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Ibee Music Ulasan
17 Ulasan, disortir berdasarkan :
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Rumah Sarwono
14 September 2019
band yang atraktif
tidak pernah mengecewakan, menghibur, keren, dan sangat atraktif
aransemen yang dimainkan dapat membawa mood yang asik sehingga wedding kalian tidak membosankan

Band nya keren, bagus sekali
Ibee music keren, pemilihan lagu lagu yg dibawain jg oke, tim nya juga oke, pokoknya recommen bgt deh kl di weddingnya pake ibee music

words can't describe how happy i am (we are) with choosing Ibee music as the band for our wedding day! Pertama kali liat Ibee di instagram, terus pas dikontek eh ternyata lagi ada live performance dari one of the bands di management ibee juga pas di beerhall. we went there and instantly knew this is what we are looking for. band nya asyik banget, it's different that most wedding band we've heard before. We really enjoyed the music - especially to bring back all those memories by playing Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys dan kawan segenerasinya. Everyone enjoys the music and it's not just like a "background" wedding music, but it is a music that everyone actually danced to and have so much fun! and thanks for playing couple additional songs by demand from the guests! your music really brings out a different atmosphere to the wedding and we love it. thank you mas iyus and mba aiyu and all the team!! all the very best !

Ibee Music Kereeeeen!
Pertama tau Ibee Music waktu aku dateng ke nikahan sahabat aku di Gedung Patra Jasa. Dari situ aku kayaknya langsung ngerasa 'klik' dan langsung tanya ke sahabat aku kontaknya dan gak pake lama aku langsung kontak. Setelah itu aku cari-cari ig dan youtube untuk liat performnya. Akupun sempat lihat2 referensi band lain tapi entah kenapa hatiku udah jatuh ke Ibee Music. Supaya lebih yakin, aku minta untuk meet up ngobrolin rencana ini semua sekalian makan siang. Disana aku ketemu Mas Yusuf. Orangnya baik dan ramaaah banget. Aku sempet gak enak karena Mas Yusuf datang lebih awal dari waktu janjian. Jadi nungguin kami datang deh. Hehe. Dari situ kami diskusi panjang dari hal teknis dan non teknis. Setelah diskusi, aku dan Dhanis jadi lebih yakin sama Ibee Music. Singkat cerita tiba lah saat technical meeting dengan seluruh vendor di Sasana Kriya. Pada saat technical meeting ada hal yang kurang sesuai dengan ekspektasi kami karena Mas Yusuf sedang sakit. Kami pun sempat ragu karena informasi yang diberikan tidak seutuhnya sama dengan yang diberikan Mas Yusuf. Tapi saat hari-H, keraguan itupun hilanglanglang karena Sound System dan Music nya okeeeeeeee bgt!! Sukaaaaa!! Suaranya bagusss! Ada beberapa lagu di playlist kami yang butuh aransemen ulang oleh Ibee Music dan itu hasilnya kerennn bgt! Pokoknyaaa aku dan Dhanis suka bgt perform nya Ibee Music. Aku saranin buat temen2 yang lagi cari2 referensi untuk band di acara wedding, pilih Ibee Music ajaaaa karena performnyaaa baguss bgt dan jugaa friendly buat kantooong hehe :D Makasiiih banyak Ibee Music udah menambah warna di hari paling bahagia kami :)
Ibee Music Awesome
Pertama denger ibee music langsung cek ignya dan langsung “klik”, Ga pake pikir panjang lagi lsng contact dan dapat picnya mas iyus, enak banget diajak tuker pikiran dan kasih saran saran.
Bener aja pas hari H lagu yang dibawain keren dan yang aku request pun terpenuhi terutama pas lagu maumere semua tamu menikmati dan joget maumere bersama, yang paling keren lagi liriknya di modif dan hasilnya petjah wlpn gempor juga hehehe..
pokoknya pilihan yang tepat bisa berkerjasama dengan ibee music.. aku dan daniel sangat happy dan puas. Sukses selalu mas iyus dan ibee music team
Anda harus Masuk untuk melihat halaman ini
Entertainment (Music)
What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
Band, Orchestra, Soloist
What is the size of your musical ensemble?
three to twelve person
What music genres do you offer?
Acoustic, Big band, Funk, Jazz, Oldies, Pop, R&B/Soul, Rock
What is your speciality? (max. 3)
Acoustic, Orchestra, Big band
What services do you offer?
DJ, Ceremony music, Instrumentals, MC, Reception music
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Do you have your own equipment?
Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
Lighting, Microphones, Projector, Sound/PA system, Disco ball, Fog machine, Gobo projector
Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
Song list at least 2 weeks before D-Day
How far in advance should your client contact you?
3 months in advance that would be great, but if they must, they can contact us one month before d-day :)
What is your repertoire?
we provide a variety love song from 80's to top 40 but with the nice arrangement that fit to your wedding event
What rate do you usually charge at?
we have different packages , usually per event per day with overtime charge /hour
What is your usual attire?
smart casual attire, casual attire, costumes, basically depends on client
What makes your services unique?
our musicians is top level for the experience in show biz, we bring a fun vibe to ur wedding day :)
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
50% after the confirmation of contract, and the final delivery 50% at the wedding day
When was your business established?
our business started at 2014, but the personels are in the music business since 1998
Can you give us special price or budget friendly?
Yes off course
Fairgrounds Jakarta, SCBD Lot. 14, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 52-53, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Started with the motto "Customise your Music!", IBee Music committed to give the best all-in-one entertainment in the country, arranging unforgettable entertainment and producing custom events of it's client.
No matter the occasion, we have the right full production for your wedding, corporate function or private event and make your event a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Ibee Music is featured in 1 Bridestory Blog articles:
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