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    Namoto Picture Review(s)

    18 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Tassha Billy Gunawan
    07 December 2023 | Bride at Tassha & Handy ( Sangjit ) Wedding


    Thanks a lot Namoto Team! Keren banget FG & VG sangat kooperatif, full senyum ke klien dan juga sabar banget sama saya yang maunya spesifik foto dan videonya. Seharian acara jadi sangat happy banget. foto semua baguss no fail!! HQ nya juga fast respond banget, ramah banget walaupun saya bawel kirim detail ini itu :)) Thankyou Namoto pokoknya sukses teruss! Keep up the good work! Wisihing you abundance of health and wealth!!! ^^
    15 June 2023 | Groom at Franz & Chlau Wedding

    Excellent Wedding Photography and Videography Service

    Sangat senang dan puas memilih Namoto Picture sebagai vendor photography and videography untuk wedding kami.\nService yang sangat baik, ramah, dan fast response dari PIC dan team yang bertugas. Dan juga taking, styling dan editing foto/video yg creative dengan kualitas yang sangat baik, sangat memuaskan. Excellent! ☺👍\nThank you Namoto Picture khususnya PIC dan team yang bertugas.🙏\nSo blessed having you in our wedding. God bless.🙏
    Jessica Valensia
    14 May 2023 | Bride at Jessica & Daniel Wedding

    Dokumentasi Sangjit

    Dear ci Irene, ko Johan, dan King... Kamsia banyak2 buat kerjasamanya di acara sangjitku dan ko Daniel ya... Kami puas dengan kinerja dan hasilnya 🤩 Mulai dari komunikasi yang super duper ramah dan fast response, datang tepat waktu, sigap motret setiap prosesi sehingga nggak ada yang terlewat, dan durasi pengiriman dokumen raw dan edited yang gercep... Dan yang paling penting, semua gaya diarahin oleh tim, cucok bgt buat kami yang mati gaya 😂 Terkait hasil dokumentasi nggak perlu diragukan lagi, pokoke buanyak dan apikkk 🤩 Sekali lagi thankyou buat namoto pictures! Sukses selalu ya 🫰🏻
    02 December 2022 | Bride at Wildan & Nita Wedding


    Awal ketemu namoto karna aku jatuh cinta sama salah satu editan video temenku dan ternyata dia salah satu team namoto. Since day 1 aku tanya price ke irene sangat ramah dan responsive. Walaupun kita baru ketemu di hari H tapi teamnya sangat sopan, ramah dan ga ngerasa kikuk sama sekali. Untuk share hasil shot cepet sekalihhhhhh. Dan pas liat kualitasnya, behhhh raw file nya bikin terkagum-kagum. Dari segi pengambilan foto oke sekali jadi ga butuh waktu lama buat edit file nya. Thank you banyak-banyak namoto team, liat setiap detail foto kalian so touching sekaliii. Thanks for capture every moment di hari bersejarah aku. Love you kalian semuaa.
    Cynthia Chai
    18 November 2022 | Bride at Edwin & Cynthia Wedding

    Great Service

    Cari sepaket foto, video & live streaming, ketemu deh sama namoto ini, pertanyaan2 semua dijawab & dijelaskan in detail terkait semua servicenya. Di handle sama Ci Irene, ramah & helpful banget. Sampe dibikinin jg slide show foto untuk sebelum live streaming dimulai, video & suara jernih, teamnya juga kompak untuk foto video dari awal-akhir & edit foto video tidak butuh waktu lama. Thankyou so much Namoto Team 🥰❤️
    Grace Callista
    26 October 2022 | Bride at Edwin & Grace Wedding

    Edwin & Grace at Grand Mercure Kemayoran

    THANK YOU Namoto Picture for the great and professional Live Streaming service, special thanks untuk Ci Irene yang sudah dengan arrange live streaming wedding kami. Semuanya super profesional, bahkan kami dibantu dibuatkan slideshow pictures sebelum mulai live streaming. Tim sangat responsif, helpfull dan super friendly, baik, dan sabar banget dan terus dilayani dengan baik dari awal sampai akhir. Ketika Hari H juga datang tepat waktu dan pengambilan angle live streaming bagus. TERIMA KASIH ya Namoto Picture & all staff yang udah membantu wedding kami berjalan dengan lancar dan hasilnya yang memuaskan :) Super recommended vendor!


    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Albums,  Negatives,  Digital files
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Destinations,  Natural, and also req concept by klien,  Conceptual,  Candid
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Natural,  Conceptual,  Candid
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot, graduation, maternity and party shoot. And also live streaming.
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot, graduation, maternity, party and live streaming
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    The first things i make a meeting concept and make them comfortable.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    We charge hourly or per event.
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    2 day for soft file photos, and 3-7 days for cinematic video.
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    2 day for soft file photos, and 3-7 days for cinematic video.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    2019 - Certtified Photography, Martha Suherman (London School of Public Relations/LSPR)
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?

    Do you have a replacement videographer in case you become unavailable on the event day?
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    How long does it take for the client to get the final video?
    maks 2 weeks after D-day
    Gading Serpong 15810

    Specialized Photography, Videography and Live Streaming. Every picture tells a story, and We will snap it. Heres to you, Namoto Picture. We will snap Prewedding, Engagement/Sangjit, Wedding ceremony, Graduation, Maternity shoot and also Live Streaming. We capture moments with camera and heart to make their moments become unforgettable. ♡ #namotopicture

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