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Festiva Organizer Review(s)
8 Review(s), sorted by :
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The Best WO anyone could ask for
Nemuin Festiva pas lagi scrolling ig, bener2 ga pernah denger tentang Festiva sebelumnya, akhirnya aku minta call sama Gio dan somehow aku percaya kalo ini WO bakal handle me well, banyak banget temen/saudara yang awalnya raguin karna merekapun ga pernah denger ttg Festiva, karena basenya di Bandung. Ternyata keimpulsive-anku buat deal sm Festiva menjadi keputusan terbaikku. Gio & Shellen bener2 perhatian, gesit, dan bener2 paham yang aku mau, nilai plusnya lagi mereka bisa dicall dimanapun kapanpun, meeting sedadakan apapun diladenin. Base mereka yang di Bandung pun ga menjadi penghalang buat aku yg bertempat tinggal di jkt, dari survey venue sampe prewed jam 3subuh juga aku ditemenin. Mendekati hari H, cobaan/rintangan apapun ada aja jalan keluarnya sm mereka. Pas hari H apalagiii, untungnya mereka segesit itu dan selalu punya plan B. Pas hari H bener2 kalo lagi panik akan sesuatu setiap liat muka Gio & Shellen pokoknya aku langsung tenang. Temen2 wo yang ngedampingin aku dan keluarga juga luar biasa helpful, pengertian dan peka bgt. Pokoknya the best bgt Festiva. Kalo nikahan bisa diulang lagi, aku bakal tetep milih Festiva lagi si buat jadi WO ku.

Best service, very helpfull
Dari awal memang udah tau mau pake festiva, bukannya karena udah kenal, tapi karena beberapa kali temen2 pake mereka, dan memang terbukti acara juga smooth. Sepanjang persiapan acara dari akhir tahun 2023, mereka banyak ngebantu kita dari mulai cari venue, MC, sampai ke detail buat genset2 dan efek2 saat hari H. Mereka juga selalu nge-remind PR kita apa aja yg belum, even bantuin kita PREWED ngikut kita dari subuh cobaaa.. ya mana ada ya wedding tanpa drama, tapi mereka ngebantu banget apalagi pas hari H mereka super super helpful. Mereka juga super talkative, jaga mood kita banget pas hari H. Pokoknya luvv banget sama festiva.. pas sangjit juga as smooth as silk yaaa acaranya.. super happy dan enjoy menjalani wedding preparation journey sama ci gio & shellen ! Kalu ditanya bakal rekomen mereka ga ? PASTIII ! jadi jangan ragu buat pilih mereka sebagai vendor kalian yaa.. aku juga bakal sll rekomen mereka buat temen2 yang mau persiapan wedding. See you in another occasion ci gio & shellen ! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

I had a wedding in Bali and an engagement in Bandung my hometown two weeks ago and Thanks to Gio and Shellen for everything. They help us through all the planning because i live in Australia for the past year and even the big day! Its so easy and fun to communicate with them and they also can provide the best vendor sugestions that could fill all your needs!! Not a single regrets choosing Festiva as our wedding planner!! Thank you so much Gio and Shellen for making our big day a memorable and an unforgetable one!!! 🤍🤍🤍 Lovely having you guys as one of our vendors!!

Best Decision in our Wedding!!
Words cant describe how grateful we are to have found festiva as our wedding organizer! Ci Gio & Ci Shellen yang selalu gercep setiap saat, selalu siap d tanya ini itu, digangguin malem2, dan kasih reminder2 buat kita mulai dari persiapan sangjit sampe wedding❤️ Bahkan di hari H pun banyak keluarga yang bilang \itu WO nya siapa? bangus banget sat set sat set\. Berkat festiva, on the day aku sama enrico bisa bener2 fokus buat enjoy the moment tanpa harus pikirin apa2.. semua udah diatur sama tim festiva pokoknya, and for us, our W-day is pretty much perfect ❤️❤️ Festiva will always have a special place in our hearts 💕🫰 \n\nFor all the grooms and brides to be, ga usah ragu lagi sama festiva! We have had the privilege to have such wonderful wedding with them, now its your turn!

Thank you so much Festiva team for having such a sincerely, kind-hearted team during the D-day of our wedding, all my family and guests were amazed by your fast service yet warm-hearted team. Bravo untuk Ci Gio and Shellen, you guys really nailed it. All the best for Festiva Team, may we cross path in the future!
Vendor Reply
12 September 2023
thank youuuu Diar Mariaaa 🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼 hope we cross path soon!!!

Couldnt thank Festiva enough for their huge role in our wedding preparation!! Dari awal deal dgn Festiva waktu masih monthsss away dari wedding kita, tapi Ci Shellen & Gio slalu active dlm reminding checklist2 yg harus diprepare & zoom call untuk review progress udah sampe mana aja.
Nearing the wedding, aku makin panik n rempong krn mendadak ada rule2 PPKM baru, tp Festiva ttp bisa accommodate apapun itu mau kita (meskipun kdg mendadak dangdut) dan fast response bgttt. sampai akhirnya wedding kita bisa berjalan dgn super muluuusss!! Gak kebayang kl gak ada Ci Shellen & Gio yg bantuin semuanya :”)
Crew on the day juga super helpfulll and ramah, jd D-Day aku udah gak mikirin/ribetin apa2 samsek.
Stelah wedding aku& suami skrg malah jd kehilangan krn udah ga ada lg chat2 urusan wedding/reminder checklist.
Thankyouuu Festiva Organizer for making my dream wedding come true!
Vendor Reply
18 February 2022
huaaa thank youu soo soo much 😭😍😍 pengantin super baik walau situasi sedang sulit tapi tetep dikasih semua bisa berjalan dengan baik 🥺🥺 really made my day guys 😘
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Wedding Planning
What service do you provide?
Full planning, Day of coordinator
What sort of planning do you cover?
Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Rehearsal dinner planning, Wedding styling and concept, Ceremony planning, Budget preparation
What is your primary expertise?
Intimate wedding, Grand wedding
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
We always available for you for consultation, please feel free to ask because it's your wedding day and it's a big deal so you may consider every single detail about it :)
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
15 - 1000 guests
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
3 - 12 months before your wedding day.
What is your payment terms?
30% when confirmation of contract, 70% one week before your wedding day.
Can we use you only as our organizer?
Yes you can, but we also need to know every detail that you already prepare so we can give our best to organize your wedding day!
How much if we only need you as our organizer on wedding day?
Negotiable based on your event and amount of your guests.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
We provide service in other cities. Pricelist exclude accomodation fee.
Taman Milenium 40173
Wedding Planner and Organizer, based in Bandung, Jakarta, and Indonesia (chat us for any inquiries).
Let us help you to make your wedding dreams comes true!
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