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Vidi Daniel Makeup Artist managed by Andreas Zhu Review(s)
80 Review(s), sorted by :
Latest Review
The best MUA
Having Vidi as my MUA for the biggest day of my life is one of the best decision.
Vidi orangnya baik banget, tepat waktu, dengerin request2 kita dan concern banget sama penampilan kita on the day. He make sure you are the prettiest version of yourself!
Vendor Reply
23 February 2020
Makeup for Japan Prewedding Photo
Thank you ko vidi! Bisa tau ko vidi dari rekomen avena photograph. Dikasi beberapa pilihan MUA yang open trip di japan, pas buka insta dan memilih2, aku jatuh hati sama hasil karya makeup ko vidi! Makeupnya bagussss, dan awettt sampe malem! Kokonya jg sabar sm aku yg sampe ketiduran waktu di makeup wkakakakak. Thanks ko! Even udh kelar urusan prewed, asiknya ko vidi masih keep in touch sama aku ❤️ God bless your job!

Wedding Make Up
Awalnya kenal ko vidi dari tmn deket gw yg merit duluan di bali. Make up nya bagus buangggettttt, flawless.. orgnya juga perfeksionis, sangat detail & on time.. thanks a lot ko vidi sudah menjadi part of my wedding and making me beautiful with your amazing hands.. Good luck, sukses terus yaaa

Happyyy banget dimakeup sama Vidi... walaupun pas makeup muka lg jerawatan (mungkin stresss kali yach hahaha) tapi dimakeup sama Vidi jd ngak keliatan sama sekali... makeup juga tetep keliatan bagus... dan yang paling penting hasilnya bikin panglinggg... sampe temen2 bilang beda banget... pokoknya puas banget sama hasil makeupnya... Thanks Vidi uda bikin gw cantik...
Most Understanding MUA
Awalnya aku direkomendasikan beberapa MUA waktu persiapan. Tapi pas dikasih tau ig ko Vidi dan liat hasil2 make up nya, reaksi aku langsung "Waw, ini yang aku suka". Make upnya ko Vidi soft2 n calm, ga too much.
Karena make up pas prewed sangat sukses banyak yg bilang bagus n penasaran sama MUAnya, aku jadi lebih excited lagi di hari H. Ehhh bener ajaa, aku betul2 disulap sama make upnya ko Vidi. Begitu selesai seneng banget bangettt bangetttt sama hasilnya. Salut banget sama ko Vidi, bikin aku bangga udah pilih ko Vidi.
Best part of ko Vidi, orangnya sangat on time, memperhatikan setiap detail bukan cuma make upnya, tapi juga kenyamanan aku. Perfeksionis. Sabar banget dengerin request dari aku yg begini begitu
The Magic Hand Wedding Makeup
Awal liat2 hasil portfolio ko Vidi, lalu coba contact orangnya & janjian ketemu. Ternyata humble bgt orangnya. Singkat cerita, aku langsung pilih makeup yg 2 kali karena hari Pemberkatan & Resepsi beda hari. Terus dpt free trial makeup yg aku pakai utk hari Sangjit. Hehe.. Pas Sangjit, aku suka dgn hasilnya yg cetar sesuai aku mau. Dr mulai alis yg cetar, mata yg bold dan hairdo yg ulallaa. Semuanya mantappp
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Hair & Makeup
Do you offer trials and consultations? If yes, do you charge for trial?
Can you service a large group or bridal party?
Do you offer trials and consultations? If yes, do you charge for trial?
What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
Natural, Glamour and bold, Romantic and soft
What do your beauty services offer?
Bridal make up, Hairdressing, Airbrush make up
What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Bridal make up, Airbrush make up, Hairdressing
How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
1 or 2 persons
Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Are you available to do make up after hours?
How far in advance should your client contact you?
6 - 12 prior before the wedding day
How many make up retouch sessions do you offer in one wedding event?
1 make up and hairdo in morning ceremony and 1 redo make up and hairdo in evening reception ceremony
What makes your services unique?
Authentic makeup style to do a flawless end finish look
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
30% for confirmation locking the date
20% after make up trial
50% before wedding day
When was your business established?
Vidi Daniel Makeup Artist managed by Andreas Zhu is featured in 1 Bridestory Blog articles:
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