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    Wellman Jewelry Review(s)

    6 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    01 August 2023 | Bride at Fauzi & Ryanna Wedding

    Tempat beli cincin pernikahan yang worth it

    Store nya bagus, model cincinnya beragam dan bagus-bagus, harga bisa menyesuaikan budget, worth pokoknya beli cincin untuk pernikahan atau engagement di sini, pelayanan juga oke
    31 July 2023 | Client at Ega & Haruto Wedding

    Tempat beli wedding Ring yang sangat tepat

    Saya sangat suka dengan harga promo yang sangat terjangkau, tidak bosan untuk merekomendasikan tempat ini untuk beli wedding ring impian dengan harga dan barang berkualitas.
    Shierly Tanujaya
    31 July 2023 | Bride at Vincent Wedding

    Diamond Wedding Ring

    bagus bangeeett ga beda dari display , diamondnya juga bagus , GIA certified dan harganya paling oke kata saya . thank youu
    Christine Arianty
    30 March 2016 | Friends Of Couple at Friends Wedding

    Very recommended

    Mesen cincin di Wellman emang paling pas! Pertama2 kita di sambut sama pelayanan yg ramah, terus kita di ksh informasi tuh tentang produk Wellman itu sendiri nah dari situ mulailah ngobrol soal kebutuhan kita apa. Mereka yang melayani ksh info nya itu komplit banget! Setelah deal nihh,kita bakal di follow up. Dan hasilnya memuaskan!
    Kenyo Aria
    19 January 2016 | Bride at Kenyo Wedding

    Thank you Wellman Jewelry

    Very Recommend, untuk cincin berbahan pure white gold benar2 tidak kembali menguning, selain bisa custom, tersedia juga cincin yg tidak mengandung emas (untuk muslim), diamond with Quality Control, Harga Terjangkau Kualitas terjamin !!
    19 January 2016 | Bride at Mrs priscilla Wedding

    Wedding ring

    Bikin wedding ring di wellman cepat tepat memuaskan.. Hargaa sesuai barang

    Vendor Reply

    19 January 2016
    Thx dear


    What kind of jewelry do you offer?
    Wedding bands/ rings,  Engagement rings,  Bracelets,  Earrings,  Necklaces
    Do you provide catalog or custom jewelry?
    Custom-made ,  Catalog/ off-the-shelf ,  Designer-jewelry
    Do you offer a payment plan?
    cash and 6 months instalment
    Do you provide after sales services?
    For rings, do you have size adjustment services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    Do you ship worldwide?
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    most ideal time is 2 months before wedding day
    What makes your product and services unique?
    our line jewellery is quality control by certified gemologist and the pure white gold is forever white (will not fade to yellowish hue(
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    50 % at first order and the rest at pick up time
    When was your business established?
    our business established at 1989
    Do you provide certification (i.e GIA)?
    Gardujati 25 40181 Bandung West Java 40181

    Although Wellman Jewelry had run through the 3rd generation, we believe that being born in this business doesnt make us automatically an expert. Attending plenty of workshops, seminars, and mentoring from our seniors and getting through professional education at GIA makes us stand out from others. Vincent understood the importance of that process, so he took long term mentorship, from his f

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