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Reynaldi Bunjamin Review(s)
7 Review(s), sorted by :
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Prewedding & Wedding Day
Hello personally Andy & Amel puas banget awal tau ko Rey dari Andy iseng beli jam custom ko Roy hehehe lalu sempat liat foto preweds & weddings nya ada campur tangan ko Rey , Lalu cowok aku si Andy suka banget sm vibez foto ko Rey lgsng mau pilihnya ko Ray untuk semua acara kami . Jujur awalnya aku pengen fotografer yang based di Surabaya ajaa yakk tapi Si Andy kekeuhh harus ko Rey and team harus deal sampai berhasilll 🙏🏻😭 Lalu akhirnya kami deal dan awalnya udh takut awkward nih fotografer nya takut hasil foto aku jd kakuuu kek kanebo tapi enggaa huwaa ko Rey, Ci nath and Ko Josh as videographer super duperrr awesomeee huwaaa so blessed kek pass banget klikk sm mereka everything was so smoothhh dan selalu bisa keep up dengan menjaga mood aku selama foto dan acara dan selalu kasih aku banyak pilihan foto video dan angle darimana pun dan semua kliatan estetikkk vintage gtuu jadi yaa emng Ko Rey and team ini bener-bener 100% sesuai dengan ekspektasi aku dr segi hasil foto dan komunikasi kami nyambung banget , aku sm andy berharap bisa next project bareng Ko Rey and team lagi xixixiii . Kami selalu rekomen ke temen ataupun saudara kalau ada yg nanya dan temen"ku udh pasti masukin ko Rey and team di list vendor mereka karena waktu wedding kami mereka smua blg bagus bangett dan pada nnyainn lgsng hehehe. Kalau kalian bingung dan kebetulan ada baca review aku ini pls coba di konsiderr yaa guys . Dan untuk akhir kata dari aku guys youre so legittt and it was super fun for me and all of my family too lovee youu banyak sukses teruss , next kita makan nasi bebek sinjay lg yak hehehe 🌸🌸🌸🌸

The Dream Team You Never Knew Existed!
Pertama kali bisa tau Kak Rey itu karena lg browsing2 di instagram terus nemu profile Kak Rey, aku dan raka, kita ber2 lgsg sreg and we both agreed kyk wah kt harus pake ini sih. aaand surprisingly the packages comes with everything included! the photographer, videographer (kak deddy choi), dan stylist (@project.knot aka kak nat). photonya udah cakep tanpa diedit hahah, the photo mood left us thrilled! the videography was also lit! daaaan they offers no time limit services yg mana jarang bgt ada yg sediain jasa ky gini. thank you jg utk Kak Nat yg sdh arrange semuanya sedemikian rupa, mulai dari buatin concept, moodboard, cariin aksesoris, book venue, lighting dll.
Thank you once again for creating such a beautifully memorable prewedd sesh to this kaku couple yg dikit2 mati gaya haha. May your journey ahead be as breathtaking as your artistry. With heartfelt gratitude. ❤️

Magic hands
Awal tau rey dari project knot. Waktu tu kita lagi nyari vendor buat maternity shoot kita. Terus ditawarin sama project knot untuk foto sama rey. Pas liat ignya langsung suka sama foto - foto rey. Terus pas hari H kita maternity shoot reynya ramah banget so welcome. Dan selalu salah manggil nama hahaha.. jadi selama sesi foto tuh 4 jam ga berasa sama sekali. Style foto juga macem - macem. Beda sama maternity shoot lain yang pernah kita lihat. Foto asli rey aja yang kita intip selama shoot hari itu uda berasa bagus banget dan udah feeling banget bakal bagus. Turns out setelah liat akhirnya jauh banget dari ekspektasi kita. Bagus keren banget pokoknya. Ter the best lah. No one knows kita bisa jadi sekeren itu hahaha thank you so much rey uda terima kita sebagai client. Hope we can collaborate again soon yaah

Photo, Stylist & Video PREWEDDING Jakarta TERBAIK!
Awal tau Reynaldi dari hasil foto after party Monica Amadea di IG keren banget, night photography vintage vibes gitu. Kasih ke calon suami dia juga suka, langsung kita kontak deh. Reynaldi fast response dan harganya juga masuk budget kita.
Waktu itu kita ngga ada kepikiran konsep mau pake baju apa, di mana, aksesoris apa. Pokoknya pingin mirip seperti hasil Monica. Setelah konsul via Zoom, ternyata udh termasuk package dengan Stylist (IG: @project.knot) Natasha. Jadi kita dikasih banyak rekomendasi tempat dan sampai dibantu booking2 lokasi. Kami dari luar pulau, service nya all out sih... Kita ga kerepotan..
Setelah itu kami dikasih Moodboard dari Stylist @project.knot dari ujung kepala sampe ujung kaki detailnya gimana, rekomendasi MUA, e-commerce link buat detail outfits kita. Natasha juga open & fast response banget kalau ada yang mau diganti / kurang cocok.
Di hari H photoshoot, kami enjoy dari jam 2 siang sampe 12 malam. Reynaldi, Natasha, dan Dedy super kompak dan good vibes banget, jadi kita nyaman ga kaku. Poses kita dibenerin.
Hasil foto dan video pun juga selesai on time. Jujur fotonya ga usah diedit aja udh cakep sih hasilnya... All talented individuals...
Thank you for your great service, we both had a memorable prewedding session :)

Rey is amazing. He has a distinct style that I absolutely love. We received lots of compliments on our photos... and weve only received the sneak peek 🤣 cant wait to see the final shots!!
Huge plus point is also his easygoing personality. Will recommend him to our friends getting married. Thank you Rey!

Candid by RB
Your photos tell the story in a way that words can't do. Thank you for capturing these precious moments for us. It was so much fun to look through the photos and see the different pov. + Ko Rey was a mood booster for us :))
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The Important Question
Dear our future clients,
There are too much questions to offer, as I'd like to answer but none matters. To gain your trust, to have this unforgettable bond, let me elaborate; as a photographer I always strive for the mood, a romantic black & white setting with a touch of candid and sometimes editorial. Fear not, ye who seeks answers, we do provide; Pre-Wedding, Wedding, Engagement, Portraiture, Maternity, Family, Editorial, Intimate Events and many more. Please do ask the manager about the package you have chosen and desire, also to schedule an appointment at your convenience. To capture your truthful moments is an upmost priority, the irreplaceable feelings and emotions we’ve put Into motion.
Hope to see you soon. Don’t shy to ask away at any time.
French Walk
Nice Garden
Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta
14240 14240
A friendly neighbourhood photographer who romanticise, capture, and cherish moments with you. The type who would over and over again reviewing your pre-wedding/wedding photos, and has a hard time to move on for the next few months. Moods and aesthetics are essentials; the feelings, energy, excitement, and the connections youve established. I want you, dear future clients, to tell me your stories as Id love to hear them, and turn them into reality.
With love,
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