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    luvino pictures Review(s)

    3 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Jessica Christianto
    02 July 2017 | Bride at Frelliv & Jessica Wedding

    One of the most important things

    Halooo :D pertama gw tau LUVINO PICTURES itu di rekomendasiin sama salah satu sahabat gw yg married bulan Mei kemaren, Maria & Mozes. Gw emang pernah bilang sih ke Maria, "Mar, ntar abis lu married, ajarin gw yaa semua2 nya tentang pesiapan wedding, sama fotografernya juga sekalian", dan waktu itu pas banget doi mau pre wedd. Langsung deh dia bilang, "Jes lu liat ig nya luvino deh, bagus2 jepretan nya, lu kenal sama Ko Shem gak?" , gw jawab "ga kenal sih tp gw liat dulu deh ig nya siapa tau tau muka doang", terus gw follow + gw stalking deh ig nya Ko Shem sama ig LUVINO PICTURES, itu asli gw stalking ig nya sampe bawah banget hahahahaha terus gw bilang ke pacar gw kalo si Maria rekomendasiin buat pake LUVINO PICTURES sebagai fotografer buat wedding nanti. Untung pacar gw ga termasuk tipe cowo yg banyak maunya / nuntut pengen fotografer yg harus begini begitu. Singkat cerita, emang Sukabumi tuh sempit banget, ternyata pacar gw ama Ko Shem tuh udah saling kenal. Semakin yakin aja buat pake LUVINO PICTURES. Apalagi Ko Shem itu tipe orang yg asik banget di ajak ngobrol, sharing, nyambung sih udah pasti, kalau gw bilang "ko pengen kaya gini dong bla bla bla", terus Ko Shem suka tambahin ide yg bikin gw jadi makin excited. Jadi gw ga malu2 buat ungkapin gw pengen gini gw pengen gitu. Namanya cewek kan yaa rempong, apapun pengen terlihat perfect apalagi di hari H nya, dan gw termasuk tipe cewe plin plan yg sekarang pengen kayak A, 5 menit kemudian ganti jadi B. Apa yg terlintas di otak gw / apa yg baru gw liat terus menarik perhatian gw itu langsung gw bilang ke Ko Shem pengen kaya gini kaya gitu. Yaa walaupun bisa di bilang hari H gw masih lamaaa banget & gw belom pre wedd juga, tapi sekarang udah mulai ngerasa ga sabar pengen cepet2 pre wedd sama team LUVINO PICTURES . Buat kalian pasangan yang lagi persiapan buat wedding, di utamain buat cewek2 yg lagi pusing julid lieurrr tujuh keliling nyari2 fotografer buat meng-abadi-kan sebaik mungkin hari besar lu yg mudah2an sekali seumur hidup, jadi gw rekomendasiin pake LUVINO PICTURES. Tenang aja kalau soal harga sih aman di kantong kok bro & sis :D LUVINO PICTURES T.O.P B.G.T *cheers*
    27 June 2017 | Groom at koko Wedding

    Recommended Photography Service

    dari awal si istri gua,,, yang ngeyakinin banget buat pake ni vendor,,,,,,,n emang pas ngobrol pertama metting ternyata bisa bikin kita nyaman banget,,,,luvino pictures banyak memberikan kita sharing yg bermanfaat dan bikin kita makin percaya diri buat d foto,,,,,,apalagi pas take prewedd dan wedding kita rasa ni vendor ga ngecawain banget,,,dengan hasil dan cepet banget kita dapet albumnya,,,puas banget kita,,,so sukses terus buat luvino pictures....terima kasih banyak,,,,sudah membantu kami
    Regina Aprillia D-callista
    15 June 2017 | Bride at Regina dan Dimas Wedding

    Our best photographer

    Hai guys, gw mau sdkit berbagi review tentang prsiapan "MY BIG DAY" alias my wedding day :D Pastinya momen sekali seumur hidup ini harus kita abadikan sebaik dan se perfect mungkin kan ya. Nah salah satu cara mengabadikan nya itu dengan melihat foto-foto atau video wedding kalian tentunya. nah, makanya saat gw mulai persiapan dan mulai cari-cari vendor gw sempet keleyengan juga sih, sempet bingung harus pilih photographer yg mana (gw ini kalo masalah foto pgn hasil nya unik,romantis,lucu,outdoor dan anti mainstream) karena gw trmasuk org yg 'rewel' masalah hasil foto. Selain cari photographer yg hasil nya bener bener 'membanggakan', tentunya gw cari yg harga nya bersahabat jg (hihihi.teteplah nama nya ce pasti pgn cari yg bagus tapi ga nguras kantong) singkat cerita,kebingungan dan pencarian gw selama sebulan berlabuh padaaaaaaaaa LUVINO PICTURES !!!!! YEAYYYYYY. we get my perfect photographer !!!! hahahahahahah the founder name is Samuel Lonawijaya yg akrab di panggil Ko Shem. gw dan pasangan ngerasa enjoy bgt ngelakuin sesi pemotretan brg doi dan kawan-kawan. Doi dan team org yg calm bgt walaupun gw n pasangan sering bawel pgn request gaya-gaya sendiri.hihihi dgn harga yg ramah di kantong, kalian tetap bisa dpt hasil foto-foto yg bikin kalian pgn ngulang lg hari bahagia kalian :) (tp jgn bener-bener di ulang yaaaa :D )


    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Albums,  Prints,  Digital files,  Proof CD of all images
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Candid,  Artistic,  Natural,  Classic,  Vintage,  Black and White,  Portraiture,  Cultural,  Conceptual,  Journalism
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Candid,  Journalism,  Conceptual
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Wedding day coverage,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Beauty shoot
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Do you employ any special technologies, equipments, or techniques?
    Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    What makes your services unique?
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer
    What is your payment terms?
    When was your business established?
    jl. brawijaya RUKO D & E 43132

    WE ARE PROFESIONAL WEDDING & PREWEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY : luvinopictures is a group specializes in wedding photography creative from Sukabumi (Indonesia),through a lot of new things and without limits when photographing a wedding,it is our passion to always make the best work that we are required to give for your trust to choose us in your happy day,please don't hesitate to share dreams and explore with us.

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