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  • Share your experience with MasPras Wedding Planner & Entertainment

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning, Partial planning, Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Budget preparation,  Ceremony planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding, Pernikahan Tradisional, Pernikahan Internasional
    When was your business established?
    Bisnis kami di mulai 2018, akan tetapi tim kami sudah bergerak di bidang perencana pernikahan sudah dari 2010
    What is your payment terms?
    20% pada saat invoice sudah di kirim dan pelunasan sisanya H - 2 minggu sebelum acara atau sebelum Technical Meeting
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    9 jam untuk Wedding Organizer dan 2 jam untuk Entertainment
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    Entertainmant kami tergabung dalam IPAMi ( Ikatan Pengusaha Jasa Musik Pernikahan Indonesia ) Wedding Organizer kamu menjadi anggota dalam HASTANA ( Himpunan Pengusaha Penata Acara Nasional )
    Jl. Vila Nusa Indah 5Kec. Gn. Putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16968 16968

    Jasa profesional perencana acara pernikahan dan jasa profesional hiburan musik pernikahan. Anggota dan Dewan Pengurus Pusat IPAMI (Ikatan Pengusaha jasa Musik pernikahan Indonesia)

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