Be prepared for the celebration of incredibly amazing people that have been under the spotlight for quite some time. Check these out to find out how they tone up their big days.
This stunning soiree at the Sanctus, Uluwatu – comes with a style, especially it comes to the wedding of the gorgeous Indonesian actress, Intan Ayu with he love of her life, Olaf Bayu. See their stunning pictures in our gallery!
If you have the right ambiance plus a talented photographer like Diera Bachir, you have beautiful pre-wedding sessions. And if you add the gorgeous and talented Indonesian model, Olla Ramlan with the love of her life, in the picture, it would be the remarkable one. Browse through our gallery and soak in the beauty.
What's better than capturing your love story while going on an adventure while you're at it? It's the perfect opportunity to create memorable moments.