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KPHmusic Review(s)
3 Review(s), sorted by :
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Big Thanks to KPHmusic
Big Thanks to KPHmusic, yang telah mengisi acara pernikahan saya dan istri. terimakasih kepada orang-orang yang terlibat dalam mensukseskan acara kami. terutama kepada tim dari KPHmusic specially for mr. Andre, youre "gokil" man (i still don't understand what he mean "gokil" actually, haha) perhaps it's best. thank you for inspiring & helping us in our special day, great sound, good musician, great music, it's so unforgettable. Too many words i can't say for KPHmusic's review, but they are the BEST in everything, music, ideas... and BIG THANKS specially for mr. Andre, youre the best brother!, Thank you!

review KPHmusic
pertama nemu KPHmusic di mall Trans Studio, ada piano putih. waktu itu sekedar iseng foto-foto dan ambil brosur. pertama nyangka utk wedding tradisional pasti mahal nih, sedangkan budget saya terbatas.
Pas saya kontak person in charge di brosur, ternyata murah dan helpful banget!, yang pasti pada saat meeting selalu inspiratif dan kooperatif, dan saat hari H, saya dan suami sangat puas!, lebih dari yang saya dan suami bayangkan... lagu-lagu dibawakan sempurna, sound system yang ngga bising sesuai keinginan saya, dress up player oke banget...!, tata panggung dan lighting bonusnya makasih banget! sangat helpful!
pokoknya terimakasih KPHmusic, jangan kapok ya, the best pokoknya KPHmusic, very recomended bintang lima
Vendor Reply
05 April 2016
thank you Mbak Mia... we love you both... you both are the best.. Happy Wedding!

KPHmusic super KEREEEEN
Special Thanks to KPHmusic
testimoni gw buat KPHmusic.. SUPER PUASSSSS!!! spesial thanks buat bang Andre.. yang helpful banget buat acara aku...maafin banyak direpotin ya.... ga cuma musik yang KEREN, playernya KEREN, aransemen musik KEREN, desain panggung KEREN, dan yang bikin kaget harga KEREN BANGET.... ga nyesel deh pilih KPHmusic, yang pasti KPHmusic emang KEREN... aku doain semoga makin KEREN dan semakin banyak rejekinya AMIN overall makasih banyaaak KPHmusic ps : buat bang andre, ntar temen2 gw dan adik-adik gw pokonya bang andre wajib ada, minimal hadir or ngontrol ya.... lebih KEREN lagi kalo bisa main piano yah :) salam Jessilyn-Rey
Vendor Reply
05 April 2016
Thank you super klien! both of you're the best.... nanti disampaikan salamnya ke Bang Andre ya.... we love you both SUPER KLIEN....
salam, KPHmusic
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Entertainment (Music)
What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
Band, Orchestra, Duet, All Music Works Need
What is the size of your musical ensemble?
2 - 30 persons
What music genres do you offer?
Acoustic, Big band, Classical, Gospel, International, Jazz, Oldies, Orchestra, Pop, R&B/Soul, Strings, Swing
What is your speciality? (max. 3)
Acoustic, Jazz, Pop
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Bandung, jakarta, Bali, Palembang, Makassar, surabaya, Lampunng, Padang, other cities: garut, tasik, subang, purwakarta, cirebon, pangandaran
Do you have your own equipment?
Grand piano (white, black, gold), professional sound systems by huper and allen heath
Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
Lighting, Sound/PA system, Microphones, GRAND Piano Black, White,Gold
Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
Songlist sebanyak banyaknya, free request
How far in advance should your client contact you?
3-5 bulan sebelumnya atau max 3 minggu sebelum
Well Prepared event first only
What makes your services unique?
Serve you best music for your event
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment, Cash
What is your payment terms?
30% DP, pelunasan max h-1 acara
When was your business established?
Kontak kami
Meet us everyday @ Braga city walk bandung and Trans Studio Mall bandung.. Watch our talents everyday and Contact person : Andre Telp/ WA 081223880005,
What services do you offer?
DJ, Ceremony music, Cocktail hour music, Instrumentals, MC, Reception music, Rehearsal dinner music, Sample performances, Vocals, Audio visuals, Dance performance
Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
What is your usual attire?
Program 3B Bisik Bisik Budget selama April
Dear all brides and grooms,
Kami tim dari KPHmusic, utk permintaan pricelist bisa langsung lihat di profile kami di Bridestory atau pricelist Bandung by wa ke nomer 081223880005
Bulan april ini ada spesial program "3B Bisik Bisik Bajet", jadi mbak cukup beritahukan kira2 budget anda berapa dan impian anda utk musik di acara spesial mbak seperti apa. Jangan lupa sertakan tanggal, jam dan gedung acara spesial mbak :).
Caranya cukup balas email ini atau wa ke nomer tersebut diatas, beritahukan bajet mbak dan customer service kami akan membantu melayani anda.
Happy wedding preparation :)
Warm regards,
jl. Laswi no 10 bandung
Whatsapp 081223880005 for fast response
Jl. Laswi No. 10 Bandung
wa 081223880005
Professional Music Works for Events, Weddings, Ceremony, etc
Grand Piano suppliers, Sound Systems, show Directors and event contractors Pricelist by wa 081223880005
meet us everyday at Braga Citywalk, Terazzo Festival Citylink, Trans Studio Mall & Trans Studio Bandung Pricelist info by WA 081223880005
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