua yang aku cari ada ada di LOV team. #HighlyRecommend Bukan hanya bagus di planning tapi on the day juga organize acaranya rapih banget. Aku suka banget sama team2 yang turun ke lapangan sangat professional dan acaranya smooth banget, nggak ada complain at all. Praise God semua lancar!! Bersyukur banget banget dibantu dengan dream team yang keren banget. Terima kasih banyak untuk Nana & Lily of the valley team! Dan semua yang ambil bagian di acaraku, Terima kasih banyak! See you on top guysssss Love from JG.
    20 July 2023 | Bride at James & Ruth Wedding

    Best Destination Wedding "Sanity" Insurance

    My partner and I live overseas but we wanted to get married in Bali for multiple reasons. Naturally, we needed help as we have no local knowledge or family members in the area. This is where Lily of the Valley (LoV) came into the picture. I have talked to multiple different wedding organizers prior to going with LoV, but no one gave me as much feeling of assurance as LoV (Nana) did. From that research, I also gathered that her pricing is genuinely the best value for money. Our wedding had a venue hiccup but Nana helped in raising awareness and finding solutions immediately. Nana's patience and calmness were key in resolving any issues during the preparation. No issue was too small for her. We all know that weddings are special and expensive, so it's great when someone cares about the little details as much as we do. All her suggestions were top quality. If you close your eyes and just go with her choices you'll be more than fine. Nana is also very organized and reliable. The time difference between us was not at all an issue as she was kindly willing to make herself available when necessary. LoV team's professionalism really shone on the days leading up to and on the wedding day itself. I didn't lift a finger on my wedding day. I could even have my phone missing and nothing would've gone wrong. The world didn't get to have one more Bridezilla that day! My family is also quite high-tempered but Nana's team was absolutely lovely and calm in handling anything. We've been getting only compliments about our wedding and it wouldn't have been the same without LoV. For couples out there thinking about doing a destination wedding in Bali; I get it, it's scary. Spending your hard-earned money on something imaginary and trusting someone to organize it for you is not easy, but I can attest that going with LoV was the best insurance for our sanity (and wedding quality!). Thanks, Nana and team.

    Vendor Reply

    07 August 2023
    thankyou ruth ❤️ once again congrats for your wedding, may you & james live happily ever after
    Dwitia Ayu Iswari
    13 March 2023 | Bride at Dwitia & Fendy Wedding

    BEST WO!!!!

    agak telat review nya tapi makasi banget kak nana & mas hudaaa!! acara wedding ku berjalan dengan sempurna walaupun halangan pandemi & ppkm kemarin bikin kita ga focus ngurusinnya tanpa bantuan kalian pasti ga akan berjalan lancar. terimakasih🤍

    Wedding Planning

    What is your primary expertise?
    kami membantu para bride and groom to be untuk memilih concept sesuai dengan keinginan mereka, Intimate wedding, renewal vows, celebrant only,  Grand wedding, Cultural wedding , Religious wedding ceremony
    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Venue selection,  Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Budget preparation,  Ceremony planning, memilih concept dan membantu styling weddinf,  Attendee list preparation
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    mohon mengirim via whatsapp atau email untuk detail wedding terlebih dahulu
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    10 hingga 1000 orang
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    bahasa inggris
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    ya, namun terdapat biaya tambahan untuk transportasi dan akomodasi
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    waktu ideal bagi klien untuk menghubungi kami adalah 5-12 bulan
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Full day wedding
    What makes your services unique?
    kami mempersembahkan ke ekslusifan dalam perencanaan pernikahan anda kami hanya menerima 2 pasangan spesial setiap bulannya sehingga kami benar benar menjalin keintiman dan ke eksklusifan dalam perencanaan pernikahan anda
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cheques, Cash, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    10% setelah konfirmasi kontrak 30% di pertengahan perencanaan 60% seminggu sebelum pernikahan
    When was your business established?
    bisnis kami di mulai dari 2019 kami merupakan gabungan dari wedding planner yang sudah berkecimpung di dunia wedding sejak 2014
    apa terms and condition untuk postpone?
    kita bisa melakukan postpone/reschedule selama tgl yg di pilih planner kita masih available, postpone bisa dilakukan tidak lebih dari 1 tahun & penggantian tanggal tidak lebih dari 2x
    jalan gunung soputan perumahan pondok galeria kavling II no 14 denpasar barat,bali 80117

    Lily of The Valley is a wedding stylist and conceptor based in peaceful Bali Island, with our extensive resources and 6 years of experience, We love creating unique and innovative wedding that are highly personal and accessible, while still maintaining an elevated level of sophistication. “..Simple and tailored with an unexpected twist.”

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