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Inezia Chrizita Review(s)
4 Review(s), sorted by :
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Special gown for your big day
She's so passionate about her work and her client, she's very humble and talented.\nAs someone who thinks that 'handmade is heartmade', I fall in love with her work at first time, and I know I made a right decision.\nThank you cici, you made a special gown for my special day. :)\nand thank you to mba Rina, who helped me a lot during my big day.
Thank you ci Inezia & Team for everything! Thank you for creating my perfect vision, my dream dress. It's The Dreamiest, Most Magical Dress I've ever worn and I will keep it in my heart forever. It's The most breathtaking & fun dress.
The details match our Wedding perfectly and everyone loves it! I love you so much ci Inez & Team.
I'll miss all the process, the fittings with you guys.
Sorry for the late review I'm still all teary aaa!<3
Truly my fairygod-family! I <3 YOU ALL!
My dream wedding gown
Dari awal Inez memahami keinginam gaun saya dari motif, model, dsb. Inez enak diajak berdiskusi dan jg memberikan pendpt bentuk gaun yg sesuai dgn tubuh kita.. Pada hari H saya happyyyyy bgt dan memuji gaun aaya indah. Oh ya Inez jg sabar mengajari saya cara berjalan dgn ball gown yang baik. Anas orgnya jg helpful dan fitter saya Mbak Rina orgnya baik bgt dan sabar. Thank you all! Thanjs Inez, you make my dream wedding gown comes true :)
wedding gown dream comes true!
Thank you ci Inez, mba Rina & Anas for helping me from day one to finish.
dear ci Inez, thank you for creating my beautiful wedding gown :) I just really love all the details. all soooo neat <3 I love how you create the full embroidery in a very creative way, I never see any embroidery details just like mine :* I love all full pearls, detail soooo great, services are great too!!! from sketch to reality, I'm just soooo happy with all of it!!!! Love youuuu ci Inez!!!!!
to mba Rina, thank you udah pakein gaunnya dari awal fitting2, sampe akhirnya bener2 pas di venue. suppppperrr ontime, bahkan aku minta dateng 1 jam sebelum pakein gaun pun langsung dateng. Retouch pun pasang lepas lagi ontime, malah mba Rina yg byk tunggu! pokoknya mba paaaaaliiinggg baikkk, paling bisa aja kasih pujian hihiihihihi.
Untuk Anas yg baru aja join di tim Inezia Chrizita, thank you juga uda aturin fitting schedules with ci Inez, sampe bs menuhin kemauan aku buat fitting tiap sabtu hehehe dan nyempetin dateng walo cm 5 menit pas pakein gaun sorenya.
Really appreciate the hardwork guys! may you guys always stay success in the future ya and many more clients to come!!
to all brides-to-be, jangan ragu buat ke Inezia Chrizita kalau mau create new wedding gown full embroidery dengan design yg insanely creative hihihi. Inez is really creative, soooooooo kind, soooo patient, and soooo professional :*
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Pre-wedding and Wedding gowns
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WA only: +62 898-9056-789
(Address: Ruko Gading Kirana A7D no. 8. Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara)
Wedding gowns, Pre-wedding gowns & evening gowns
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