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    Orange Wedding Planner Review(s)

    226 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Yoko Ely
    01 March 2025 | Bride at Yoko & Ely Wedding


    Orange WO & WP sih bener2 penyelamat🥹 bayangin ajaa h-4 bulan baru cari WP & WO... dengan permasalahan yg ada. ko welly bener2 penolong, kerja nya gercep semua list bisa di selesaikan dengan baik dan semua permasalahan yang ada bisa ada solusi nya! 🥰 hari H tuh ga berasa panik sama sekali karena team orange membantu banget bahkan dari jam 1 subuh loh🥲 mood aku di jaga banget supaya good mood seharian hehe bener2 ter baik deh orange! gak cuma pas acara ya, pas selesai acara WO ini terutama PA tuh assist sampaiii aku selesai semua2 nya, dari barang, gown, hair, dan sampai aku mandi lalu istirahat mereka udah bisa pulang gtuu padahal bukan request aku tapi semua team orange ini sangat2 bertanggung jawab, kerja nya tersetruktur jadi rapih semua, timeline tepat waktu semua, the best dehh!! bintang 5 buat ko welly dan team! 😍⭐️🤩🤩🤩
    Jessica Claudia
    25 February 2025 | Bride at Steven & Jessica Wedding

    The best Wedding Organizer

    Special thanks buat Richard dan Ko Sofian yg bantu ngurus wedding kita dari awal sampe akhir. Awal tau Orange saat wedding ciciku dan akhirnya waktu mutusin untuk wedding kita lgsg contact Orange dan ga cari2 WO lain lagii. Pas hari H pun semua sangat lancar thanks to semua crew yg bantu kita. All the crews were very helpfulll. Once again thank youuu untuk Orange yang udah bantu kita yg sangat sangat clueless inii
    Tasya Setiawan
    10 February 2025 | Bride at Timotius Mario & Nastashia Priscilla Wedding

    Wedding with Orange

    Buatku langkah pertama selain menentukan tanggal dan Venue Wedding adalah memilih WO/WP yang tepat. WHY? agar persiapan acara wedding yang kamu impikan bisa terlaksanakan sesuai apa yang kamu bayangkan dan juga tentunya gak jadi bridezilla. Aku ini udah familiar banget dengan dunia perweddingan secara aku ini WO, tapi ternyata gak menjamin kemulusan persiapanku, karena nikah tuh ternyata PUSING banget! harus siapin ini itu, pritilan kecil pun harus kita juga. buat aku yang familiar dengan dunia wedding aja pusing apalagi buat orang yang gak ngerti dunia perweddingan. #nangis seperti yang aku bilang di atas preparation dan to do list wedding tuh sebanyak itu, nah ORANGE nih super bantu sih, mereka kasih tau secara detail harus ini, ini, ini dulu yang dikerjain baru bisa jalan ke sini,sini,sini, dan mereka tuh fair banget kasih tau vendor yang emang sesuai budget client, seperti orang bilang lah ya ada uang ada kualitas semua balik lagi ya sama selera kita. Aku rasa skrg WO tuh udah banyak banget, aku juga yakin banyak juga yang bagus tapi kenapa ku pilih ORANGE? karena kualitas ORANGE aku rasakan secara langsung, baik preparation sampai hari H. - Orange fair, JUJUR, tanggung jawab banget (kalau ada problem mereka gak langsung lempar masalahnya tapi kasih kita info dan solusi, bahkan ada problem yg mereka selesain sendiri tanpa membebani aku di hari H) -keluarga kita semua di contact 1 by 1, punya Personnal Asst masing, diarahin dengan sabar dan penuh keramahan (orangtua ku dan suami pun suka banget ampe dipuji mulu) -mereka bantu koordinasi ke vendor lain, ke MUA-Dekor-music-kue-Pic pemberkatan-doa-venue-dan masih banyak lagi yang ternyata kalo kita urus semua sendiri fix GILA!! -Personal Asst ku rela bangun subuh cuman buat morning call aku, jemput MUA dan anter ke kamarku terus nungguin aku make up 3.5 jam WKWKKWKKW - Team kompak banget, baik banget seru banget, dan yang paling kerasa mereka memberikan yang terbaik buat kita as a client. mulai dari detail make up, aksesoris, kalo kita keausan dikasih minum gercep, kalo capek di bawain sendal, even kalo senyumnya kelebaran diingetin tahan tahann supaya foto kita flawless ye gak siii, thankyou so much Orange for your kindness, I love you
    06 February 2025 | Groom at Mario & Nastashia Wedding

    The Best Wedding Organizer Ever!!

    The crews are super helpful, from the Captain, PA, and all crews are very kind and giving us the best experience ever. Not only the groom and bride, but our families also get the attention and help needed on the day. Especially for ko Sof, thank you for your care and providing us the best suggestion to make our wedding dreams happened. Thanks to all crews for paying attention on many many things from the smallest to the biggest thing in our wedding. Even there is a little problem they can solved it without us the groom and bride noticing. So as the groom, i can put my attention to my bride all day. Thank you Orange, for taking part in our most special day and make that day the best day ever for both of us. Many many gratitude from Us and our Families.
    31 January 2025 | Bride at Marco & Celine Wedding

    Strongly recommended

    Super professional from start to finish. The planning with Ko Johni was such a breeze. Fast response, detailed and fun. On the day, the team was so nice, so focused and timely. Very minimal hiccups & errors! So very happy to recommend Orange to any soon-to-be newly weds. We don't usually do reviews, but this is definitely an exception. Well done 👏
    23 January 2025 | Bride at Lachlan & Michelle Wedding


    We love the team from orange as they are very prompt. Very professional yet fun and friendly. At the end of the day my husband and I felt like weve become good friends with our PA. Definitely recommend!

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Wedding styling and concept,  Budget preparation,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Please call our wedding assistant to schedule an appointment
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    Minimum 300 invitations and maximum 1200 invitations for standing party, and no limitation for intimate wedding
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    English, chinese
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    Sumatra, bali, java
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    The best timing should be around 3 - 12 months before wedding
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Full day, from morning call until wedding reception
    What makes your services unique?
    We like to take an extramile on wedding. Meetings preparations will be arrange at least 3 months before the D-day. On the D-day we will start from morning call, and also gladly to help couple to enjoy the big day. We always take care of our bride's need and we serve with passion and love
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    Booking fee : IDR 1 mio DP : 30% before our 1st meeting Settlement : 1 month before Wedding day
    When was your business established?
    10 august 2008
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding, Western style, Javanese, chinese, palembang, nasional, Moslem, catholic, christian, budhis
    Jakarta, Tangerang, dan Bali

    Wedding Planner & Organizer _____________________

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