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    Men's Formal Wear

    What kind of men's wear do you provide?
    Bestman's attire,  Page boy's attire,  Father's attire,  Men's accessories, Groom's attire
    What kind of style do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
    Modern,  Slim fit, Traditional
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    client can come to our place without appoinment
    What service do you provide?
    Rental,  Ready made,  Once worn,  Accessories, Custom made
    Which is(are) your primary service(s)? (max. 2)
    Custom made,  Rental,  Ready made,  Accessories, custom suit, cheongsam, PDU
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    we can make custom suits with online appointment or we can come to customer place with appoinment before
    How long in general does it take for your client to get the final attire?
    can be recieved 2-3 week from client final approval
    What makes your services unique?
    we can make custom suit with online fiiting, so customer can make suit from everywhere
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    Is there any limits to your alteartion services?
    no alteartion, we can make custom suit
    What is your payment terms?
    full payment saat selesai pemilihan model,bahan kain serta tanggal yang ditentukan
    When was your business established?
    bisnis kami dari tahun 1995 dan sampe sekarang serta cabang kami berada di jakarta dan Surabaya
    What kind of style do you usually handle?
    Classic,  Contemporary,  Modern,  Slim fit
    What accessories do you provide?
    Cufflinks, Suits,  Shirt,  Jewelry,  Tie
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    lebih cepat lebih baik dan klien/customer datang ke raveloux/rave tailor untuk konsultasi serta mengambil promo yang tersedia
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    In 2023 rave tailor winner simply design and elegant texology award
    Jl. Manyar Jaya I No.7, Menur Pumpungan, Kec. Sukolilo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60118 60118

    Rave Tailor ahli dalam pembuatan jas pria custom untuk acara wedding, pre-wedding, singer, entertainment, special occasion dan lainnya. Kami menawarkan layanan Bespoke Tailoring yang menjamin hasil akhir sempurna dengan garansi #PASTI_PAS. Setiap jas dirancang dengan detail dan teliti untuk memastikan gaya dan kenyamanan anda maksimal. Percayakan pada kami untuk menjadikan momen spesial Anda lebih berkesan dengan jas yang #PASTI_PAS dan Bentuk terbaik serta cocok dengan anda.

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