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    She La Vie Organizer & Decoration Review(s)

    51 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    13 November 2024 | Bride at Ricky & Lia Wedding

    Satisfied couple 10 Nov 2024!

    Best experience with She La Vie and team mulai dari venue, dekor, team WO dan vendor rekanannya. Our special day went so smoothly tanpa harus mikir banyak semua sudah diurusin sama WO. Dekor hasilnya cantik banget sesuai yg kita mau. Proses discuss sblm hari H pun ok, smua bs dikomunikasikan dgn baik. Will recommend to all future brides & grooms
    Stevani Liunardi
    10 September 2024 | Bride at Randy & Stevani Wedding

    Sky Garden Gedung OT

    So farrrr puas bangeeet sama She La Vie, bener2 totalitas, sejauh kemarin acara gak ada masalah sama sekalii, tim tim nya gercep2, selama perjalanan preparation banyak dibantu sama kak lisa & hr H dibantu sm ci Callista tapii bener2 smooothhhh bgtttt semuanya, kita ada kurang apaaa juga langsung tim wo nya buru2 inisiatif. Keren bgt She La Vie. Kebetulan pake yg All in Package, tapi vendor2 yg kerjasama juga baguss2 mulai dr prewed, photographer hr H, gown, suit, decor, mc entertainment, cake, mua, catering ckup memuaskan. Dekornya jugaaa bgs bgt, gak req banyak2 tp hasilnya sesuai dgn ekspektasiii Thank you so much She La Vie, jadi kmrn acara wedding kita lancaar semua. Sukses selalu yaaaaa buat She La Vie
    04 May 2023 | Bride at Mike & Amel Wedding


    Kita pakai shelavie untuk venuenya di shelavie ballroom aja. Kalau booking ballroom, kita wajib pakai beberapa vendor mereka, ada yang pilihannya cuma satu, ada yang pilihannya terbatas. + : 1. Ballroomnya cakep, high ceilings, karpetnya paling bagus dari beberapa tempat kita datengin yang biasanya merah2 tacky, di shelavie netral. Dua sisi dari ballroomnya kaca yang kalau malam cantik terkena pantulan lampu 2. Ada ruangan khusus teapai yang dipakai juga untuk early dinner, ini nga usa di dekor aja udah cakep 3. Ada ruang meeting untuk technical meeting 4. Vendor decor mau ambil input2 dan kemauan kita, walaupun kita gak bisa pilih vendor alternatif untuk decor -: 1. Vendor yang partneran terbatas, dan kalau bawa vendor ada pengurangan biaya tapi tidak signifikan jadi kalau bawa vendor luar jadi lebih mahal lagi 2. Karena design panggung kita ada backgroundnya, di print kan gambar yang kami pilih dari pilihan yang ada dan sepertinya di print di kain seperti kain banner. Ok sih, cuma pemasangannya gak rapi jadi keliatan banget ada miring-miringnya. Ini kita baru liat pas hari H dan karena sibuk juga ga sempet info minta dibenerin 3. Lift ada tapi tidak berfungsi, lift perlu buat ke tempat teapai.
    Elizabeth Lydia Malinda
    12 September 2021 | Bride at Adhi & Lydia Wedding

    Superb team!

    Shelavie is a great partner to prepare and held a wedding especially during pandemic and ppkm era. The kindness and passion of them can be felt during the process. Couldn’t ask for a better team to handle our special day. Kuddos to all of the team! ❤️
    Agnes S.
    19 April 2021 | Bride at Robin & Agnes Wedding

    The Best WO vendor!

    Awal mula tau Shelavie karena rekomendasi teman dan kebetulan kita banyak komunikasi dg owner Shelavie. plan nikahan awalnya pun msh sblm Covid19 ini menyerang. dan saat itu pun uda ngerasa banget owner nya helpful even itu jg nurun ke team yang komunikasi dg kita daily nya.\nKetika Covid19 menyerang, kita banyak bgt konsul dg owner nya, baiknya adalah mereka bersedia memberikan saran yang sangat helpful ke client tanpa memprioritaskan keuntungan dulu. 'client's needs is the priority' -- ini yang kita rasakan.\ndan selama proses kenal - penawaran - dealing - splitting wedding ceremony - hari H acara, PUAS BANGET dengan all team Shelavie :)\noh, dan 1 yang bikin kita merasa secure: selama Covid19 ini, mnrtku Shelavie salah 1 WO vendor yang menjalankan prokes banget, ngga cm unt team mereka aja, tapi juga untuk tamu2 dari clients. TOP BANGET DEH!
    Pradana Pradipta
    29 July 2020 | Groom at Selti & Dipta Wedding

    Great WO for your Wedding

    She La Vie is our partner in planning our wedding. On the venue we choose, they are committed to only have 1 wedding in 1 day, so the preparation is very well organized. You can adjust the cost based on your needs, just ask them. For us, we cut some of the package on the list like wedding cars (using our family's car), wedding cakes, and some other things, but we want to spend more to other things like for the band and my tuxedo. They can adjust to it. Special for my Tuxedo, I choose 1 vendor that the cost is waaay beyond the budget, but still on their partner list. What they will help is they will send a voucher, so it can cut the total cost of my tuxedo. We also use a vendor for angpao girls, which is not available on their package, but they are open for it, as long as you inform them before. On our wedding day, everyone is happy. As usual (no one is perfect) there were some small glitches but manageable, but everyone is happy at the end, even the guests had a great time.

    Decoration & Lighting

    Which of the following services do you provide?
    Event décor
    Do you offer consultations?
    We offer all in 1 Wedding Oackages for various venues.
    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Detailed task checklist,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding,  International wedding ,  Cultural wedding ,  Religious wedding ceremony
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    minimum 300 pax maksimum 1.000 pax
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Cash, Bank transfer
    Main office : She La Vie Grand Ballroom. The Flavor Bliss Kav. KA - Alam Sutera Tangerang 15810

    We provide all in one wedding package for hotels & venues such as : Sky Garden, Ahava Hall, BlackSwan Ballroom, Palms Ballroom, Merlynn Park Hotel, Harris Vertu, Ciputra Ballroom, Ayaduta Tugu Tani, Novotel Mangdu, Taruma Ballroom, Thamrin Nine, Kuningan City, Baywalk, Jiexpo CCT, Mercure Alam Sutera, Menara Top Food, The Springs Club, Novotel Tangcity, Dome Harvest, etc Terms & condition: Booking fee must be received upon confirmation All payments made are not refundable and transferable

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