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  • Share your experience with Tiyas Makeup

    Hair & Makeup

    What do your beauty services offer?
    Bridal make up,  Bridesmaids make up
    What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
    Bridal make up,  Bridesmaids make up, Wedding muslim biasa/syar'i
    How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
    1-10 persons
    Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
    Ya (mohon beri rincian, jika ada)
    What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Natural,  Romantic and soft,  Smokey eyes
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Ada tambahan biaya transportasi dan akomodasi.
    Are you available to do make up after hours?
    Tidak (mohon jelaskan bila ada)
    How many make up retouch sessions do you offer in one wedding event?
    2x touch up atau sesuai permintaan, bisa akad saja, atau hingga resepsi pernikahan.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Waktu idealnya 1 bulan sebelum hari pernikahan.
    What makes your services unique?
    Kami bekerja secara profesional untuk serta berusaha membantu sang pengantin tampil lebih cantik, tentunya dalam riasan yang tidak tebal/menor. Insha alloh dijamin cetar dan sesuai dengan ekspektasi sang pengantin.
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    Tidak (mohon jelaskan bila ada)
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    50% untuk DP, 50% selanjutnya dibayar sehari sebelum acara dimulai.
    When was your business established?
    Dimulai sejak tahun 2014 hingga tahun ini
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    Tarif bergantung pada paket yang dipilih oleh pengantin
    Turi 01/27, Donokerto, Turi, Sleman, DIY 55551

    Makeup + hijab do Wedding Pre-wedding Bridesmaid All event makeup

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