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  • Share your experience with Owlvue Slow Motion Cam video booth Indonesia

    Photo booth

    What type of photo booth do you offer?
    videobooth 360 full video slowmotion
    How do you usually charge?
    By session length
    Do you provide softcopy of the pictures?
    hasil video kami langsung dikirimkan setelah menunggu 15 menit
    What is the minimum and maximum capacity of your photo booth
    1 sampai 8 orang
    Do you provide props for picture taking?
    kami menyediakan berbagai properti yang dapat memeriahkan booth disesuaikan dengan permintaan klien
    Do you provide custom frame design?
    Do you provide backdrop/booth design?
    That would be extra fee for backdrop
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    akan terdapat biaya akomodasi perbedaan biaya yang akan didiskusikan
    Does your rental include attendants or technicians?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    1 - 2 bulan
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Kami adalah jasa Owlcam menghasilkan video slowmotion dengan motion kamera yang berkesan.
    Ruko prominence blok 38 E no 58 Jl Sutera Boulevard Alam Sutera.. Kota Tangerang. Provinsi Banten 15143

    Owlvue is Indonesia's first slow-motion Owlcam company for any kind of events such as private events or big company events.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.