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    Tentangkita Wedding Organizer Review(s)

    13 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Rama Ully
    01 February 2024 | Bride at Rama Ully & Dewi Scy Wedding

    Professional WO

    Kebetulan sya ambil paket all in dari tentang kita, vendor2 nya oke2. Dekor nya sesuai yg saya mau, hari h crew nya gercep2, keluarga saya jg enjoy dan happy smua.. Makasih tentang kita
    01 February 2024 | Groom at Andi & Mirna Wedding

    Nice Wo

    Makasih bgt buat Tentang Kita wo, saya happy bgt. Hari H bener2 kebantu bgt, crew nya juga sat set sat set, gercep smua 😃😃.. bener2 puas sama service nya..
    Lita Pitasari
    09 August 2022 | Bride at lita and kelik Wedding


    the planner was good and helpful. thank you very much
    nayla achmad
    09 August 2022 | Bride at Alex Wedding


    Recommended Wo.. pake paket all in tentang kita, semua udh di urus dari awal zampai hari H.. kita bener2 seneng pokoknya
    Bro Andri
    12 July 2022 | Groom at Andri Wedding

    Tentang Kita Top

    Seneng bgt bisa ktemu tentang kita, semua acara berjalan dengan baik sesuai impian kita berdua.. Pokokmya smua happy, org tua jg puas dengan kinerja wo nya.. makasih tentang kita
    Karina Agustin
    09 July 2022 | Bride at Karina & Anta Wedding

    Tentang Kita Wedding Organizer super duper memuaskan ter the best

    Puasss bngettt deh sma Tentang Kita Wedding Organizer, membantu sekali, bantu dari awal ngerencanain acra sampai hari H… bnerbner di bantuin banget, baik, ramah, telaten dan mendetail .. gk usah khawatr bagi kalian yg akan merencanakan pernikahan, pilih Tentang Kita aja yaaaa.. gk nyesel aseliikk memuaskan sekaliih ❤️❤️

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator, Full planning, Partial planning, wedding organizer on the day, wedding planner, customized package, all in package, all in package exclude venue&food beverages, intimate wedding package, engagement package, siraman package, pengajian package, traditional ceremony.
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Reception planning,  Ceremony planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Other
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding,  International wedding ,  Cultural wedding ,  Religious wedding ceremony ,  Other
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    min 50 Invitation max 1500 Invitation
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Half Day and Full Day
    When was your business established?
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    for now, we only focus for jabodetabek, cikarang area
    What is your payment terms?
    Rp 5.000.000 booking fee for any package which exclude venue and food beverages. Rp 15.000.000 booking fee for package which is include venue and food beverages. Final payment should be settled H- 1month before the day
    What makes your services unique?
    unlimited consultation without any charge fee, we help you to arrange your KUA administrations, we provide crew meal for the day up to 20 persons so client doesn't have to worry about it, we have half day service and full day service.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Cash, Bank transfer
    Jalan Purnawarman, Perumahan Puspa asri No 1A, Ciputat Timur, tangsel 15419

    Tentang kita siap kawal buat kamu yg udah punya niat menuju halal tp bingung harus mulai dr mana... simply just contact our marketing staff link in bio...we have limited and special offers buat kamu ❤️

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