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    Wedding Accessories
    Heart's Home by LECIEL DESIGNHeart's Home by LECIEL DESIGN
    Heart's Home by LECIEL DESIGNHeart's Home by LECIEL DESIGN
    Wedding Accessories
    One Of A Kind by LECIEL DESIGNOne Of A Kind by LECIEL DESIGN
    One Of A Kind by LECIEL DESIGNOne Of A Kind by LECIEL DESIGN
    Wedding Accessories
    A crown A story by LECIEL DESIGNA crown A story by LECIEL DESIGN
    A crown A story by LECIEL DESIGNA crown A story by LECIEL DESIGN
    Wedding Accessories
    Important Details by LECIEL DESIGNImportant Details by LECIEL DESIGN
    Important Details by LECIEL DESIGNImportant Details by LECIEL DESIGN
    Le Grandeur by LECIEL DESIGNLe Grandeur by LECIEL DESIGN
    Le Grandeur by LECIEL DESIGNLe Grandeur by LECIEL DESIGN
    Wedding Accessories
    Family First by LECIEL DESIGNFamily First by LECIEL DESIGN
    Family First by LECIEL DESIGNFamily First by LECIEL DESIGN
    Wedding Accessories
    Marie Antoniette by LECIEL DESIGNMarie Antoniette by LECIEL DESIGN
    Marie Antoniette by LECIEL DESIGNMarie Antoniette by LECIEL DESIGN

    Bantu calon pengantin membuat pilihan terbaik dengan cara mengirimkan ulasan untuk
    Vendor yang pernah bekerja sama Anda


    7 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
    Ulasan Terbaru
    Jessica Budiman
    19 Februari 2024 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Kevin & Jessica

    Loved the Headpieces!

    Mutusin untuk pake Leciel itu last minute karena awalnya kirain designer baju yang langsung pilihin hehe. Tapi dengan kondisi H-7, Leciel bener-bener bisa accommodate kebutuhan untuk headpiece aku and I really loved what we ended up choosing. Dan happy banget karena ci Silvi yang personally ketemuin kita untuk bantu consult juga. Headpieces & antingnya cantik-cantik dan sesuai dengan style aku, dan tentunya approved by both my MUA and designer. Thank you Ci Silvi & Leciel team!
    15 Februari 2019 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan William & Santa

    Best Vendor Ever !

    Menjelang hari H, sempet bingung untuk menentukan Crown yang mau dipakai. Tapi pertama kali liat crown Leciel di Bridestory Fair, langsung jatuh cinta sama model crown nya yang cantik2. Kualitasnya juga bagus banget, n tetep terlihat seperti baru. Maka dari itu, meskipun weddingnya di luar kota, kami berdua tetap menjadikan Leciel sebagai salah satu vendor pilihan kami.
    07 Januari 2019 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Eric & pritha

    Very elegant wedding accesories

    Im happy to have leciel as one of my wedding vendor for accesories.. they can custom made the accesories for us..not only the crown, i custom almost everything with them like necklace, earring, brachlete and hair accesories.. the product is so good looking and looks like real.. The owner also very kind and friendly.. thanks a lot silvy.. im so gratefull to know you in person.. overall, im satisfied with ur service and products.. Gudluck always for leciel design..
    Irene Luvita
    25 Juli 2017 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Hendra

    Love.. love.. love !!

    suka banget sama aksesoris-aksesorisnya, glamour and elegant. look like princess when I used the crown. Dan yang paling special adalah ketika mau makeup test, Le Ciel bisa mengantarkan aksesorisnya ke lokasi makeup test ^^ and I feel like princess with their services. love it !!
    Stephani Angelina
    01 Juni 2016 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Felix and Stephani - 28 May 2016

    Beautiful wedding crown and accessories

    To say that the wedding crown is beautiful is an understatement. It made me look like a princess on my wedding day. The workmanship of the crown and design is extraordinary. It completely made my day along with the beautiful earrings that sparkled through the night. Also thumbs up for the service. The crown and accessories are delivered to my doorstep and they are all properly cleaned and polished. Silvy also worked with me to choose the perfect crown that suits my dress and my face. Thanks Le Ciel for everything!
    Novita Suprapto
    20 Mei 2016 | Pengantin perempuan di Pernikahan Frans-Novita 15 Mei 2016

    all about Le Ciel

    Le Ciel dengan sentuhan yang feminin ternyata mampu menambah kesan elegant. Saya menggunakan acc smua dari Le Ciel mengingat saat acara rawan untuk menggunakan acc asli. Saya merekomendasikan Le ciel kepada calon pengantin, selain owner yg ramah dan helpfull tetapi servicenya jg ok kalian bs mencoba acc yg kalian pilih saat kalian test rambut tanpa membayar, ya itu memang service dibilang. Setelah kalian ok, acc kalian akan dipoles shg tampilannya ttp glowing dan tentu saja acc diantar ke tempat kalian :) Puas banget! Ga salah milih Le ciel :)

    Balasan Vendor

    31 Mei 2016
    Novii thank u so much dear. We are so lucky to have a client like you, God bless dear <3

    Wedding Accessories

    What kind of wedding accessories do you provide?
    Hair Accessories, Headpiece, Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, Pendants, Bracelets, Clutch and bags
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Please do schedule an appointment by contacting us at our contact number
    What services do you provide?
    Custom made
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    We deliver to cities in Indonesia
    Do you ship worldwide?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    The most ideal time for clients to contact us is after they have decided on their wedding concept and before they have their make up test.
    What makes your services unique?
    Our products are made using the finest material that is silver and gold, carefully hand crafted by skilled labour and the aid of the latest machines. The stones used in our products are Zirconia stones that gives the most sophisticated glow when it is worn on your wedding.
    How long in general does it take for your client to get the final accessories?
    The client will receive the accessories before their booked rental date.
    JL Musi no 35 Cideng Jakarta Pusat Jl Dharma Husada no 10, Surabaya 10150

    Custom Designed Wedding Accessories.

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