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Valentine Wedding Decoration Review(s)
132 Review(s), sorted by :
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Dream decoration came to live!
One of the best decision I made during the whole wedding planning process was to choose Valentine as my wedding decoration vendor. Dari awal liat portfolio mereka udah suka, decor rapi, tone, color palette & konsep nya keliatan tertata banget. Tbh aku ga ada consider vendor decor yg lain karena WO aku was so sure that Id be happy with Valentines service.
First meeting mereka dengerin aku pingin nya apa, kaya ngobrol2 biasa santai bgt enak diajak ngobrol, bisa bantu ngarahin juga dgn input & suggestions karena pasti mereka lebih experienced di bidang ini dari pada aku. Setelah itu they came up with this big idea, sesuai dengan konsep & details yg aku pingin tapi dibuat yg lebih nyaman utk guests & budget friendly juga. On the day, I kept saying OMG the decor is so pretty! Jauh lebih bagus dari render, way beyond my expectation.
If youre looking for a decor vendor, dont think twice! Tim mereka baik bgt, super detailed (dibuatin mockup, se napkin2 nya kita bisa pilih), yang penting ga mengintimidasi client jadi kita bisa sampe in apa pun yg ada di pikiran tanpa sungkan ato takut dijutekin heheheh. Thank you so much Yoma, Dio, and team. Wouldnt have my wedding decor any other way!

Everything we wished for and more
We COULD NOT BE HAPPIER with our wedding decoration.
Dari pertama kali meeting sama Marshall dari Valentine, we both knew Marshall has this concept in mind yang sangat cocok dengan the concept we have in ours. Although we want to keep it lowkey and simple karena it was a Bali wedding, I was being very particular on my requests - more orchids, no roses, no solid backdrops, no photos printed on sheer cloths. Valentine delivered everything perfectly.
The discussions we had was not as smooth, as I was living abroad with 12 hour time difference. Tapi akhirnya kita serahin semua ke Valentine dan hanya berharap semua akan jadi yang terbaik. Even sampe h-2 kita bener-bener pasrah gatau eksekusi konsep akan seperti apa.
Sampe h-1, kita mulai ngintip2 decor di venue, barulah kita yakin semua portfolio foto Valentine di instagram itu ga ada apa2nya dibanding real lifenya.
Pas D-day - kita cuma bisa bilang oh my god, this is so much more beyond our expectation. Marshall and team went above and beyond to make sure everything is perfect. Beneran semuanya melebihi ekspektasi, team Valentine banyak ngasih add-ons hari H karena mereka rasa decor akan lebih cantik kalau ditambah.
Masih ga bisa move on dari decor wedding, walaupun udah 4 bulan lewat kita enjoy the decor.
Thank you so much for the beautiful work and patience, ko Marshall and Valentine team.
Thanks Valentine for decorating #ANDYFELinlove perfectly!
Kalo kita harus describe Valentine dalam 2 kata, that would be BEYOND EXPECTATION.
Saat awal persiapan pernikahan, kami ngobrol dan presentasi konsep ke beberapa vendor. Pada waktu itu, ko Yoma hanya banyak mendengar dan mencatat ide kami, tanpa banyak memberikan tanggapan. Aku kira, karena beliau lagi sibuk mikirin meeting setelah kami. Tapi, saat melihat semua proposal vendor decor, kami kaget tim Valentine yang awalnya ga banyak komen, tapi mereka lah yang paling bisa ngerti keinginan kami, dan bahkan nambahin banyak details yang sesuai dengan tema tapi di luar imajinasi kami. Di saat itu kami langsung memilih Valentine, tanpa ragu.
Setelah itu, di dalam proses persiapannya, sebenarnya Valentine ga terlalu sering update dan hanya memberikan gambar 2D. Jujur saat itu sempat was-was, karena rasa-rasanya vendor decor ini salah satu vendor yang paling besar biayanya, tapi at the same time, yang paling kita ga tau progresnya. Namun, kami diyakinkan oleh WO TestimO bahwa prosesnya memang seperti ini dan Valentine sangat bisa dipercaya.
Sampai di hari H, ternyata semua yang digambarkan benar-benar diwujudkan secara nyata, dan bahkan jauh melebihi ekspektasi kami. Setiap detail yang kami minta dan tidak kami minta, tidak luput dari pekerjaan ko Yoma dan tim Valentine. Setelah acara, banyak tamu kami yang memuji bunga fresh yang ada di meja undangan, serta buah-buah unik yang menjadi dekorasi meja.
Kami bersyukur untuk tetap percaya dan tidak meragukan tim Valentine. Ibarat pepatah, mereka ini sungguh diam diam menghanyutkan. Thanks ya ko Yoma dan tim Valentine yang udah mewujudkan dream wedding kami, hopefully we can cross path again some time in the future. Best of luck!

Puas dan sukaaa banget sama dekornya Valentine! 💕
Hasilnya melebihi ekspektasi! Bagusss banget, sesuai sama yg kita mau, warna dan desainnya elegan dan super cantik.
Kita banyak request ini itu tapi ka Dio sabarrr banget 😄
Thank you so much Valentine! 🤍🤍🤍 LOVE BANGET

BIG THANKS buat Valentine Wedding Decoration!
Bener2 puas banget pake Valentine!
Dari awal pertama ketemu, ngomongin konsep sampe hari H bener2 puas, mereka enak buat diajak diskusi dan mereka bisa ngerti banget sama apa yang kita mau!
Bahkan mereka ngasih saran2 supaya lbh bagus,
Pas hari H super seneng dan puas banget ternyata hasil akhirnya jauhhhh lebih bagus dari gambarannya!
Buat kue weddingnya juga super puas dan bagus bangett!! Decor dari kuenya sendiri disesuaikan sama decor wedding jadi super match ❤️
Thankyou so much VALENTINE! sukses selalu!

Exceptional Wedding Decoration. Beyond Expectations!
From the moment we saw Valentine Decor's portfolio, we instantly fell in love with their work. We only gave them a rough idea of what we liked and trusted them with the rest. They showed us a preview of the design, and when we saw the actual setup on our wedding day—WOW! It was beyond our expectations!
Every detail was beautifully executed, creating the perfect atmosphere for our special day. Their professionalism, creativity, and attention to detail truly made our wedding unforgettable. If you're looking for a decorator who can turn your dream wedding into reality, Valentine Decor is the one. Highly recommended!
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Decoration & Lighting
Which of the following services do you provide?
Event décor, Event lighting, Floral design, Event Cake
Do you offer consultations?
For fast respond +628170257257
Do you provide sample arrangements?
Get contact via whatsapp +628170257257
Minimum and maximum number of guests
250 person
What is the style of your decorations?
Classic, Glamorous, Modern, Romantic, Rustic, Vintage
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
Yes in java only
What supporting equipment do you provide?
Chairs, Chair covers, Tables, Tablecloths and linens, Tableware, Centerpieces, Room or ceiling draping, Lighting, Stage or dance floor
Do you offer delivery, set up, and breakdown services?
What makes your services unique?
We give you more added value in our decoration and we are very flexible with the price! We give you another look for unique wedding decoration and wedding cake. We give you an exquisite look for all of our decoration
How far in advance should your client contact you?
2 months-1year in advance
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What is your payment terms?
30% down payment and rest 3days before D-day
When was your business established?
If you have not worked at the ceremony or reception sites previously, would you be willing to visit the sites before the event?
before the 1st meeting
Do you provide sample arrangements?
Jl. Holis No.257Caringin, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40212 40212
Uncover your true wish with us! On every service we provide, you will experience service that thoughtfully designed to bring out very characteristic of you. We offer best selection of services that help you to make your exceptional and personal wedding day come true so it shall become nostalgic reminiscence.
Valentine Wedding Decoration is featured in 3 Bridestory Blog articles:
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