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Menara Mandiri by IKK Wedding Review(s)
420 Review(s), sorted by :
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Dream Wedding Came True ✨
Dear Uca,
Thanks udah bantu plan n organize wedding kita dari awal sampai akhir sahhhh..
Tim IKK udah bantu kita urusin n mikirin dari A sampe Z, dari rekomendasi n pilih vendor, urusan logistik sampe, paperworks yg kalo ga dibantu, bakal takes time. Acara kita ini waktu persiapannya super singkat, dan kita sibuk sama kerjaan. Tapi, tim IKK bisa assist n guide kita untuk pilih dekor, makanan, band, foto yang sesuai BM nya kita dan budget. Sampe ke wedding fair pun untuk pilih vendor pun ditemenin. Yang paling mengerikan sebenernya urusan paperworks yg ga tau harus siapin apa, bikin dimana, apa aja. Tp dengan sabarnya Uca guide kita, reminding sampai akhirnya acara kita berlangsung as expected n on schedule.
Kalau dari venue, sangat super nyaman dengan undangan 1000 orang. Parkirnya mudah diakses, AC nya sejuk, lokasinya strategis, bikin undangan nyaman dan happy dateng ke acara kita. Overall kita dapat good impressions dari tamu2 yang dateng, khususnya makanan dan dekorasi. Tamu happy, kita pun happy 😊
Thanks lagi untuk Uca n team IKK yang bantu acara kita. Rasanya nikahan ini kayak diurus sama adek sendiri 🥰✨
Vendor Reply
31 January 2025
HALOOO kakak kakak sayangkuu, ka fegis & ka ryan✨❤️
terimakasiih banyak kakak sekali lagi atas kepercayaannya dengan IKK Wedding, khususnya akuu
seneng bangettttt bisa kenal kalian dan keluarga lebih dekat dan bisa bantu acara kaliannn!
semoga banyak kebahagiaan yang terus meliputi kehidupan rumah tangga kalian kaakk, sehat sehat dan dimudahkan segala urusannya yaahh❤️
see youu dikesempatan yang juga baikk kaaakk!
with love,
uca & ikk team
Angkola Ethereal Wedding at Menara Mandiri by IKK Wedding
Four months have passed since we celebrated our wedding reception at Menara Mandiri 10th Floor, beautifully and meticulously orchestrated by IKK Wedding, yet the joy and magic of that day still linger. It was a truly unforgettable experience—not just for us but also for our families, friends, colleagues, and guests.
Our special day on September 15th was nothing short of perfect, thanks to the unwavering dedication of the IKK Wedding Planner & Organizer team, especially Mba Niswa, Mba Liyana, and Mas Fajrin, who were the masterminds behind the seamless execution of our wedding.
From the very beginning, Mba Niswa, as the manager, displayed exceptional professionalism, proactivity, and collaboration. She guided us through every step, ensuring not a single detail was overlooked—a truly remarkable feat given my perfectionist and maximalist tendencies as a bride. Her ability to navigate my high standards while maintaining grace and attention to detail was nothing short of exemplary.
With IKK Wedding's curated network of exceptional partners, choosing vendors was effortless. We were thrilled to collaborate with Alfabet Catering, Azka Anggun, Red Velvet Entertainment, and other top-tier vendors.
Alfabet Catering delivered an exceptional culinary experience, with every dish meticulously presented and delicious. Guests left not only happy but completely satisfied, and we owe a big thank you to Mba Santi for her attention to detail.
The décor was nothing short of breathtaking—an enchanting blend of Angkola traditional elegance and an English-European idyllic garden. Mas Fauzan executed my vision flawlessly, and to this day, we still receive compliments about how dreamy and detailed the decorations were.
Red Velvet Entertainment brought our reception to life with their stunning vocal and musical performance—another vendor we selected with absolute confidence.
We were also fortunate to collaborate with a remarkable team of creatives, including MASSA Picture, 83Photostudio, MyMoment, Wedwebs, Vienna Gallery, and our extraordinary designer, Mas Jojo Septhio, who crafted the most exquisite attire for both our Akad and Reception. Each piece was truly a masterpiece. Additionally, Kak Kanya Putri's artistry transformed me into a vision of elegance—red lipstick has never looked so stunning on me.
Overall, collaborating with IKK Wedding and their partners was a pleasure. While there were minor hiccups, they were all manageable. One key learning point for the future, though: Midway through our preparations, our manager transitioned from Mas Ray to Mba Niswa. Although they were both co-managers throughout, the leadership transition could have been handled more smoothly. Gratefully, Mba Niswa quickly caught up and exceeded expectations. This change was initially a bit unsettling, particularly as a bride managing all the emotions of planning a wedding. Moving forward, maintaining continuity in such roles could help ensure a smoother experience for couples.
That said, we're immensely grateful for the entire teams dedication, creativity, and expertise. Thanks to them, our wedding day remains a memory we'll cherish forever.
A HUGE thank you to all the incredible heroes at IKK Wedding! I look forward to seeing you all again—perhaps at my brother's wedding? (wink)
Pengalaman yang sangat baik
Pengalaman yang sangat baik melaksanakan acara akad & resepsi di Menara Mandiri by IKK. Saya sangat merekomendasikan venue ini untuk menjadi tempat pernikahan.
Vendor Reply
19 January 2025
Dearest Ka Akbar dan Ka Gadiss
Sekali lagi terimakasih banyak yaa ka untuk reviewnya, doa terbaik untuk ka Gadis, ka Akbar, dan keluarga.
Seneng bangt bisa menjadi bagian dari hari bahagia kalian
Selalu ditunggu kabar2 bahagia lainnyaaa
Sehat-sehat terus kaka2 dan salam untuk keluarga lainnya
Alif & IKK Team
Thankyou IKK WP & WO
Aku bener2 bersyukur bgt di pertemukan sama IKK buat jadi WP & WO di acara pernikahanku, ga nyesel sama sekali🥹🤍🙏.
Pertamakali tau IKK itu pas ke booth bridestory bulan Oktober 2023 (jujur ini cuma iseng pergi sm temen2 aja). Terus Februari 2024 kita udh mulai serius cari venue, kebetulan ada wedding exhibition lg, gatau kenapa yang pertamakali di datengin itu booth IKK. Lalu nextnya kita lanjut survey ke venue, ketemu kak Rajiv. Jujur dalam 1hari survey, kita ke 5 tempat wedding venue. Tapi aku & orang tua tentunya lebih milih di IKK Menara Mandiri lt. 10 karena good service, very recommended❤️
Mau terimakasih banyak buat tim IKK wedding, especially buat wedding plannerku, Kak Fajrin. Yang selalu menerima jokes aku & suamiku karena kita orangnya gapernah serius🤣. Ga kebayang kalo ga ketemu IKK kayaknya aku udh jadi bridezilla sih. Ka fajrin bener2 ngebantu aku banget yang super sibuk ini, gapernah ngepush yg bikin stress bridenya tapi selalu di ingetin dengan santai hihuu. Semua yang aku bingungin, sama ka fajrin langsung di jelasin detil beserta dikirimin referensi2 vendor huhu, sangat berguna bgt kakk🤍. Semua kita plan dengan enjoy & chill ya kak wkwkwk🤣
Selama hari H kerjanya juga oke bgt, gesit, satset wkwk BEST!. Walaupun sedikit hectic pas hari H tapi semuanya bisa di kontrol dengan baik🥺. Aku, suami dan keluarga besar happy bgt dengan service tim IKK. Very recommended buat kamu yang kerjanya sibuk, gapunya banyak waktu buat urus pernikahan tp mau acara pernikahannya bombastis, gong, pecah WKWKKW. Cinta bgtt sama IKK pokoknyaa😭🤍🙏
Sukses selalu IKK, Kak Fajrin, Kak Rajiv🤍
Vendor Reply
23 January 2025
Haii Kak Tasya Kak Nuh! 🥰
Terima kasih banyak atas review manisnya! Aku senang banget bisa jadi bagian dari hari bahagia kak Tasya dan suami (ciee). Aku & tim IKK juga happy banget karena selalu kalian chill dan seru diajak kerja samanya, bikin Wedding planning jadi fun dan santai. 🤭✨
Semoga kehidupan pernikahan kalian selalu penuh cinta dan kebahagiaan yaa! Kalau ada acara lain di masa depan, jangan ragu buat kontak IKK lagi. 💕
Salam hangat,
Fajrin, Rajiv & Tim IKK Wedding 🤍✨
Very recommended WP & WO
Our best decision for our wedding planning journey was probably choosing IKK Wedding. Cuman butuh 1 hari & nggak perlu banyak survey sana-sini untuk yakin sama IKK dengan lokasinya yang bagus dan strategis dan pelayanan yang sangat ramah dan informatif dari awal sebelum deal, rekanan vendor juga banyak pilihan bagus-bagus.
Apresiasi yang sangat besar untuk Mbak Alif, wedding planner kita dari awal perjalanan, dan semua tim yang turun tangan selama perjalanan dan saat hari H, yang sudah sangat helpful, profesional, selalu positive vibes dan komunikatif. Perjalanan wedding planning jadi seru dan gampang banget dengan didampingi IKK (padahal waktu kita banyak tersita untuk pekerjaan dan urusan lainnya) tapi Mbak Alif selalu sat set, selalu perhatiin detail-detail kecil, selalu kasih rekomendasi dan saran yang berguna banget, dan selalu berhasil wujudin kemauan kita & keluarga yang banyak banget - even saat jam-jam terakhir sebelum akad.
Keluarga besar dan teman-teman pun puas dan kagum sama kinerja dan pelayanan yang mereka dapetin dari team IKK, setting the standard so high! Pas hari H juga happy sekali semua dieksekusikan secara bagus banget oleh tim IKK dan seluruh vendor, looking back theres not one thing wed change or criticize about. IKK team really poured everything they have in doing their work throughout the whole journey and really shows they love what they do. Seandainya bisaaa tiap bulan plan acara sama IKK hahahahaha, were going to miss the good memories we made with IKK.
For future brides and grooms, we highly recommend IKK Wedding, very worth the value :)
Vendor Reply
28 December 2024
Dearest my lovely bird ka Gadis dan ka Akbar 🤗🤗
Terharuu banget baca reviewnya 🥰🥰
gak bosen-bosennya aku mau ucapin Terimakasih yang sebanyak2 sudah mempercayakan hari bahagianya bersama Alif dan IKK team
Seneng banget bisa planning bareng sama ka Gadis, ka Akbar, dan tentunya dengan keluarga
bakal kangen banget sama kaka2 dan keluarga
Doa terbaik untuk ka Gadis dan ka Akbar semoga selalu menjadi keluarga yang Sakinah,mawaddah, warrahmah. Semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagian selalu
kakaaa-kaka Semoga hari-hari planning dan juga hari H kalian selalu berkesan dan menjadi kenangan indah untuk kalian berdua dan keluarga yaa keep in touch terus ya kaka2
ditunggu kabar bahagia lainnya
Alif & IKK Team ❤️
IKK is the best WO :)
Planned my wedding for a year with IKK, Alif & Rajiv is very helpful and patient. They made the D-Day event which really stressful to be worry-free.
We did have sterling review from our parents and big family on how IKK Wedding is very helpful and treat them with high respect. We made great memory for our once in a lifetime event with IKK Wedding and will highly recommend them to the couple who plans to have their wedding :)
Vendor Reply
24 December 2024
Dearest Ka Della & Ka Rangga,
Once again, thank you so much for trusting Alif, Rajiv, and the entire IKK team to be a part of your special day. Bahagia sekali bisa jadi bagian dari hari special nya ka Della dan ka Rangga
Doa terbaik tak hentinya untuk kalian berdua.
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love as you continue your journey together.
We hope the memories we helped create will bring a smile to your faces for years to come, and that this special day marks the start of a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and endless adventures together.
salam selalu untuk keluarga yang lain 🥰🥰
With Love,
Alif, Rajiv and IKK Team❤️
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What settings does your venue provide?
What type of venue(s) do you offer?
Banquet hall/ ballroom
Minimum and maximum number of guests
On the 9th floor, Minimum 300 guests up to 1200 guests.
On the 10th floor, Minimum 400 guests up to 1500 guests.
Do you offer an onsite wedding consultant?
Through an exclusive partnership with IKK Wedding, we provide you professional wedding planners to assist you until the wedding day.
What types of cuisine does your venue specialize in?
Indonesian -
What activities are suitable in this venue?
Religious ceremony, Reception, Holy Matrimony, Tea Pai
Please describe more details on the venues that you have
Assembly Hall Menara Mandiri mempunyai ballroom dengan konsep modern dan mewah. Berlokasi di Jl. Jend. Sudirman No 54, SCBD, Jakarta Selatan sangat strategis dan mudah diakses oleh para tamu undangan dan keluarga. Ballroom berkapasitas 800-1500 Pax. Penawaran paket All In, dengan ekslusif wedding planner dari IKK Wedding yang akan menamani pengantin dari awal sampai hari H.
Do you allow outside catering?
Basically, it's not recommended. But, If customers bring outside catering, there will be charge fee.
Do you allow outside liquor?
Basically, it's not recommended. But, If customers bring outside liquor, there will be charge fee.
Is there any corkage fee?
We really recommend you to use our trusted vendors.
What type of other services do you also provide?
Decoration, Catering, Entertainment, Photography, Videography, and special wedding planning service
Do you offer valet parking?
We also provide up to 10 free parking vouchers for each couples.
Is there handicap access?
Our staffs will also be there to assist your beloved guests.
How far in advance should your client make a booking?
The most ideal time for a client to contact us would be 6-12 months prior to the wedding. The latest time would be 2 months before the wedding. Later than that counseling is needed.
What makes your services unique?
IKK Wedding provides one-stop wedding services with Japanese level of hospitality. Together with Indonesian wedding experts and staffs that have been trained in Japan, we could help you with both traditional and international wedding.
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
When was your business established?
IKK Wedding : 2017
Do you have liability insurance?
Menara Mandiri (Ex. Plaza Bapindo)
Kav 54-55 Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Senayan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12190
Located in the heart of Jakarta, consist of two luxurious & spacious halls, Menara Mandiri is the best choice for you. Together with IKK Wedding, we offer you not only our prestigious halls, but also the best professional wedding planners that would be more than happy to assist you until the wedding day. Through 16 years of wedding planning experience in Japan, now IKK is ready to fulfill Indonesian bride and groom’s needs. Tell us about your dream wedding & let us help you make it come true.
Menara Mandiri by IKK Wedding is featured in 2 Bridestory Blog articles:
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