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lalanindita Review(s)
52 Review(s), sorted by :
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Super recommended! ❤️
Dari pertama liat portfolio IG nya Ci Lala langsung sukak! Makeup nya soft & flawless. Dan ternyata bener dong aku ga salah pilih, waktu tes makeup akupun suka bgt sama hasilnya. Aku sama sekali ga ragu/deg2 an sama hasil makeup nya nanti di hari H karna tes makeup nya aja sebagus itu. And indeed I look so beautiful on the day because of your magic hand.
Super Recommended!
Ci Lala have a super magic hands for sure! Muka aku sewaktu hari H itu super kering , muncul jerawat2 kecil karena sudah mau mens, dan ada bekas alergi, tapi semuanya bisa dicover dengan baik. Sampai yang tau kondisi muka aku sebelum dimakeup takjub banget sama hasilnya. Super flawless, gak cakey, gak berat, natural banget, tahan sampai malam, padahal aku tuh di outdoor pemberkatannya, pokoknya cilala really make the better version of me! Jadi natural tapi tetep pangling, super love the results! Sukses terus Ci Lala!

To be honest, when i decide to get married the first vendor i've booked is Lala. Belum cari venue, blm cari planner, blm cari apapun. Tp uda booking MUA begitu dapet tanggal (karena takut FULL). Ga pake tetekbengek cari2 yg lain, cuz i know my skin dan jenis makeup yg cocok di mukaku ky gimana. Sblm2nya uda pernah makeup di lala dan hasilnya SELALU BAGUS. Trs stalking di ig lala jg, dan ku bercita2 fotoku terpampang nyata di hashtag #lalaninditabride wkwkwk.
5 oct 2019, last saturday was my wedding day. I WAS AMAZED by herwork, semua blg aku cantik banget, keliatan natural tp bagus. Kulitku sbnrnya bnyk masalah, ada bekas jerawat pas hari H jg aku lg ada jerawat krn lg mens tp bs disulap sm lala jd mulus glowing persis ky aku mau. Aku sbnrnya deg2an krn biasanya hari H kan hrs agak tebel gt makeupnya takut cracking krn kulitku kering, tp NOOOOOO bagus polllllll beneran ga cracking sama sekali!!!Terus jg mamaku kebetulan makeup sm lala, GILA WAKKKK BAGUS BGT. Smpe tmn2 dia smua tny makeup dmn. Tau sndiri klo uda tua kan pasti cenderung lbh susah dimakeup krn complexion muka uda banyak, tp klo sm Lala ga ush diragukan lg. Disulap jd cakepppp!!!!!! Huhuuuuu. LOVEEEE pokonya! Ga pernah nyesel dan akan selalu mempercayakan makeupku ke lala, ALWAYS choose u to be my one and only MUA. Sukses terus buat lala! Buat lah bride2 lainnya merasa sepertiku.. loveee u!🥰🥰🥰

Super clean & flawless
Thank you ci Lala for your magic hand! On my wedding day pada bilang rapi & bagus bangett both morning & night look. Ci Lala jg friendly n super baik. Setelah hapus make up pun mukaku fine2 aja padahal udah pasrah bakal jerawatan karena kulitku type oily. Thanks again ci Lala for making me look pretty on my big day ❤️

Amazing flawless makeup
Thank you Lala! I got so many compliments for the makeup. Suka banget sm makeup Lala clean natural and flawless. Highly recommended
Soft and flawless makeup
Pilih ci lala karena liat portfoliony soft makeup yang lebih cocok ke aku. Dan pas tes makeup ci lala sangat detail utk kasih makeup bdsrkn jenis muka. Bahkan untuk muka kombinasi aja dikasi serum yang beda antara berminyak dan bagian kering supaya tahan lama. Orangnya juga cantik dan ramah.. makeupnya berasa ringan banget padahal dulu takut makeup bride bakal tebel.
See u on D day cii
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Hair & Makeup
Can you service a large group or bridal party?
Yes, Mom / sis by Lalanindita makeup team
Depends on kind of occasion & customer's location
What do your beauty services offer?
Bridal make up
What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Bridal make up
How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
1-5 persons
Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
Natural, Romantic and soft, Clean, Corrective
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Are you available to do make up after hours?
How many make up retouch sessions do you offer in one wedding event?
How far in advance should your client contact you?
6-12 months
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
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