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portraitbyfaisal Review(s)
7 Review(s), sorted by :
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Engagement & Preweeding Shoot
Ketika kita punya moment yg sgt penting dalam hidup pasti kita berharap mendapatkan kenangan yang indah. Saat mendekati Engagement saya dan mas ndi sibuk mencari vendor photo yg bagus. Alhamdulilah dipertemukan dengan potraitbyfaisal di ig. Setelah ngobrol mengenai konsep dll akhirnya kita ngerasa klik dengan ka faisal. Bener aja saat hari H semua berjalan sangat mulus, memberikan arahan gaya "maklum masndi kaku bgt" dan engingenggg hasilnya gak mengecewakan. Hasilnya sesuai keinginan kita dan bagus bgttttt. Sampai keluarga juga ngerasa cocok sm ka faisal. Gak cuma sampai di engagement kita lanjut ke preweed dan udah deh hasilnya jangan di ragukan. Jujur sih gue aja ketagihan mau foto lagi, sampe mikir moment apa lagi yaa? Hihiiiiii
Cerita awal kita punya plan wedding, pengen moment2 bahagia kita pastinya terpotret dengan sempurna alhasil kita iseng cari cari photographer handal yang tetep on budget hehe :) tadaaaa akhirnya kita nemuin salah satu ig yaitu @portraitbyfaisal cobalah kita janjian sama mas faisal ngobrol sm konsep yg kita punya dan langsung ngerasa cocok dan klik, okaayy akhirnya tanpa babibubebo kita booking paket pernikahan . saking hasilnya memuaskan dan humble mas faisal (jd ikrib malah) daaan akhirnya kita putusin gapake pusing pusing acara lamaran, prewed, siraman, pemberkatan sampe acara akhir resepsi kita pake jasa @portraitbyfaisal.
pokonya bangga punya foto bagus disetiap moment special kita, rekomended banget pastinya dijamin ketagihan hehehe :)

Engagement & Prewedding Shoot
Hii.. aku Mayang ☺️ aku mau cerita dikit gimana waktu lamaran & prewed ku difotoin sama Portraitbyfaisal ini.. dr mulanya pas aku mau lamaran lg bingung cari vendor foto & video karna aku ga mau yg terlalu formal bgt terus ketemu lah sama Portraitbyfaisal ini.. aku ceitain simple konsepku dan lgsg dimengerti sama mas Faisal nya hehe.. seneng bgt karna aku orangnya kaku kan ga gitu bisa gaya2 tpi sabarnyaa mas Faisal ini arah2in gaya2ku dan mas Gilang.. Pas udah liat hasil nyaaa.. Voilaaa! Sukaaaak bgt dr tone warna nya yg kalem aku suka.. berlanjutlah aku minta di foto utk prewed akuu.. kalian bisa liat sendiri deh hasil2 fotonya.. aku sihh recomend utk kaliaan ☺️

Terima kasih sudah membantu aku dan rizqi untuk mengabadikan moment berharga kami!❤️ Hasil nya engga perlu diragukan lagi, ramah, dan murah banget! Aku recommend bgt portraitbyfaisal buat kalian yg mau mengabadikan moment berharga kalian bersama pacar kalian, keluarga kalian atau teman teman kalian. Terima kasih!!!!❤️

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What is included in your photoshoot package?
Hi-Res image, Albums, Prints, Digital files
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Candid, Natural, Black and White, Portraiture, Cultural
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Portraiture, Candid, Black and White
What do your services cover?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot
What is your speciality?
Prewedding shoot, Wedding day coverage, Family shoot, Studio shoot, Beauty shoot
What is your payment terms?
dp 50%, pelunasan H-1
When was your business established?
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
What makes your services unique?
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
How far in advance should your client contact you?
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
1 Months
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
2-3 Weeks
What rate do you usually charge at?
Per event
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Central Jakarta
we do engagement, pre-wedding, recitation qur'an, wedding ....
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