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Savitri Wedding Review(s)
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Mengikat Janji, Menjaga Bumi
Tahun 2015 menjadi tahun yang sangat spesial dalam hidup saya karena pada tahun itu, saya memutuskan untuk mengikat janji suci bersama pasangan saya. Saat itu, saya belum mengenal konsep zero waste atau hidup minim sampah, tetapi secara naluriah, kami berdua ingin membuat acara pernikahan kami bermakna dan tidak meninggalkan jejak yang buruk bagi lingkungan. Konsep acara yang kami usung adalah memanfaatkan barang-barang yang ada di sekitar kami sebagai bahan dekorasi, sekaligus berkomitmen untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. Meskipun belum memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang gaya hidup ramah lingkungan, kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mewujudkan acara yang sederhana namun penuh makna.
Proses persiapan pernikahan ini tidaklah mudah, tetapi berkat dukungan dan kerja sama yang luar biasa dari Tim Savitri serta keluarga besar kami, semua terasa lebih ringan. Mereka tidak hanya membantu secara fisik, tetapi juga memberikan semangat dan ide-ide kreatif untuk mewujudkan konsep yang kami inginkan. Hasilnya, acara pernikahan kami berjalan lancar dan berhasil meminimalkan sampah, terutama plastik sekali pakai. Melihat kembali momen itu, saya merasa sangat bersyukur karena meskipun belum sempurna, langkah kecil yang kami ambil ternyata telah menjadi awal dari perjalanan kami menuju gaya hidup yang lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan. Pernikahan itu bukan hanya tentang cinta antara saya dan pasangan, tetapi juga tentang cinta kami kepada bumi yang telah memberikan begitu banyak hal dalam hidup kami.
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Wedding Planning
What is your primary expertise?
Eco-friendly wedding, Intimate wedding
What sort of planning do you cover?
Detailed task checklist, Attendee list preparation, Venue selection, Reception planning, Rehearsal dinner planning, Ceremony planning, Wedding styling and concept, Budget preparation
What service do you provide?
Day of coordinator, Full planning, Partial planning
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Clients need to schedule appointments to ensure dedicated time and resources are available for their needs.
Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
From 30 persons to 1000 persons
Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
Most of our team is able to communicate in English
Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
We provide services both nationally and internationally. Our team is equipped to assist you regardless of your location.
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The ideal time for clients to plan their wedding with us is 3-6 months before the event.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Cash, Bank transfer
How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
9 hours
What makes your services unique?
At Savitri Wedding, we're dedicated to using eco-friendly practices for weddings and events. We follow the 4R concept - reduce, reuse, replace, and recycle - in everything we do. After events, we sort trash for recycling, turn food scraps into compost, and work with companies like Pasti Angkut and Rapel to handle other waste. We team up with Jogja Berbunga to reuse event flowers, and we're always looking for ways to recycle more and use less stuff that's hard to recycle. Our goal is to make weddings and events kinder to the planet by reducing waste and spreading awareness about sustainability.
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
In 2023 - Top 32 Finalist in Buildspace Nights & Weekends Season 4
When was your business established?
Savitri started in 1998. Since then, we've focused on giving great products/services and making strong connections with customers and our community.
What is your payment terms?
50% down payment to secures date, full payment 1 week prior, additional charges 2 days after.
Jl. Suryopranoto No. 39, Gunungketur, Pakualaman 55111
Savitri (CV. Savitri Adikarya Visioner) is a sustainable wedding services company based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
We offer sustainable solutions for weddings, covering all aspects from planning the event to providing wedding favors.
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