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    Rosario Mutiara Review(s)

    3 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Dewi Feronika
    09 December 2021 | Bride at Sandy & Dewi Wedding

    Great service and product value!

    Super recommend deh kalo cari wedding ring or engagement ring. Happy customer here :)
    23 March 2021 | Bride at Erwin & Lupita Wedding

    Great service & satisfied customer

    We tied the knot on january 17th 2021. And we chose Rosario Mutiara as our wedding band. Really satisfied with our rings, plus the service with the owner Edo Tenggara was absolutely fast and super nice responses via WhatsApp. They gave us a lots of references and great suggestion for us. Really high recommended for those who look for wedding band or engagement rings.
    23 March 2021 | Bride at Josephine Wedding

    The Best Jewelry Shopping Experience

    I've been custom ordering with Rosario Mutiara ever since years ago and their jewelry never fail me. All my request has been delivered perfectly. The engravement is very detail and precise. You will be assisted by professional yet very informative jewelry assistant that could help you with your decision. I've been checking around the other store, yet Rosario Mutiara is so far my best choice when it comes to the price, the shopping experience and the product itself.


    What kind of jewelry do you offer?
    Wedding bands/ rings,  Engagement rings,  Bracelets,  Earrings,  Necklaces, Pearls
    Do you provide certification (i.e GIA)?
    untuk Diamond diatas 0.3ct
    Do you offer a payment plan?
    bisa dengan menggunakan tokopedia
    Do you provide after sales services?
    tergantung kondisi barang
    For rings, do you have size adjustment services?
    gratis untuk jasa perubahan ukuran
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Do you ship worldwide?
    by FedEx
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    minimal 1 minggu sebelum tapi akan lebih baik kalau bisa jauh sebelum hari H
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Direct source, best quality, very competitive price
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
    Do you provide catalog or custom jewelry?
    Custom jewelry made at our own workshop, South sea pearls straight from our own farm
    When was your business established?
    Our business start on 1990. It is a family business and we are the third generation. We are one of the pioneer in the pearl industry. Our company is listed and always exhibiting in many jewelry show, international and national such as Hong Kong Jewellery Show, Jakarta International Jewellery Show, Indonesia Pearl Festival, INACRAFT, and so on.
    What is your payment terms?
    30% down payment and the rest at final delivery
    Apakah orang menikah boleh menggunakan perhiasan mutiara?
    Ya, sangat boleh. Pada kenyataannya di berbagai negara menikah menggunakan perhiasan mutiara sangat wajar dan bahkan ada yang wajib. Mutiara sangat cocok dipakai saat menikah karena menyimbolkan keagungan dan keanggunan.
    Katanya sebelum menikah jangan pakai mutiara nanti susah dapat jodoh, benarkah?
    Tidak benar, atau lebih tepatnya tidak relevan di masa kini. Sebelum ditemukan teknik pembudidayaan mutiara, mutiara adalah permata paling berharga di dunia dan sangat sedikit orang yang mampu utk memilikinya. Jadi seandainya seorang wanita pada saat itu sudah memakai perhiasan mutiara, pastinya banyak pria yang akan merasa minder untuk mendekati sang wanita, dan akhirnya jadi susah jodoh deh. Tapi jangan khawatir kawan, sekarang harga mutiara sangat terjangkau kog!
    Apakah mutiara awet/tahan lama?
    Ya, mutiara merupakan permata organik, selama dijauhkan dari bahan kimia atau asam akan tetap awet. Kebiasaan salah yang sering dilakukan adalah menggunakan mutiara pada saat: mandi (shampoo biasanya mengandung bahan kimia yang korosif), berolahraga (beberapa orang keringatnya mengandung kadar asam tinggi), berenang (kaporit di kolam)
    Bagaimana cara merawat mutiara?
    Gampang, jauhkan dari bahan kimia dan asam. Hindari pemakaian saat mandi, berolahraga, berenang di kolam. Pakailah parfum dan make-up duluan, beri jeda 10-15 menit sebelum memakai mutiara.
    Apakah mutiara bisa dijual balik?
    Bisa, asalkan kondisi mutiara masih baik dan terawat. Jangan lupa untuk melampirkan nota asli dari toko. Potongan akan berlaku sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan.
    Menara BCA 51F Grand Indonesia Jl. M. H. Thamrin 1 10310

    We provide South Sea Pearl Jewelry and Diamond Jewelry. We have our own Pearl Farm and Jewelry workshop.

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