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FIOR Review(s)
39 Review(s), sorted by :
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Mau apapun di wedding kalian, Voila, Fior will make it happen! Fior is literally our genie haha. Dari pertama kali ketemu di wedding fair, mreka udah super ramah. Dan mreka bener2 ngikutin budget dan keinginan kita. Kerennya, aku mnta apapun di wedding ku pasti dijawab bisa, dan mreka will make it work no matter how. On the other hand they will also give you their honest opinion. And our energy somehow match, jadi tektok annya pas bgt dan mreka sat set sat set bgt, jd enak bgt lah ga pake lama kalo mau apa2. Untuk aku yang orangnya lumayan merhatiin details dan perintilan, mreka itu kerjanya rapih dan disiplin. Trus super fleksibel kalo mau janjian meeting malem pun dijabanin. Pokoknya dari persiapan sampe hari H smua super smooth. Hari H pun tenang aja percayakan smua ke fior, bride and groom tinggal duduk manis ngikutin acara dan have a lot of fun! Smuanya serba gercep and very thoughtful. Keluarga dan tamu jg bs menilai kalau semua well organized. Thank you fior, you guys are not only our wedding organizer but also our friend now :)) a good one! Sukses terus buat fior woohoo!!

Selalu tenang kalau kerja bareng Fior. Ownernya super ramah, detail, dan supel. Tim selalu kompak, rundown rapi. Ga hanya pengantinya, keluarga pengantin pun diperhatikan sedetail detailnya

Best. WO. Ever
Vendor pertama yang kami book setelah menentukan tanggal pernikahan adalah Fior. Vinnie dan Neeke membantu kami menentukan vendor" lain yang sesuai budget, membantu nego, dan pastinya vendor yang punya track record baik.
Hasilnya? Luar biasa. Kami dan keluarga betul" terbantu dengan Fior mulai dari planning sampai eksekusinya. Acara berlangsung smooth, seluruh crew sopan dan cekatan. Setelah acara, teman-teman menanyakan soal WO krn mereka benar" amazed.
Terima kasih Vinnie, Neeke, dan seluruh crew FIOR. Jangan kapok ketemu kami ya karena sekarang untuk keluarga, siapapun yang merit WO nya pasti Fior ❤️

Sukses dan bahagia selalu buat tim FIOR,
See ya next time guys. Chersss !

Super puas banget sama hasil kerjanya, seluruh timnya yg bener” handal dan super berpengalaman sehingga sangat cepat menyelesaikan semua masalah yg terjadi tiba”, sangat koordinatif dengan para vendor sehingga semua lancar, sangat profesional semua tim standby 2 jam sebelum jam dijanjikan mereka hadir!!
Semua keluarga, teman, dan vendor” sangat puas dengan pelayanan Fior!!
Thank once again FIOR (Vinnie, Neeke, Andi, Powee, Albert, Octa, dan teman” lainnya) ☺️🙏🏻

Terimakasih Banyak Fior!
super love bgt mak sama fior and team
dari awal emg uda nyari yg muda muda enerjik dan ga jaim , jd pas pertama ketemu uda sreg bgt
apalagi krn sepanjang persiapan ditengah pandemi yg bikin panik bgt mesti pending, cancel sana sini, booking lg nyari nyari lagi
tp semua dibantuin sama fior khususnya mak vinnie sama nieke
padahal kita cm pesan jasa hari h tp dibantuin banget banget jauh dr sebelumnya 🖤
pas hari h semua teamnya juga baik baik bgt bikin ketawa mulu
pdhl smua serba tegang krn pernikahan diadain di tengah psbb jakarta
tapi dari awal sampai akhir smua berjalan lancar dan super fun bgt
terimakasih banyak ya fior
we really love you!
semoga semua sukses selalu sehat selalu
Tuhan Memberkati 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Full planning, Partial planning, Other , Day of coordinator
What sort of planning do you cover?
Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Wedding styling and concept, Rehearsal dinner planning, Budget preparation, Ceremony planning
What is your primary expertise?
Religious wedding ceremony , Intimate wedding, Grand wedding, International wedding , Cultural wedding
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
whatsapp no 087876996092
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
max 1500 guests in total
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Bali, Indonesia
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
6 months for wedding coordinator on the day and 1 year for wedding planning service
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
What makes your services unique?
We always prioritize client satisfaction.
Our price is flexible that can be adjusted with your budget.
We have comprehensive partner.
We have a solid team.
We always take critics and advices from clients for the advancement of Fior.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
Down Payment 50% after confirmation, the rest should be paid 3 months before D day
When was your business established?
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
Handling Indonesian Government as VVIP Guest
Kencana Tower, Level M, Business Park Kebon Jeruk, Jl.Meruya Ilir No.88, Jakarta Barat 11620
PT. Cerita Dua Hati - FIOR - from Irish Language, meaning Authentic, Pure, Genuine. Our tagline is Memorable Moments Through Genuine Hearts. We believe our networking with many vendors can customize the client needs. Which distinguishes us from others is we can make your memorable moments through genuine hearts. Fior can be your one stop wedding solutions. We can give you inspirations in any kind of visual form or in real form, also give brainstorm that can be a real wedding concept.
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