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  • Share your experience with Myrtle - The Wedding Essentials

    Others (Unique Services)

    Can you ship to another city in Indonesia or abroad?
    Yes we can! For shipping in Indonesia we use JNE services and for abroad by FedEx or DHL services
    Can I customized my order?
    Yes, absolutely you can customized your order: theme, color, size, material, etc. We could also help you to find the perfect theme for your wedding stuff & clay art. Please contact our customer service for detail.
    Where can I access your complete collection?
    To access our complete collection, please ask our customer service. Some items couldn't published in social media due to some circumstances. To look some of them please look at following links below: --> Really appreciate if you'd like to give us LIKES on our fan page
    Can I request a meeting with you for discuss my wedding?
    Yes, we can schedule a meeting with you to discuss all your wedding stuff after you've finished your transaction process with us. Beside for online discussing, you can always talk to us.
    What clay type that you used? Will it be long last?
    We ONLY used imported clay material (Japan & Thailand) to ensure our quality. Our clay is resin-based that will last forever, it's quite flexible and won't break out. We won't used any kind of flour based local clay with the risk of break out, mildew, color changing, etc. Please don't ever ask us to use local clay in order to press your budget.
    How long d0 you need to complete my order?
    Normally 1-2 months. Ideally 4 months prior of your wedding date is the best time to put your order so we can process your order in detail.

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