Are you looking for the perfect wedding dress? Or thinking of mixing some colors but weren’t sure of which color suits which? Or are you exploring options for honeymoon places to feed your adventurous soul? Find all the inspiration and ideas you need here!
Due to the nature of her job as a radio deejay, Lin Pei Fen placed more emphasis on the entertainment value of her wedding rather than décor. To keep the crowd enthralled, she got acoustic duo Jack and Rai to perform a repertoire of contemporary love songs.
If you love to have tea parties as a little girl, then today's Bridespiration will certainly be your cup of tea. It's all about the beautiful pastel colors, floral patterns, and a somewhat shabby feel that brings a calming atmosphere about the wedding. So grab yourself a cup of tea and read on.
Preparing the wedding toast can be a distressing time for many who have never raised their glasses in front of hundreds of people, or are unable to put pen to paper. Hector Tan, vice president of public relations from the Toastmasters Club of Singapore, dishes out practical tips to put your wedding toast together, while avoiding any major faux pas.
What's the point of planning a perfect wedding, if the one who's not having the best time is you? It is your special day, so don't let the hectic and stressful preparation carry the excitement away.
For a taste of Creole cuisine and Seychellois hospitality, not to mention never-ending brilliant blue waters of the Indian Ocean, head to Praslin (Prah-lane), the second largest island in Seychelles with a land mass of only 38sq km (just a little smaller than Singapore) and a mere population of 5,000.
Everyone will want the best for their own wedding, and planning for your flower decorations can be a headache too! Here are some useful tips for those of you who have no experience with flowers.
Don't be a typical Singaporean and opt for the safe and convenient wedding, take your wedding a notch up and make it a special day for you and your loved ones to share. Here are some ideas to make your wedding extraordinary!