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    Preciosa Wedding Review(s)

    129 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    04 March 2025 | Groom at Hafiz & Tania Wedding

    Sukses dan Jaya Selaluuuu Preciosaaa...

    Haloww Preciosa, Thankyouu banget yaa buat tim Preciosa✨, udah bantu kita selama persiapan wedding ini…kalian the bestt!! 👍 Semoga bisa ketemu lg di event lainnya dan Semoga kalian semakin diberkatin Tuhan dan dikasih klien yang baik2! ✌️ Thank Youu Semuaa 🔥Sukses dan Jaya Selaluuuu🙏🏻
    Lusiana Udjaja
    04 March 2025 | Bride at Fendy & Lusiana Wedding

    preciosa worth it banget...

    Hi all! Terima kasih semuanya dari tim preciosa utk support dan being helpful selama persiapan hingga hari H 🫶🏻\n\nSudah kasi banyak insight dan masukan untuk kita, serta menampung semua request kitaa hehe\n\nThank you utk ucapan dan doanyaa. Mohon maaf jika ada salah kata yaa 🙏\n\nGod bless all
    25 February 2025 | Bride at David & Melissa Wedding

    Thankyou banget preciosa

    Ko DD sama Team Preciosa udah bikin wedding kita kerenn,secara komunikasi cepet juga apa apa kalo ada perubahan apa langsung di tanggapin, terus Masih bnyak kasih masukan juga mengenai dekor Dan lain lain thankyou thankyouu thankyouuuuuu
    Victor Yosa
    25 February 2025 | Client at Victor & Yosa Wedding

    superr recomendedd bgt preciosaa!!

    hallo! aku dan victor mau ucapin terimakasih banyak buat preciosa team yang dari awal sudah sangat membantu kami mulai dari awal pesiapan sampai acara nya selesai .. makasih banget buat tim WO yang super keren , gercep dan sabar banget nanganin kita dari awal-akhir acara kemarin. khususnya buat ci raisa dan kak rifka yang udah mau direpotin sama kita yg kadang suka banyak mau nya hahahaha buat ko frangky, ko dede dan seluruh teman2 vendor lainnya aku juga mau ngucapin terimamasih banyak karna udh buat acara bahagia aku se keren kemarin!! banyak banget keluarga , temen2 yg muji acaranya keren poll katanya 😁😁 tanpa kalian aku dan victor ga akan bisa wujudin dream wedding kita, sekali lagi terimakasih banyak semua , sehat selalu yaa❤️❤️❤️
    25 February 2025 | Bride at Nico & Cindi Wedding

    Ga nyesel pake Preciosaaa, Kerennn & Hebattt...

    Hallooo Preciosa👋🏻, Thankyou yaaa udah bantu organize our wedding🤗🤗, semua nyaa melebihi ekspektasi kita, Preciosa keren banget, tim-timnya gercep banget kita merasa terbantu banget, dari awal kita rencanain pernikahan sampai sekarang tuh keren banget, trus juga responnya cepet banget, semua progress wedding kita terbantu, hari Hnya bukan cuma bride & groom yang di assist tapi semua keluarga kita di assist dengan baik jugaa, buat yang mau nikah gausah ragu deh yaa pake Preciosa, Hebatt bangetttt Preciosa 👍🏻✨
    Bella Chrisilla
    25 February 2025 | Bride at Reynaldo & Bella Wedding

    Precious moment with Preciosa!! ❤️

    Terimakasih untuk Preciosa Wedding ❤️ ❤️ Acara hari ini berjalan dengan lancar, sesuai yang di ingin kan aku dan Aldo... Dari kak Aul, Dekor, Wo semuanya sangat profesional dan keren2 bgt terimakasih... Yang ekspetasi nya takut, tapi puji tuhan realitanya bagusssss polllll... Maaf ya kalau aku bawell hihi, sekali lagi terimakasih Preciosa Wedding ❤️ ❤️


    What activities are suitable in this venue?
    What settings does your venue provide?
    Please describe more details on the venues that you have
    We exclusively managed 4 Wedding Ballrooms in Jakarta: Neo Soho 9th Floor, Neo Soho 29th Floor, Kuningan City Ballroom, Vitra Ballroom and also offer other venues wedding packages
    What type of venue(s) do you offer?
    Hotel, Banquet hall/ ballroom
    Minimum and maximum number of guests
    200 to 2000 persons
    Do you offer an onsite wedding consultant?
    What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
    Japanese,  Thai,  Chinese,  Korean,  International Cuisine,  French,  Local,  American,  Asian,  Indonesian - ,  Italian
    Do you allow outside catering?
    Do you allow outside liquor?
    Is there any corkage fee?
    What type of other services do you also provide?
    Guest accommodation,  Wedding Cake, Decoration,  Catering,  Entertainment,  Flowers,  Hair & makeup,  Photography,  Videography
    Do you offer valet parking?
    Is there handicap access?
    Do you have liability insurance?
    What makes your services unique?
    At Preciosa Wedding, we transform weddings into timeless tales of love and sophistication. Nestled in the heart of Jakarta, we proudly manage four enchanting ballrooms, each a canvas for crafting unforgettable moments. We believe it's the small details that make a wedding truly memorable. From meticulously arranged floral displays to customized culinary delights, we leave no stone unturned in perfecting every nuance of your special day.
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The most ideal time for a booking is one year before.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
    What is your payment terms?
    30 million Down Payment, 10% one month after DP, 15% 3 months after DP, 25% 6 months after DP, 25% 9 months after DP, Final Payment one month before Wedding
    When was your business established?
    We have been in the Wedding Industry since 2010 with experience handling more than 1,000 couples
    Wedding Planning

    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Detailed task checklist,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Ceremony planning, Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    We, speak English
    What is your payment terms?
    DP (Down Payment) : 30 million for Booking Venue and Wedding Package 2nd Payment : 10% : 1 month after DP 3 rd Payment : 15% : 3 months after DP 4th Payment : 25% : 6 months after DP 5th Payment : 25% : 9 months after DP Final Payment : 25% minus DP : 30 days before Wedding Day
    What service do you provide?
    Day of coordinator, Partial planning
    What is your primary expertise?
    Grand wedding,  International wedding ,  Cultural wedding , Intimate wedding
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    200 to 2,000 persons
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    One year before
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    14 hours
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Credit card payment, Bank transfer
    When was your business established?
    We have been in the Wedding Industry since 2010 and handled more than 1,000 couples
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    What makes your services unique?
    Jl. Katleya Asri 1, Perum. Metland Puri Blok G1 no. 29, Petir, Cipondoh 15147

    Quality Wedding for Precious Couples Neo Soho CP @neosohoballroom | Skenoo @preciosa_skenooballroom | @vitraballroom | @kuningancityballroom | Luxus @newluxusgrandballroom.official

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.