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TeinMiere Review(s)
105 Review(s), sorted by :
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one of the best decisions!
dari sebelum nentuin vendor apapun untuk nikahan, vendor foto itu jadi prioritas utama aku. karna mau sebaguuuus apapun dekorasi, make up kita, atau jalan acara nikahannya, kalau semua nya ngga bisa di capture dengan baik, kenangan di hari itu ngga akan ada sisanya yg bisa kita lihat lagi sampai hari tua :)
dan milih TeinMiere itu one of the best decisions hehhee!
karna acara tunangan dan nikahan kita ada di beda-beda kota, TeinMiere ngasih proposal penawaran yang ngga ada di paket a.k.a dibuatin khusus untuk kita dooong huhuhu ♡ (gimana ga love.) dan di hari H semua teamnya Tein itu baik banget, super fun! mau kita lagi tiba2 moody pun Photographer team Tein ini bener2 naikin mood kita jadi happy. Friendly jugaaa, dan hasil dari fotonya pun disesuaikan dengan kesukaan kita. waktu tunangan, keluarga aku yang sebanyak dan hobi foto itu, bisa diakomodir dengan baik, di waktu nikahan pun....dari cerah hujan cerah lagi, huhujanan ga siiih tapi hasil foto nya tetep maksimal dan bagus banget. jadi dapet foto waktu cerah outdoor dan sambil payungan gemes! ✨
Moment, candid, semuanya!
Pokonya happppyyy bisa kenal Tein satu team, terimakasih juga buat marketing Tein dr awal sampe akhir kak Manda. semoga terus improve dan semoga sukses terus yahh!

puas banget pakai vendor teinmiere. ngarahin gaya nya oke banget buat aku dan pasangan yang kaku :) hasilnya bagus banget melebihi ekspektasi.
aku sewa mini studio on location, suka banget sama hasilnya. ala-ala foto model hahaha. keren pokoknya teinmiere sangat bisa ngarahin gaya. momen wedding juga terambil semua.
sukses selalu teinmiere, terima kasih udah jadi bagian di hari besar ku. buat temen2 yang lagi nyari vendor foto, recommended pakai teinmiere :) ga akan nyesell.

Di hari pertunangan yang sangat singkat karena hanya setengah hari, tapi alhamdulilah dokumentasi nya sangat lengkap, begitupun dengan dokumentasi video yang hanya 1-2 menit tapi sudah merangkum semua kebahagiaan di hari itu. Terimakasih tein 🤍 Very recommended.

Teinmiere for our wedding at Van Hoeis Bogor
Saya (bride) yg pertama kali liat rekomendasi top 10 fotografi-videografi di bride story, lalu lihat review twinmiere yg katanya serba ramah. Krn sesama org Sunda lgsg mikir “wah pasti cocok”. Terus hasil foto di ig nya baguss bgt sama dgn keinginan saya, aga dark, romantic, earth tone. Sesuai dgn lokasi pernikahan indoor outdoor saya. Walau di awal ada sedikit kendala krn jarak, tp tim teinmiere tetap sat set utk urus back up plan dan akhirnya everything smooth sailing well. Ga sabar nunggu foto2 nya and i trust them pasti hasilnya magical. Terima kasih banyak yaa sudah meliput hari bahagia kami. Berkah selalu utk kt semua 💕

Prewedding & Resepsi
Darimulai bingung ga tau referensi mau ambil dokumentasi apa dan siapa sampai sepertinya akan menjadi langganan ✨🤗
Editing tepat waktu, cocok untuk bride&groom seperti kami yang jarang sekali tidak pernah foto2 🤭 diarahkan sesuai keinginan dan sifat masing2 🫰🏻
Sukses terus tein✨

Edra & Resti Wedding
Pakai teinmiere karena keinginan suami, dan bener aja suami aku ga salah pilih vendor untuk foto. timnya santai jadi pembawaan untuk prewedd dan foto wedding juga santai ga bikin aku mati gaya. hasil hasil fotonya juga bagus bagus. pokonya pake teinmiere yaaa guys
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Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
we do give our client digital files of the photos through a flashdisk and drive link
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Hi-Res image, Matted prints, Albums, Prints, Digital files, Proof CD of all images
What do your services cover?
Maternity, Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Candid, Artistic, Natural, Black and White, Destinations
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Conceptual, Candid, Natural
When was your business established?
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Reach us through WA
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
By requirement
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
by appointment
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
We direct them naturally, making every moment captured meaningful in the album
What rate do you usually charge at?
Per event depending on the package picked by the brides
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
Client will get preview 3-7 days after d-day event
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
Depending on the requirements of the clients, we have our production timeline at 90 days, but it can be shortened
How far in advance should your client contact you?
The most ideal time for client to contact us at least 1 month prior to the event. But we can always help client whenever they needs!
What makes your services unique?
We are able to to understand and direct couples for perfect candid pictures. We are always friendly, warm, and comforting to make you feel comfortable and allow you to become yourself on your event or your big day
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
Usually client provides meal, but we also could take care of our own meal
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
If you take 1 event, the term will be divided by 50%. And if you take 2 event-or bundle package- the term will be 30%, 2 days after invoice out; 40%, 7 days before first event; and 30%, 7 days before second event
What do your packages include?
Edited video, High definition video, Montage - wedding highlights, Multiple cameras, Multiple videographers, Pre-ceremony, Ceremony, Reception, Rehearsal dinner, Same day edit video
What videography styles do you specialize in?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Do you do a same day edit?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have a replacement videographer in case you become unavailable on the event day?
Do you provide raw footage to the client?
Jalan Otto Iskandardinata No 458, Nyengseret, Astanaanyar 40242
Teinmiere is here to answer your needs by piecing together your perspectives into a story.
We pride ourselves in our easy going approach, while still maintaining maturity, intimacy, and conceptuality. The diverse personalities of our staffs will give our clients differing set of experiences.
The word Teinmiere is derived from the French language, Teinte that means hue and Lumiere that means light. It represents a hue of happiness between two individuals, only caught under a certain light.
TeinMiere is featured in 7 Bridestory Blog articles:
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