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    AVIARY Bintaro Review(s)

    6 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    puteri rawiwulan
    04 December 2019 | Bride at Puteri & Zaki Wedding

    Excellent Service!

    Buat pasangan yg sibuk bgt, ga ada waktu buat cari-cari vendor dan mau cari venue indoor dan outdoor sekaligus, just take aviary wedding package! What a best deal wedding package! tempatnya bagus, lokasinya strategis dan wedding packagenya komplit bgt (decor, documentation, entertainment, catering, MC, free 5 rooms). Bener2 tinggal urus printilan kecil kayak souvenir, attire, invitation dan WO pas hari H (if necessary). Vendor2 yg kerjasama sama aviary juga kualitasnya OKE BGT dan MAKANANNYA ENAK! I don't use WO karna Mas Tino THE BEST BGT! bener-bener ngurusin wedding aku dari A-Z. Dari sebelum hari H sampe acara kelar sekelar-kelarnya. And turns out, I got lots of compliment dari tamu-tamu yg hadir. Thank you so much Aviary, especially Mas Tino for making my wedding dream come true! I highly recommend this venue for sure! what an excellent service and the best deal wedding package!
    Naddya Medina
    08 July 2019 | Bride at Naddya & Elmi Wedding

    Amazing Service!

    Kita pakai phoenix room untuk acara engagement kita. To be honest memang ballroom dan outdoor area nya sudah bagus dengan sendirinya, apalagi ditambah dengan dekorasi yang mendukung. Service nya benar-benar baik, semua staff mengakomodasi kebutuhan kita secara keseluruhan, dari kebutuhan kamar, sampai tempat parkir. Special thanks to Mas Tino yang bener2 sabar bantu dari awal sampai acara selesai!
    yossita nancy
    17 October 2018 | Bride at Giovanni & Nancy Wedding

    good job!

    semua elemen yg mendukung terlaksananya acara kami sangat bekerja dengan baik, dari WO yg sangat care dengan pengantin dan keluarga dan bekerja dengan bagus, dekor yang simpel tapi terlihat begitu mewah, makanan hampir semua tamu bilang “enak bgt makanannya” fotografer yg bener2 bisa ambil momennya, bandnya yg bisa memeriahkan acaranya dg pemilihan lagu, MCnya yang rameeeee abis jd gak garingggg acaranya dan suasananya pas, venue bagusss bgttt (dr pertama lihat dah suka bgt) dan kamarnya yg enak bgt buat keluarga besar ataupun cm berdua sama pasangan. tapi kurangnya emg lahan parkir sih, jadi susah untuk tamu parkir keluarga aja susah parkirnya, but keamanan good! terutama untuk bagian wedding mas Tino yanggg siap siaga di recokin sana sini, kamu the best mas! terimakasih untuk kerja keras semua pihakkkk! ps : saya ambil semua paket dari aviary, jadi saya terima beres
    Elmiko Sarirahmadhoni
    06 June 2018 | Bride at Oni&Adit Wedding

    excellent service

    Seneng banged sama service dari Tino waktu kita bikin acara wedding di Aviary. Sabar banged ngadepin kita sebagai client, hahahah. Alhamdulillah semua dilancarkan. Dari mulai booking tanggal dadakan ternyata Aviary masih available, dan drama-drama lain menjelang wedding. Tempatnya juga kekinian, lokasinya strategis, makanannya juga enak. Kendala parkir juga dibantu oleh internal tim Aviary.
    04 June 2018 | Client at Revel Wedding

    Amazing Wedding

    When my brother said he want to get married at AVIARY, we dont have any doubt that we can get an amazing event. The food was amazing, most of our guest is really satisfied during the event, Thank you for giving us a memorable events in our life :)

    Vendor Reply

    04 June 2018
    Dear Mr. Revel It was a pleasure to hear great news from you, looking forward to see you again at our hotel. Thank you
    Maeera Decoration
    04 June 2018 | Partnering Vendor at Maeera Decoration Wedding

    Aviary Hotel

    Aviary Is a Unique Hotel that has there comfort. For those of you who Love Nature And shades of greeny, Aviary hotel Is definitely can be The number one choice to serve as a venue for various of events. The food presentation And taste are very good The employees are very good to work with. It’s been our pleasure to be part of Aviary Hotel

    Vendor Reply

    04 June 2018
    Dear Maeera Thank you for your review, and will looking forward to do more corporation in a future :)


    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    Religious ceremony,  Reception, Lamaran
    What settings does your venue provide?
    Outdoor covered, Indoor
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Hotel,  Garden, Banquet hall/ ballroom,  Restaurant,  Pool
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Local,  International Cuisine
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation, Decoration,  Entertainment,  Photography,  Videography,  Wedding Cake
    Is there handicap access?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    Minimum 100 Persons, maximum 700 persons
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    with corkage fee
    Is there any corkage fee?
    Do you offer valet parking?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    What is your payment terms?
    Booking Fee Rp. 5.000.000,- when signing the confirmation letter (non-refundable) DP 50% when decide to do test food Total Settlement 100% when we do the technical meeting 1- 2 weeks before the D day
    Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya Blok B7 No D3-3A Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7 Tangerang Selatan 15224, Indonesia 15224

    AVIARY Bintaro offers a rarity of experience for those who constantly find themselves on the move. Each detail sets the tone of modern living delivering thoughtful design reflected through architectural marvel, natural splendor, and high-style comfort. For business and function purpose there is also an event and meeting room facilities and a high ceiling represented by the names of some extraordinary Indonesian birds

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