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12 Review(s), sorted by :
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Namora captured our moments perfectly!
Namora sudah menjadi kepercayaan kami sejak acara Lamaran, Pengajian, Siraman, Midodareni, Akad Nikah, Resepsi I, sampai dengan Resepsi II. Bisa dibilang rangkaian acara kami cukup padat & melelahkan, dua hari berturut-turut sudah harus standby dari Subuh sampai malam. Tapi Namora sangat professional, semua teamnya ramah, polite, dan membuat kami juga jadi ikut relax & nyaman selama acara. Unsurprisingly, the results were amazing! Our photos are naturally beautiful, semua moments perfectly captured, terutama candid photosnya.
Setelah acara selesai pun, Namora tetap sangat professional menanggapi request kami untuk editing photo dan album, walaupun kami sangat sering late-response, tapi Namora really know how to get the job done wonderfully.
Aku, Umar, dan keluarga bersyukur sekali Namora sudah menjadi bagian dari acara special kami. We would recommend Namora to anyone looking for a wedding photographer, if you are thinking of booking Namora for your wedding or any special occasions.. please don't hesitate.
Thank you so much, Mas Andry & team! We look forward to you taking some family shots for us hopefully in the near future :)
Vendor Reply
14 April 2023
Hai mba Gaby, makasih reviewnya, siap terima panggilan buat foto keluarga jika dibutuhkan hehe. Salam buat mas umar ya, sukses terus dan semoga sehat selalu. Aamiin! 🙏

Great vendor!
Saya dan suami menggunakan Namora sebagai vendor untuk seluruh rangkaian acara. Saya dan suami nggak terlalu suka difoto2, jadi saya awalnya nggak niat bikin album lamaran, cukup album nikahan. Eh pas lihat hasil foto lamarannya, saya langsung minta nambah album hehehe. Karena bagusss2🥰 Mas Andry jg bisa ngarahin kami yg kaku ini. Makasih banyak Mas Andry & team! Gak ada komplen pokonya mantepp sukses terus Namora
Vendor Reply
05 March 2023
Hai mba Shasa! Makasih banyak ulasannya, sehat selalu ya, salam buat mas fajar ;)

One of the best vendor
Namora bener-bener berhasil ngecapture semua moment dari serangkaian acara aku dari lamaran sampai resepsi.. hasil nya juga bagus, tone nya i like trs jg koordinasi cepet, ini penting banget buat supaya ga bete nunggu balesan hehe.. thanks a lot ya Mas andry...
Vendor Reply
22 February 2023
Hi mba Andrea, wah makasih review-nya. Kita seneng bgt kmrn bisa handle semua prosesi acaranya mba Andrea dari lamaran sampe wedding day, seru bgt! Heheh, sehat selalu mba, salam buat mas Raffy ya
Best Photo Vendor
Ketemu sama Namora di bridestory expo, udah lama eye-ing di IG karena liat portfolio nya.. pas minta harga omg ternyata affordable sekaliiii dibandingin dengan hasil2 nya. Thank you mas Andry! Puas bgt sama hasil foto nya, terutama same day edit nya!!!! sukses bikin semua orang bertanya2 pakai vendor documentation apa :') sukses teruuuus :-)
Vendor Reply
22 February 2023
Hai mba Tyas! Aamiin, thank you so much! Sehat-sehat selalu mba, salam buat mas Bram ya

Video files hilang
Musibah buat namora dan terutama saya sebagai bride/client, file video hilang semua untuk acara H-1 wedding (pengajian, siraman dan ngeuyeuk seureuh). Saya baru di beri tahu hampir 1 bulan setelah acara. Dengan alasan, hard disk nya rusak. Speechless, karena hari itu saya sengaja hired 1 extra videographer dari namora juga agar tidak kehilangan moments yang tidak akan terulang lagi di hidup saya. Dimana semua vendor photo/video semestinya selalu harus ada BACK-UP data sebelum di pass on to the client. Akhirnya di kembalikan sebagian uang, walaupun tetap aja jatuhnya mahal kalau untuk service foto aja. Karena tidak ada video, jadi dibuatkan slideshow video. Semoga bisa belajar dari kejadian ini..
Vendor Reply
17 September 2022
Hai mba Feli yang cantik. Terimakasih atas reviewnya. Ya Allah, kami juga kaget dan shock atas musibah ini, ratusan client sudah kami tangani, kok ya pas ngerjain project wedding mba Feli malah apes kejadian hal yang ga enak banget ini.
Kami tau kami lalai mba, dan so sorry banget, ini jadi pelajaran buat tim kami agar selalu berhati-hati. Walau biaya jasa video sudah kami kembalikan, kami tahu moment ga akan bisa diulang kembali, tapi Alhamdulilah semua file foto masih ada dan aman, hanya video saja yang hilang karena hardisk kami yang rusak.
Mba Feli, makasih ya udah baik banget ke kami. Sekali lagi kami memohon maaf atas peristiswa yang tidak mengenakan tersebut.
Salam buat keluarga ya, sehat-sehat selalu mba... :)

27 February 2017
Super Team
Senang sekali bisa bekerjasama dengan Namora Pictures. Perfect shot, nice and friendly team. One of the recommended vendor
Vendor Reply
03 April 2017
Thank you!!! Mudah2an kita bisa satu project lg ya. Salam utk mas david!
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What do your packages include?
Photography & Videography - Engagement & Wedding
Do you work overseas?
Do you have a replacement photographer in case you become unavailable on the day of the event?
Do you charge based on package, hourly or full day?
How soon after the event are the proof ready for viewing?
2 Weeks
When will the client get the final album?
2 Month
Do you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
What if we want another packages?
We have "add Ons" with the pricelist
What is included in your photoshoot package?
Albums, Digital files, Hi-Res image, Negatives, Prints
What photography styles do you usually offer?
Journalism, Natural, Black and White, Analog, Candid
What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
Journalism, Candid, Analog
What do your services cover?
Wedding day coverage
What is your speciality?
Wedding day coverage
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
making both of them relax so i can shoot them naturally and fun...
What rate do you usually charge at?
per package
How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
2 weeks
How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
60 - 90 days max
How far in advance should your client contact you?
6 - 3 month
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
awarding in commercial photography with BBDO agency advertising in 2014
What makes your services unique?
style and result
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
yes, clients provide the meals during the photosession
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
What is your payment terms?
10% down payment, and 90% 7 days before the wedding day
When was your business established?
dec 2010
What do your packages include?
DVD of raw footage, Edited video, High definition video, Montage - wedding highlights, Multiple cameras, Multiple videographers, Pre-ceremony, Ceremony, Reception, Rehearsal dinner, Same day edit video
What videography styles do you specialize in?
Cinematic, Documentary
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
bali, bandung, surabaya etc
Do you do a same day edit?
Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
Do you have a replacement videographer in case you become unavailable on the event day?
Do you provide raw footage to the client?
depent on request
Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
Are you available to shoot after hours?
How do you direct the couple when you are capturing their moments of their wedding?
make them relaks...
How many people do you have in your team to handle a wedding?
2 minim. 4 maximum
What makes your services unique?
What is your payment terms?
10% and 90%
What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
usually clients provide meals
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer
When was your business established?
What rate do you usually charge at?
per day / 8 hours, daily
What rate do you usually charge at?
per day / 8 hours, daily
How long does it take for the client to get the final video?
65 days
How far in advance should your client contact you?
6 month
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
By appointment only
Durensawit, Jakarta Timur
Contact : 08161860097
WA : 08161860097
Email : Hellonamora@gmail.com
"Telling story without words".
We shot booth analog and digital.
NAMORA PICTURES is featured in 9 Bridestory Blog articles:
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