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Tommy Pancamurti Review(s)
56 Review(s), sorted by :
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Dear Ko Tommy dan Ko Fendi,
thankyou so much 🥹❤️
aku ngelilingin 20 vendor wedding dress dan waktu coba fitting ke ko tommy.. gabisa move on 🥹🙏🏻 walaupun jujur awalnya diluar budget yang aku tentuin buat wedding dress, tapi aku bisa bilang, memilih ko tommy sebagai vendor wedding dress aku itu salah satu investment terbaik aku di weddingku 🥹❤️
cuttingannya perfect! ballgown nya pakai petticoat tapi waktu aku jalan, waktu aku dance, aku suka banget dressnya ga “ngejiplak” bentuk petticoat ..
aku pun tetep bisa jalan di “karpet” dengan enak walaupun pas cobain dibilang kalo kayaknya agak susah kalo jalanannya bukan melaminto.. tapi pas hari H, enak banget buat jalan walaupun di karpet
oh iya, ko fendi dan ko tommy juga pinter milihin vibes baju sesuai vibes kita orangnya kayak gimana hehe 😍
pokoknya the best buat ko Tommy dan ko Fendi!
paling yang perlu di improve adalah waktu hari H, fitter yang dateng kurang bisa pakaiin dress nya secara rapih.. waktu hari H pas awal pemasangan dressnya agak miring, tapi untungnya WO dan MUA ku sadar, jadi bisa minta dibetulin ..
dan kemarin kejadian di aku, tiba” dressnya aku kebesaran (kayaknya karena aku tiba tiba beratnya turun) , mungkin boleh dibantu disiapkan beberapa solusi ke fitternya kalo kejadian “baju tiba tiba kebesaran sehingga agak melorot” terjadi lagi ya ko 🥰🙏🏻
once again, thankyou so muchhh! 🥹❤️ tapi overall aku, suami, dan keluarga SANGAT PUAS ❤️ ga abis pujian dressnya bagus hehehe

Hi Ko Tommy dan Ko Fendi, words can't express how honoured and grateful I am to have had a chance to wear your creations on my big day. thank you for being so considerate and helpful dari awal sampai akhir, yg sdh mau sabar2 adjust dress aku krn weightloss yg ekstrim, sampai final nya benar2 pas badan dan SHAPING nya juara (masih ga ngerti trick rahasia shaping nya🤣) !! benar2 nyatu sama badan aku dan super duper nyaman, ga menyiksa, dan betah dipakai terus sampai pulang hotel 🥰 paling kagum sama kinerja Ko Tommy dan Ko Fendi yg super cekatan dan efektif, jadi buat aku yg dari luar kota ga perlu bolak balik ke Jakarta, dan waktu hari H super care sama aku sampai selesai teapai tiba2 didatangin untuk final check lagi. Untuk model selalu mau yg clean look simple elegant and all white, dan Ko Tommy Ko Fendi executed it really2 well, yang aku sadar betul butuh intricate work and effort lebih tapi dari awal sdh percaya banget hanya Ko Tommy dn Ko Fendi yang bisa👏🏻 final result benar2 BEYOND EXPECTATION AND MINDBLOWING! 🤍✨ for all bride to be please please make an appointment first with them, and youll see for yourself and I promise you, this journey will all be worth it if you choose Ko Tommy and Ko Fendi🤍 thank you so much Koko for making my one and only wedding dress which I only wore it once in my life, became so memorable and exceptional, thank you for all the innovative ideas which upgraded my request and vision and made the dress became most talked and impressed all my guests. all the best for Ko Tommy Ko Fendi! God bless you🤍

So much love for the wedding gown
Ko Tommy & Ko Fendi. Thank you so so so much for the wedding gown! Baju nya super nyaman and it made me feel so beautiful!
Dari awal proses design sampe jadi even sampe hari H, gak ada yg mengecewakan. Bener2 percayain ke ke Tommy & Fendi and it turned out really gorgeous. Both koko jg sangat2 friendly and accommodating ❤️❤️
Gak nyesel pake Ko Tommy & Ko Fendi.Jujur gak relaaa balikkin gown nyaaaa 🥲
Thank you so much koooo & sukses terus 🥰🥰🥰

Our wedding experience with Tommy
Kooo thankyou so much ya to both ko Vendick and ko Tommy 🥹🙏🏻 aku puas bgt sama wedding dressnyaaa, both looks are so gorgeous and everyone keeps telling how perfect the dress looks on me and i owe it to you both 🥰 aku bakalan sllu recommend kalian ke my friends and acquitances and families!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

Amazing wedding gown
The beautiful gown that i’ve ever wear.
Such a blessing bisa memakai karya Ko Tommy Pancamurti. Gown nya superb elegant, cantik , terlebih nyaman dipakai itu jg penting krn bride akan pakai seharian.. Paling sedih kl liat bride uda cantik2 tp jalannya susah 🥲 tapi gown Ko Tommy dan Ko Fendi they have both. Beauty and comfortable. Ko Fendi jg sgt komunikatif, dan ramah bgt, kasih banyak masukan, referensi sepatu, hair semuanya lah! Terbaik Ko Tommy dan Ko Fendi 🫶🫶 best decision ever choose them for your wedding gown!

Best decision ever!
Udah keliling ke beberapa vendor wedding gown, tapi waktu cobain fittingan ko Tommy langsung decide mau percayain wedding dress aku ke ko Tommy..
Dari awal udah dibantu banget sama ko Fendi waktu tanya2 lewat chat, visit pertama dan dibantu pilihin beberapa options dress yang ada.
Terus lanjut dibantu design wedding dress impian aku, yang simple, elegant tapi unique. Sampe semua fam, temen and vendor2 yg lain waktu liat dress aku sampe amazed dan cuman bisa bilang “woooww”. The bestt bangeet untuk service nya ko Fendi and ko Tommy. Udah friendly banget, fun dan bikin aku enjoy banget proses wedding ini salah satu nya karena ko Tommy and ko Fendi
Pokoknya ga akan nyeseel bikin dress di ko Tommy, 100000% recommended. Thank you so much ko Tommy and ko Fendi
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Dress & Attire
What kind of dress and attire do you provide?
Wedding dress, Evening dress, Mother or sister's dress, kebaya, Engagement/ prewedding dress
What service do you provide?
Custom made dress, Made to measure dress, Ready made dress, Once worn dress, Dress Rental
What accessories do you provide?
Hair accessories, Veil, Jewelries
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
What is your speciality? (max. 3)
Evening dress, Wedding dress, Engagement/ prewedding dress
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
please whatsapp us +628129606161 or +6287877173993 for appointment and more information
What is(are) your primary service(s)? (max. 3)
Custom made dress
What dress style do you specialize in? (max. 3)
Classic, Glamour
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
How far in advance should your client contact you?
All ready dresses are available at our showroom. For custom made dresses will depend on the design (around 1-6 months process)
How long does it take in general for your client to receive the final dress?
Hasil akhir dapat diterima 2 minggu sebelum hari H
What is your payment terms?
50% for down payment process
When was your business established?
Year of 2001
What makes your services unique?
We always make sure the design and details give a special touch to every individual customer. In addition, brides will be able to choose and feel the fabric sample in advance. On the pattern construction, our seamstress always make sure to work towards the perfect shape of each customer. The head designer Tommy will always be involved himself throughout the whole creation process.
What services do you provide
Once worn dress, Dress rental, Custom made dress, Ready made dress
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
By Apppointment , we open from 10:00 AM - 18;00 PM
What kind of dress style do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Classic, Glamour, Contemporary
How far in advance should your client contact you?
Most ideal time is 3-6 months prior to the wedding. The sooner the better :)
What makes your services unique?
Our style leans towards each of the bride body shape and confidence. To construct the pattern perfectly and let the fabric showcase the exclusivity itself.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
What is your payment terms?
50% after confirmation on the dress
When was your business established?
Our head designer, Tommy Pancamurti has been in the wedding industry since 2001. The showroom was established in 2017.
Pantai Indah Kapuk 14470
We specialize in custom made wedding gown and evening dresses that fits perfectly with your dream design, style and fabrics.
Available for other special occasion dresses such as: mom and sister gowns, engagement (sangjit), kebaya.
For more information and boutique appointment please contact us (whatsapp) at +628129606161 or Instagram @tommypancamurti.
Tommy Pancamurti is featured in 7 Bridestory Blog articles:
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