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Sylvia MKP-Makeup Studio Review(s)
11 Review(s), sorted by :
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Love the makeup
Hai sylviaa, thank you yaa udah make up pagi n malem, happy bnget. Keliatan beda banget makeup pagi maupun malem.. sampe malem pun makeupnya awet bnget . Dan selalu sabar sm bride yg siang2 ngantuk jd ktiduran. Haha
Thank u ya sylvia

Puas Sekali dengan Makeup Ci Sylvia
Pertama kali aku test makeup sama ci sylvi itu kondisi muka lagi kering dan cenderung berjerawat.. tp ttp suka sama hasilnya karna ga nyangka akan sebagus itu di muka yg lg bermasalah. akhirnya disaranin pake masker dan ci sylvi orgnya welcome bgt buat kasih ide dan saran utk hari H nya. Sblm d rias jg d maskerin dl biar kulitnya lbh kenyal dan Bener kan, pas hari H banyak yg muji bagus malah mnt contact ci sylvia....
Bener2 suka bgt sama hasilnya krn bisa nyamain muka aku dan keadaan kulitku. Udh gt sgt support dr hal2 kecil kaya mataku yg merah krn kelamaan pake softlense, dibantu tetesin obat mata kusus yg ga smw MUA bs pny peralatan selengkap itu.. Jd cantik sehari berkat ci sylvi

Top bangets
Aku pakai Sylvia untuk bridal make upku dan jadinya ok bangett👌👌👌 She was very helpful dan sangat responsif selama persiapan menuju hari H. Satu stengah bulan menjelang hari H, Sylvia saranin aku buat pakai masker yg emang bikin kulitku jadi much better. Dan aku satisfied banget sama make upnya karena bs nyesuaiin untuk acara pemberkatan yg aku maunya soft dan acara adat yang harus lebih 'nyata' make upnya. Thank you banget Sylviaa❤ Definitely recommended vendor!

Sylvia MKP Review
Make up dengan Sylvia sangat memuaskan. Tidak terburu2 dan teliti. Jadinya bagus dan rapih. Komunikasi dengan Sylvia juga enak, straight to the point, Sylvia bisa mendengarkan idea dari clientnya, tapi juga dapat memberikan suggestion yang lebih baik.
I was once a Princess for a day
We had a marvellous wedding day, beautiful late Winter in Sydney back in 2010! One person who made it possible was my awesome Makeup artist- Sylvia. Not only she was brilliant in beautifying me, she was also patient and understanding of my needs. She was available physically and mentally from morning til evening to cater not only for me but also the Mothers of the Bride and Groom. That proves what kind of a dedicated Makeup Artist that she is-always going beyond and above what was required. Needless to say that we are a bunch of very happy customers and would fully recommend her professional service to all the Brides (Grooms too if needed) who want to be extra special on their momentous Day! Our humble thanks to all her hard work and dedication xoxo

First time i knew Sylvia from Ig, i looked into Sylvia Mkp portfolio and interested directly with her works, i was so glad that my choice was absolutely precise!!!
The best mua that i have ever met, i trusted Sylvia to did my Sangjit make up and my wedding make up, I have small eyes, but with her magic hands my eyes were looked bigger and i got many suggestions from her.
my families liked my make up so much and asked for the mua contact number directly after my wedding!!
i trusted her again to did the magic works for me, my sister, my mom and my aunt on my brother's wedding, as usual she did the great works for us!!!
She was so punctual, professional, very patient with our heaps requests, fast but did the superbs sorceries for us, definitely we will meet again the next next next event!!! Love youuu Syl, thank you for made my day as always :) :) :)
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Jl.S.Parman Apartement Grand Tropic tower 1 lantai 10 11470
For pricelist details and further information pls text message via WA: 082111611687
email: mkp.makeup@gmail.com
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