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VOI&VOX Photography Review(s)
37 Review(s), sorted by :
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Thanks to you the memorable was beautifully printed
After searching from countless of photographers, through fair and browsing, we came across V&V. Met with Flo and Denny who are quite young but somehow we felt like the chemistry is there. Finally when D-Day comes, we met Chris and Grace in person. I really wanna say thanks to them, they treat their clients genuinely like their own friends, helping us from A to Z, cracking some jokes when our mood were low. We also like how they groom us and how the shots looks, its warm and fun at the same time. Thank you Voi & Vox team. Although i had to smile til my mouth dropped, worth it!!

Baru kelar prewed bbrp waktu lalu sama Voi dan review yg di bawah ini benerrrrrrr banget! Baru tau kalo prewed itu capek dan ribetnya setengah mati, tapi tertolong karena dibantuin urus dengan detail dari referensi, konsep, style, mood board, lokasi, waktu, jadwal, props, dan lainnya
Yang ketemuan dengan tim dan fotografer juga membantu banget, untuk prewed ini ada ketemu beberapa kali sama fotografernya, sebenarnya ga 100% ngomongin prewed tapi ngobrol2 juga sich, cuma kerasanya pas hari prewednya kayak udah enak aja gitu ga risih dan kaku pas difoto
Dan yang di bawah ini mention soal editan juga bener banget hahahaha. Memang foto bagus itu perlu effort sich ga bisa andalin editan, karena kalo ga bakal fake . Tapi tenang aja yang kecil2 kayak bekas jerawat atau ada sampah di jalanan dieditin kok hahaha
Output gw so far ga ada masalah, semingguan abis prewed udah langsung dikirimin seluruh file aslinya, terus gw yang ngaret karena milihnya lama (hahaha), tapi abis itu kasih pilihan editan dan tepat waktu kok ini udah di gw lagi editannya, tinggal pilih yang buat cetak2 aja
Thanks ya VOI&VOX! Buat kerja sama dan kerja kerasnya yang super, termasuk super di bangunin kita yang males bangun buat ngejer sunrise.... Hahahahaha. Sukses selalu!!!

Great job!
Keren banget! Awalnya jujur saya sempet g mau deal karena pas liat portonya saya merasa fotonya g terlihat di edit.
Tp setelah ketemu dan ngobrol dengan Denny, inget banget Denny bilang kl mrk mau foto itu bagus karena memang bagus, harus didukung momen yg bagus, baru hasilnya bisa bagus, bukan krn di edit.
G semua orang bisa terima dan suka sama ini sih, tp setelah saya discuss dgn pasangan, memang bener juga yg mrk bilang. Foto bagus itu perlu effort juga, krn g semua bisa diselesaikan dgn edit. Dan berkat mrk, saya dan pasangan jd lebih serius dlm mempersiapkan semua nya.
Jujur seru dan kaget jg sih karena mrk detil banget. Sampai di kasih saran untuk pilih vendor yg ok, dll, karena bakal ngaruh ke foto. Kita di kasih liat project yg mrk suka banget dan mrk bilang itu bagus karena planning seluruh wedding nya juga bagus.
Enlightening dan seru, anak anak nya juga open dan asik diajak ngobrol.
Dan mrk pngen foto itu bisa timeless dan enak dilihat. Maka nya mrk pengen nya setelah di edit pun natural. Kita diajak musti kenalan sama tim nya, dan terbukti banget pas hari H sih. Enak banget suasana nya dan g berasa kl lagi di foto, tp pas liat hasilnya keren banget. Semua serba banget pokok nya deh.
Saya termasuk pasangan yg kena kebagian output nya telat krn 1 dan lain hal. Tp saya rasa dimana pun semua vendor pasti ada yg seperti ini, dan alasan mereka jg reasonable. Krn kita udh ngobrol kayak temen jadi udah nyambung dan sama sama enak sih. Kita jg g buru-buru perlu output nya.
Tp yg perlu saya highlight adalah mereka g sungkan minta maaf, tetep kerjain semaksimal mungkin, g ilang kl dicari-cari & tetap fast response (appreciate this), g ngomel pas kita tanya dan tetep manut aja kl kita mau ada revisi even sampai hal yg g penting mrk tetep kerjain.
Yg saya suka jg mrk g hanya iya iya aja, tp Flo dan Denny jg perfeksionis dan idealis. Jd kl kita minta sesuatu dan menurut mrk g bagus, mrk akan bilang dan kasih saran bagus nya gmn. Tim nya kooperatif, g mikirin hasil dan uang nya aja (jujur ini berasa sekali), tp mikirin klien sekali.
Flo detil bgt utk apapun, ditanya apa jg selalu jawab, jelasin lengkap banget dan jujur banget. Percaya g percaya, cewe saya konsultasi wedding dress nya malah sm dia krn mrk ngobrol nyambung, dan dia hepi hepi aja bantuin kasih pendapat.
Overall hepi banget sama performa Voi & Vox. Tim hari h juga seru, g ada cape nya dan hands on bantuin macem2. Becanda nya juga kocak bgt, wedding day kita fun bgt pokok nya deh.
Thx ya Voi & Vox, terutama Denny & Flo. Dan thx yg sebesar besar nya jg utk tim. Review ini g bisa mencakup semua rasa terima kasih kita tapi semoga bisa membantu Voi & Vox dan calon klien ke depan nya.

dear VOI&VOX, thank you so much for the epic work!!! love the SDE so much, tamu-tamu dan keluarga juga suka banget sama hasilnya. thank you for capturing the moment perfectly! bener-bener lebih dari yang kita pengen dan somehow kalian bisa nangkep apa yang kita suka tanpa kita bilang :'''''') terharu sangat. untuk foto-foto juga epic bangettttt, ini masih bingung pilih-pilihnya karena semuanya udah bagus-bagus bahkan sebelum diedit :'(

prewed & wedding
prewed & wedding keduanya dengan voi&vox. luar biasa sekali koordinasinya. flo hands on sekali dan langsung bantu untuk moodboard dan juga pemilihan baju, model rambut, dan lain lainnya. denny juga sangat membantu dalam mengarahkan style foto dan ice breaking dengan fotografernya. overall oke banget, ga nyangka kalau prewed selelah itu tapi terbayarkan sama hasilnya.
wedding juga lancar banget, team video dan fotonya kompak dan lucu banget sampai cami yang biasanya kaku depan kamera bisa ketawa. ortu juga senang sama hasilnya waktu dikasih ngintip dari kamera. semua moment terdokumentasikan dengan baik. sangat worth the price. udah dikirimin juga editan dan layout albumnya. suka sekali, gak sabar untuk pajang di rumah kanvasnya.
sukses terus ya

For our marriage, Floriani fulfilled all our wishes and even more by taking photographs and film sequences. We were astonished about the absolute splendid photographs and films she did. With her professional eye for catching joyful, beautiful and extraordinary spontaneous moments, her sense for architectural space, natural light and color effects she has the talent of an excellent photographer. She managed to capture moments we loved deeply but even did not realize consciously before we saw her pictures. She knows the art of catching the beautiful and authentic moments of life, instead of too much artificial alienation. We appreciated also her outstanding personality – impeccable work, punctual, discreet, very friendly, moderate price for great artistic work. We will not hesitate to ask her to take photographs of our most important events. We thank her for all her efforts and wish that her talent as photographer will soon become widely known.
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What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Prints, Proof CD of all images, Custom album design
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Journalism, Portraiture, Cultural, Candid, Artistic, Natural, Classic, Black and White, Conceptual, Destinations
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Journalism, Artistic, Natural
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Engagement shoot, Holiday shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Engagement shoot
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
(with additional fees when needed)
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
(cinematic videography)
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
(we will give all the digital photo files, both raw files and edited files)
Are you available to shoot after hours?
(with advance agreement)
What rate do you usually charge at?
We charge per package, but if clients need extra day, we will give additional fee.
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
Clients usually get the proof ready for review 7 calendar days after the event date.
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
Depending on the client. The sooner they give us the feedback, the sooner also we can process the products. Clients usually get all of the final products within 3 months.
How far in advance should your client contact you?
The most ideal and convenient time for a client to contact us would be 6 months, or the very latest 3 months prior to the event. Clients can still contact us anytime less than 3 months before the event date, however, our availability might be limited.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
50% --- 14 calendar days after confirmation of contract to secure the date, remaining 50% --- 14 calendar days before the event/D-day.
When was your business established?
We started VOI&VOX Photography in 2011.
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
Usually our clients provide our meal. The important thing for us is not the meal or the break, but mutual convenience for both clients and our photographers. We do not require much, but we are very concerned in having conducive circumstances for the photo shoot that we believe will result great photographs.
Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng 11750
"Visualizing Yours"
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