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Prisma Picture Review(s)
31 Review(s), sorted by :
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Review Favorite Package (Prewedding + Wedding)
Many thanks for Mas Ikhsan & team, sabar dan bisa service kita dengan baik meskipun selera kita sangat aneh haha, hasilnya pun sangat memuaskan! Prisma picture kamu Joos! thank you.

My prewedding vendor
Thank you mas ikhsan and prisma pictures team. Seneng bgt bisa mengabadikan moment prewedding kami. Especially hasil videography nya superb banget! Bener-bener bisa nge-capture moment kedekatan kami berdua. Sekali lagi thank you yaa :)
Vendor Reply
17 October 2018
Terimakasih Kak Anggit atas repon baik kepada tim Prisma Picture
Special Moment with Prisma Picture
Ucapan terima kasih yang sebanyak banyaknya kepada mas ikhsan dan team, saya kenal dengan vendor ini di acara nikhan temen2 saya, saat melihat pertama kali saya langsung tertarik, dan setelah melihat2 portofolionya saya semakin yakin dengan prisma picture. Pas hari H mereka kasih yang terbaik diacara pernikhan kami, sangat kompak dan profesional, seru, pokoknya ga nyesel udah milih prisma picture untuk mengabadikan seluruh moment pernikhan kami. Sukses terus Prisma Picture !!!
Vendor Reply
17 October 2018
Terimakasih atas respon baik dan juga penilaian yang kak Rani berikan kepada tim Prisma Picture.

Pengalaman bersama prisma picture
Ucapan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya untuk Prisma picture, mas ikhsan dan seluruh team yang bertugas luar biasa profesional, datang tepat waktu, orangnya asik2, mau mendengar permintaan klien, hasilnya bagus banget. Kami pakai untuk prewedding . Hasilnya keren dan smua team ramah . Bener2 recomended! Skali lg makasih banyak untuk prosma picture jangan bosen kalau diundang acara lain yaa!!
Vendor Reply
17 October 2018
Terimakasih atas respon dan juga penilaian kak Finggar kepada tim Prisma Picture. Pastinya tidak akan bosan dong hehe
Ter-The Best Wedding Photograph and Cinematik
Terimakasih mas ikhsan dan tim yang sudah bantuin suksesin acara kita smlm makasih banyak buat foto foto dan video yang kece banget sampe ga nyangka hasilnya bagus bagus bagus bangeeeeet!!!! Sukses terus buat Prisma Picture!! Semoga makin berjaya ya karyanyaaa ❤
Vendor Reply
17 October 2018
Terimakasih atas repon baik dan juga penilaian yang sudah kak Dinda berikan kepada tim Prisma Picture. Sukses juga buat kak Dinda

Vendor ter da best di 3 moment kami : Engagement, Prewedding and Wedding ❤
hai mas ikhsan dan tim dan bagi para calon pengantin yang masih bingung cari vendor foto di acara penting kalian, mungkin dengan baca sharing - an aku ini bisa jadi pencerahan kalian. ngga mau kan salah pilih vendor dalam acara penting hehe. cerita sedikit mengenai kenapa awalnya aku dan calon menetapkan Prismapicture sebagai vendor foto dan video di 3 acara penting aku: engagement, prewed dan wedding. Awalnya aku dan calon mau cari vendor foto untuk acara engagement saja dulu. Lalu kita bertemu beberapa vendor foto selain prismapicture (tapi ngga usah di sebutin nama nya ya hehe ngga enak) dan termasuk prismapicture. Dan ketika aku bersama calon janjian meeting dengan mas ikhsan (prismapicture) langsung trush dan klop. haha yang rencana awal itu hanya join utk acara engagement, setelah ketemu dengan mas ikhsan, aku dan calon ngga berfikir panjang utk milih prismapicture sbg vendor kami di acara engagement, prewedding , dan wedding. Hasilnya OK banget, tim nya ramah dan profesional, ontime dan harga bersahabat ❤
Vendor Reply
17 October 2018
Terimakasih atas prnilaian baik yang sudah kak Fitri berikan. Semoga tetap menjaga silahturahminya
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What photography styles do you usually offer?
Portraiture, Candid, Artistic, Natural, Classic, Vintage, Black and White, Conceptual, Other -
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Candid, Artistic, Conceptual
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Themed shoot, Beauty shoot
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
we serve wedding and prewedding session, for more detail please contact us 08568556760 / prismapicturephoto@gmail.com
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
we 'll give all photo file in hi res
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
We steer clients with friendly, Patience, and provide the Best Service
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
after 2 week you will get all photo file for review
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
depending on the requirements of the clients, they usually get the final album after 2 month after D-day
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Prints, Proof CD of all images
How far in advance should your client contact you?
the most ideal time for contact us 3-6 months prior to the wedding
What makes your services unique?
Our photographers & videograhers are able to understand and direct couples for perfect pictures. Our photographers & videographers are always friendly, warm, and comforting. They know how to make yo feel comfortable and allow you to become yourself on your big & special day
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Cash
What rate do you usually charge at?
Kemi mengenakan paket per hari.. sesuai paket yg dipilih
Jl. H.Abdul Gani II, RT.06, RW.04, No.28, Kel.KAlibaru, Kec.Cilodong, Kota Depok. 16414 16414
Prewedding & Wedding | Photography & Videography | Cinematik Wedding Clip | Wedding Film|Live Streaming
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