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    One Sweet Day Wedding Planner Review(s)

    33 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Andrea Kimberly
    03 March 2025 | Bride at Daniel & Andrea Wedding

    Our Love Letter to the Best Vendor and Team

    GUYS! From the moment we talked, instant click kayak nemu jodoh, we knew you are the one for us! Our most important vendor, the core to our BIG DAY! We fell in love with your hardwork, passion, time management, all the OSD team is a complete package; cantik ganteng sopan ramah baik semuanya ada di OSD team! Ci Patricia, my planner Kaithleen, all the team we love you so dearly thank you for being so professional, lovely, calming, heartwarming during planning to the BIG day. Can’t wait to meet you in my sister’s and my other family members wedding cause we will have OSD to be a part of our familyn😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so much love for you all!
    17 February 2025 | Bride at Ivan & Aline Wedding

    Ivan & Aline

    OSD benar2 reliable banget secara execution maupun planning nya. Kita dibantu banget sama Ci Patricia dan Debby yang cekatan dan daya ingat nya super diacungi jempol karna minim banget yang miss. Acara berlangsung smoothh walaupun di pagi nya ada problem yg gede karna vendor lain, tp bisa ditanganin dengan baik sama team dari OSD. We proudly recommend OSD as your WO for your big day and guarantee you will be happy with their works! Thank youuu Ci Pat, Debby, Kaithleen (PA Bride), Shena (PA groom), Lisa (Perkap) and the other team!
    Alvin & Jesslyn
    30 January 2025 | Groom at Alvin & Jesslyn Wedding


    Truly the best decision of our Wedding, sesuai judul review ini Sedikit pendahuluan bahwa saya dan pasangan (Jesslyn) mulai merencanakan wedding utk Januari 2025 di bulan Juni 2024 Kami berdua yang adalah anak pertama yang akan menikah dari keluarga masing-masing yang belum ada pengalaman apa-apa dan bingung mau tanya sama siapa Tanya teman juga beda-beda pendapatnya, tanya teman ortu lebih beda2 lagi Kami benar2 bingung saat itu mau memilih WO duluan atau venue duluan Karena setelah cari beberapa venue utk tgl 25 Januari 2025 sudah full semua Tibalah bridestory saat itu yang kita datangi dan bertemu dengan OSD, penjelasan yang sangat lengkap, excel dan planning yang sangat rapih membuat kita semakin yakin utk memilih WO+WP duluan, walaupun saat itu kami masih butuh waktu untuk berpikir lagi Tapi, setelah ketemu ci patricia di hari itu dan langsung beliau sampaikan “Pasti bisa dapat venue tgl 25 januari” kami berdua langsung yakin memilih WO duluan dan OSD yang menjadi pilihan kami karena kami tau wedding kami berada di tangan yang tepat, handal dan profesional Dan benar sekali Mulai dari seluruh persiapan sampai terlaksananya wedding day kita, semuanya sangat sangat dibantu dan berjalan sangat baik Tidak kalah pentingnya juga pernah Kaithleen yang menjadi planner kami yang menuntun proses kami menentukan vendor, mengingatkan PR-PR, membantu rekapan-rekapan, menghitungkan cost, dan lain-lain yang sangat banyak dan tidak habis disebutkan satu per satu Benar-benar responsif, cekatan, dan super sat set kaithleen ini bahkan Kaithleen di wedding day menjadi PA kami (bride & groom) dan tentu saja tetap luar biasa membantu kami berdua sepanjang hari itu Kalau mau dituliskan semua disini saya rasa akan sangat panjang Jadi pastikan yang membaca review ini, MEMILIH OSD sebagai vendor WP+WO+Stylist kalian Dijamin, MANTAAAAP
    Jesslyn Fedora
    30 January 2025 | Bride at Alvin & Jesslyn Wedding

    OSD, One of The Best Decision of Our Life!

    To be very honest, ini vendor No. 1 yang paling kita syukuri dan sama sekali nggak kita sesali untuk deal pas lagi stres berat persiapan wedding dalam waktu hanya H-6 bulan. Dari awal, Ci Patricia gave us a glimmer of hope kalau tanggal kita—yang sebenarnya termasuk tanggal bagus—pasti bisa dapet venue yang oke dengan budget yang kita tentukan (which honestly wasn’t that big - but she managed to secure a venue from a 5 star hotel with incredible pricing for us!) Out of all the WO, WP, and stylist vendors, she was the most positive. Ci Patricia’s sweet, can-do spirit and her impeccable, super-organized Excel file (you’ll see what I mean when you use OSD) are what made us fall in love with her & the OSD team. Selama enam bulan itu, semuanya berjalan dengan sangat lancar. Semua payment, vendor progress, dan detail lainnya tercatat dengan sangat-sangat rapi—tentu saja dengan bantuan Kaithleen, yang luar biasa detail, sat set, cekatan, dan super responsif. They organized our sangjit day so beautifully, and Ci Patricia—despite being the owner—is willing to do all kind of work even out of her job scope. She is an incredible hustler and such a kind-hearted soul. Dia benar-benar go above and beyond. Di bulan-bulan terakhir sebelum wedding, I turned into a so-called bridezilla—super detail-oriented and nitpicky about all things aesthetic and decor-related. Tapi mereka selalu menghadapi semua request crazy aku dengan sabar dan penuh semangat positif. On our wedding day, Alvin dan keluarga kami nggak merasa stres sedikit pun—just pure joy, karena tim OSD yang luar biasa rapi dan terorganisir. We just focused on enjoying the moment, trusting them with the details, and they delivered above and beyond. I really wanted to freeze the moment during our wedding as it was so beautiful.🥹❤️ We truly witnessed God’s grace for our wedding through One Sweet Day. It became one of the sweetest, most memorable days of our lives because of OSD. We love you guys so much & we are beyond grateful—bukan cuma karena kalian telah memberi kami the best wedding memories, tapi juga karena kami mendapatkan teman-teman yang bisa dipercaya seumur hidup. We love OSD so much that we even recommended them to my brother, and he will also be handled by OSD (thank God for this, so I can see Ci Patricia & Kaithleen again!). We have faith that OSD will be a pioneer amongst all their competitors, and we can’t wait to see you guys succeed. With much, much gratitude & love, Jesslyn
    Selepi Tidur
    29 December 2024 | Bride at Hans & Caroline Wedding

    Amazing Wedding Organizer

    Gakmau review formal, maunya apa adanya 🙈🙈 Ci pattttt , debdebb Pertama kali denger presentasi ci pat , aku langsung klik bangettt banget tanpa cari WO lainnya lgii aku lgsg mengdealkan WO cici🥹🫶🏻💕 tanpa ba bi bu be bo Thankyou udah banyak banget bantuin akan banyak halll sebelum hari H🥺🥺🥺 Thankyou udah mauuuu direpotin dicerewetin sama bride nya 🥺🥺 Thankyouuuu selalu gercep dan fast respon sama apapun yg aku mau✨ Thankyouuu selalu mau dengerin tanggapan” aku yg kayak kadang agak mengsle🤣 Thankyou banget bangettt selalu care sama bride and groomnya ✨🫶🏻 Thankyouuuuu banget karena selalu ngingetinnn dan reminder apapunnn PR PR yang kurang 🥺🥺 Intinya mereka mauuuuu banget yg terbaik buat bride dan groomsnya, sampe” thankyou kuu tak terhingga💕💕✨✨ Pokoknyaaaa Trimikiciiii udah mau jadiii WO ku yang sangat sangatt baik, kerennn 💕💕🥰🥰 loveyou guys!!🥹🥹 tanpa kalian acara di hari H ku gak bakal bisa berjalan dengan baikk 🥰🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻 Thankyou so much💕💕 Trust me , aku orang yg picky dan perfeksionis🥹💕 jdi tau kan sebawel dan secerewet apa akuhhhh hihihi🤭🤭 hayo debdebb ci pattttt ngakuuuuuu, pucing kan 🙈🙈 wkwkwkkw Semangat terus ONE SWEET DAY WEDDING!!💕💕 aku bakal rekomendasiin terus”an ke bride” jakarta klo mereka tanya WO ku sapaaaaaa karena mereka sebagusssss itu 🥰🥰✨✨ hihihihihi Godblessyou always
    Florence Ignatia
    08 December 2024 | Bride at Timothy & Florence Wedding

    Made our happy day truly the sweetest one❤️

    We are immensely grateful to have chosen One Sweet Day to organize our wedding last month! Still remember the day we interviewed some WO vendors, and in the session with OSD, I knew that this is the one for us 😆 OSD team, especially ci Pat, was very communicative, proactive, and always made our needs as the priority. Despite so many requests and sudden changes from us, OSD managed them very well resulting in a truly sweet day, curated just for us ❤️ We are so blessed to have known you guys! Not just as a vendor but also as friends. God be with you all! Love, Tim and Flo

    Wedding Planning

    What service do you provide?
    Full planning
    What sort of planning do you cover?
    Basically from zero to all preparations,  Detailed task checklist,  Attendee list preparation,  Venue selection,  Reception planning,  Rehearsal dinner planning,  Ceremony planning, Wedding styling and concept
    What is your primary expertise?
    Intimate wedding,  Grand wedding,  International wedding ,  Cultural wedding ,  Religious wedding ceremony
    Minimum and maximum number of guests of a wedding you would coordinate
    up to 1500 pax
    Do you speak other languages should there be any overseas couple who wants to use your services?
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    6 until 12 months before wedding day is perfect, but we will also accept any wedding less than that period!
    What makes your services unique?
    Number 1 tips to trust us: check our reviews at bridestory, they all pure from our satisfied clients ;p Second, we provide unlimited wedding crew numbers that organize your day with no extra charge, for free. Third, your wedding documents will be super detailed, all our clients and vendor even said so. Contact our whatsapp to ask for wedding documents example ;)
    What is your payment terms?
    5 mio for DP, rest are 1 month before the wedding
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    How many hours are included on the day of the wedding?
    Full day
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    When was your business established?
    Our business was started in 2021, out of passion and love in bride and wedding industry.
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    just contact us, we are easy to find :)
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    In 2022 and 2023, we got enlist on Indonesia mass media such as TRANS7, Tempo, Kumparan, Detik and so on. Do check our instagram page!
    Menara Satu Sentra Kelapa Gading lt 1, North Jakarta 14240

    One Sweet Day was born from the love of a wedding union. Start from having fun conversations with the couples, selecting vendors, and creating your dream wedding. We are ready to support you since day 1 of your wedding preparations. You may experience the happy and worry free wedding preparations unlike any others ;) Wanna try the free consultation? Do contact us at 0815-131-88999 (Patricia) and ask us anything! See you in person ❤️

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