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ProjectDEA Wedding Planner Ulasan
28 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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No drama wedding thanks to the most awesome wedding organiser
To Mba Sella, all the team. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Thank you for making the intercultural wedding weekend happened and it was surely the best weekend of my life so far :)
To give you context, Project Dea successfully managed and delivered end-to-end intercultural wedding ceremonies for both Chinese and Javanese traditions. You name it, from Sangjit, Songkacong (bet some of you might never heard this before), jemput pengantin, Tea Pai, Midodareni + Siraman, Panggih Ceremony, Holy Matrimony until the Reception.
For both families, the whole wedding events were very unique and we were not quite familiar with each other's culture when it comes to wedding processes. Mba Sella and her team explained really well to our families and ensured that she took insights and listened to multiple inputs from our elders - and be very patient about it :)))) Project Dea surely knew how to manage diverse and multicultural family - understood each family needs with all the ribet and rempongness in between.
Project Dea paid attention to every details. They ensured that I, as bride feel as comfortable as I should be. During the whole wedding prep, there were hiccups here and there, but I truly felt at ease because Mba Sella and her team really knew how to manage and filters those unnecessary problems to make sure that that one weekend will be the best weekend in my life.
Another thing, if you have VIP list with more than 200 names, you know they can handle them with full attention and care. I stood on the stage the entire night during the reception dinner and amazed to see how they arrange the flow for all the guests. I received positive comments about the wedding afterward and I felt I chose the right partner for this event.
I'm beyond grateful to have this amazing team as part of our wedding weekend and I have no second thought recommending Mba Sella and her team to be your wedding partner - seriously, have a call or meet her and you'll find why.
Balasan Vendor
30 November 2019
Dearest Katia,
We thank you too for helping us during the wedding planning process up until the unforgettable after party
A moment in life with ProjectDEA
Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2019, aku dan Iqbal melangsungkan pernikahan dan memakai jasa Projectdea sbg Wedding Planner & Organizer. Dari awal sblm menikah, Iqbal memang udah bilang ke aku kalo mau banget pake Wedding Planner mengingat kami yg sama2 sibuk. Akhirnya setelah melakukan reserach, kami memutuskan untuk kerjasama dengan Projectdea dan hasilnya.. unbelievably satisfying! Mba Sella sbg owner dan yg dari awal nemenin kita sangat2 kooperatif, komunikatif, sabar banget menghadapi kita berdua, menjawab pertanyaan2 dan labilnya kita memilih vendor.
Sampailah pada hari H, Mba Sella dan team sangat2 profesional dengan pekerjaan mereka. Mulai dari berhadapan dengan vendor, meng-assist pengantin dan keluarga, mengatur alur VIP, dan sebagainya, sehingga pernikahan kami sesuai dengan yang kami harapkan.
Salah satu yg paling penting tentunya berhadapan dengan keluarga besar, mengingat keluarga besar Iqbal semua dari luar kota, dan keluargaku yg super banyak, Mba Sella sangat komunikatif dan bisa menanganinya dengan sabar banget.
Lastly, kita ingin berterima kasih kepada Projectdea yang telah memberikan kenangan hari pernikahanku sebagai a beautiful moment in our lifetime. Semoga bisa bertemu lagi di lain waktu dan sukses selaluuu untuk ProjectDEA ❤️

ProjectDEA did it again!
Last year Sella and her team assisted my sister with her wedding and our family was impressed! This year for our wedding, they didn't disappoint either! We trusted them last year and we knew we could count on them again.
Every one on the team was super professional yet genuinely cared for Peter, myself, our families, and even our groomsmen & bridesmen. Mela and Edric were assigned to keep me and my groom sane :) They did an amazing job that we were basically pampered ❤️ The rest of them were also super duper friendly, accommodating, patient (VERY CRUCIAL), and we could tell how passionate the whole team were about what they're doing.
Our holy matrimony and wedding reception took place over the weekend, and both days, the team delivered!! They definitely listened to us since they did everything they could to make sure everything went smoothly. I couldn't thank them enough for not only being a great wedding planner team but also wonderful friends.
So thank you once again from our families and sukses selalu yaaaaaa :)

Serius tapi Santai, Menyenangkan dan Asyik
Kepada calon pengantin yang melihat ulasan di page Project Dea ini,
Menurut saya, kerja bersama itu cocok-cocokan, dan saya secara pribadi cocok banget kerja bareng tim Project Dea. Profesi saya sebagai MC mengijinkan saya bertemu dan bekerjasama dengan banyaaak sekali Tim Wedding Organizer, bukan hanya sekali bahkan bisa beberapa kali untuk pasangan pengantin yang berbeda juga. Kesan saya, tanpa melebih-lebihkan, Project Dea adalah salah satu Wedding Organizer yang Relax tapi 'sharp' dan detail. karena informasi yang mereka sampaikan tentang keseluruhan cara dan tentang keluarga dan pengantin begitu detail, dan akurat, sampai-sampai saya sangat berhati-hati dalam membawakan acara dan teman-teman Project Dea sempat merasakan kehati-hatian saya ketika saya membawakan acara. Pengalaman itu selalu saya ingat.
Semua tim yang terlibat dalam acara tersebut asik, seru, santai tapi serius, Gerak cepat dan responsif serta menyenangkan untuk diajak ngobrol; ini yang penting...
Sukses terus Project Dea, sampai jumpa di event wedding selanjutnya, Cheers!!
MC Ruben Nuranata
Balasan Vendor
13 November 2018
Our sincere thank you for this, Ruben! Its surely a pleasure working alongside with you as well. :)
Magical Wedding
Jadi awalnya aku dan Adit sangat bingung sekali dalam memilih Wedding Organizer untuk pernikahan kita yang di langsungkan pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2018. Kami percaya dalam memilih vendor pernikahan tidak hanya dilihat dari pengalaman namun penting untuk punya chemistry antara kami dan vendor tsb. Nah Chemistry ini lah yang ada di antara kami dan Project Dea. Berawal dari rekomendasi seorang sahabat sampai ke pertemuan kami dengan tim Project Dea. Kami yakin dengan adanya chemistry, pasti akan timbul rasa peduli, rasa menyayangi, rasa menghargai, rasa menghormati.. dan rasa rasa tersebut mempunyai andil berharga yang dapat membantu mengatasi setiap problematika dari persiapan sampai selesai acara pernikahan kami. Project Dea menurut kami bukan hanya sekedar vendor yang kami bayar untuk membantu Pernikahan kami agar berjalan dengan lancar, Project Dea lebih dari itu. Project Dea itu keluarga. Kami berdua, beserta keluarga besar sangat lah berterima kasih dan berbahagia atas bantuan dari Project Dea. One thing for sure, ini bukan lah project terahir kami dengan Project Dea, karena akan ada banyak event yang akan kami lakukan lagi bersama dengan Project Dea.
Balasan Vendor
13 November 2018
Yuhuuu dina & adit! Thank you for allowing us to know you both and your extended family. Congrats once again!
Best wedding planner and friends! :)
Untuk pernikahan kami tgl 7 July 2018, ProjectDEA sudah berjasa banget menjadi wedding planner dan organizer kami. Mbak sella, abang joe dan tim sangat helpful membantu kami pasangan yg simple dan gak mau ribet dari awal konsep, sampai vendor yg kami gunakan semua atas rekomendasi projectDEA. Total 6 bulan persiapan berjalan lancar berkat ProjectDEA. :))
Asistansi saat hari H juga super helpful dan sigap, baik untuk kami berdua dan kedua keluarga, acara kami berjalan lancar dari pagi meskipun pindah2 venue dan kena macet, tetap on schedule dan semua keluarga dan tamu puas!
Thankyouu so much dan sukses terus ProjectDEA!! :) :D
Erna & Ryan
Balasan Vendor
13 November 2018
Awww thank youuu, erna & ryan! All the very best for your new adventure :D
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Wedding Planning
What wedding planning services do you offer?
We have 3 (three) kind of services. Consultation, The Day Service Coordination and Full Service Coordination. Talk to us and we will gladly explain these all to you
Do you support or cater to any specific religions?
No. We are able to do all religious ceremony
What sizes of weddings have you coordinated in the past? Min? Max?
From the least 300 to maximum 3000 attendee
How many weddings do you plan a year?
We plan approximately 12 weddings a year in or out Jakarta
Do you plan weddings internationally?
Not there yet. But we are looking forward to expansion
How soon should I book your services?
Ideally it is 6 to 12 months before the day. Although we have planned those with limited preparation duration, the shortest was 3 months long
What is required for booking your services?
The wedding date (fixed or estimation) and also the signed agreement
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
From 12 to 20 hours include the preparation. Depends on the wedding itself
What sort of planning do you cover?
Budget preparation, Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Rehearsal dinner planning, Ceremony planning, Express wedding planning (less than 3 months)
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
active english
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The most ideal time is 6-12 months to the wedding, basically for venue booking. But, recently we have only 3 months to prepare. So anytime you would like to book just let me know
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
Whole day include the preparation
What makes your services unique?
We treat the couple and their family just like our own. Planning their wedding just like ours. The feel of "this is my first and last wedding" is understandable and because of that, we love to give our very best in planning also organizing the wedding
When was your business established?
2006 established, our first wedding was on 2007
What service do you provide?
Full planning
What is your primary expertise?
Intimate wedding, Grand wedding, Cultural wedding
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
100 to 3000
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
What is your payment terms?
50% upon contract signing and 50% before the day
Permata Hijau - Jakarta Selatan
Specialized in making the wedding of your dream come to life
ProjectDEA Wedding Planner is featured in 6 Bridestory Blog articles:
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