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    KittyCat Entertainment Review(s)

    11 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Helvetika Amperiana
    20 February 2021 | Bride at Wildan & Helvetika Wedding

    Lovely vendor, lovely songs

    Very cooperative and interactive vendor in the interesting ways. Semua pemainnya kece abis, sesuai sama permintaan aku yg pengen tema pernikahannya bernuansa jazzy 😍 Thank you kitty cat music, sukses terus makin maju kedepannya yaa, GBU
    Ima Hadi
    10 July 2019 | Bride at Ima & Hadi Wedding

    Highly Recommend

    Ada gak sih kata yang lebih lebay dari sempurna?! Kalo ada itu pasti untuk KittyCat Entertainment! Gak tau lagi harus bilang apa kalian tuh sempurna banget. Mas indra sbg pic aku waktu itu baik bgt. Pertama kali nanya2 aja ramah bgt dan ngejamin aku gak perlu ribet mikirin sound. Mas indra dan tim KittyCat siap ngrusin dari akad. Kurang sempurna apa coba?! Pas resepsi jg lagu2 aku dinyanyiin. Waktu TM bundaku minta lagu koes plus dan hari H dinyanyiin. Kereennn. Disaat aku menemukan banyak vendor yg gak ramah, jual mahal, nyusahin, kalian adalah vendor paling hebat yg pernah aku temui. Lebay kan? Tp jujur kalian ngebantu aku banget. Terima kasih banyak Mas Indra dan Tim KittyCat. Semoga kalian makin sukses ya.

    Vendor Reply

    10 July 2019
    terharu mba hhahahaa tenkyu banget mba Ima dan mas Hadi.. semoga kalian jadi keluarga yg samawa yah dan langgeng terus sampe kakek nenek... salam buat ibu yah mba..
    Merry mega
    10 July 2019 | Bride at Merry & Nando Wedding

    Review on our wedding in Bogor - 22 June 2019

    I love them all!!! They follow all my wishlist playlist song that I want to listen. My cousins also did singing along like karaoke and enjoy the event so much. Love the ambient that they made at my wedding. Apologize that it was so tiring for me so I cannot approach you or take any photos with the team directly on that D Day. Wedding day. The singer both male and female singer are good, dress politely, love all the songs, and they play music really good also. Wish you all success and happiness. Thanks!

    Vendor Reply

    10 July 2019
    thank you so much mbaa.. we wish you two a happy marriage.. hatur nuhun tenkyu..
    Nelwan Filipus Tando
    02 August 2018 | Groom at Stephanie Sofian Wedding

    Thank you Kitty Cat

    Suka sekali dengan performance dan penampilan dari kitty cat entertainment, musiknya jazzy banget, suara vokalisnya mantap, team responsif dan friendly, ga nyesel deh pilih vendor ini. Really recommended ! Thank you so much kitty cat

    Vendor Reply

    03 August 2018
    Sama2 mas nelwan.. Tenkyu yah udah mau mempercayakan ke kami.. happy wedding yaa pak dan bu dokter...
    Rama Muhammad Bintang
    01 July 2018 | Groom at Rama Wedding

    Really Recommended

    Contact person by WA mbak Fanie responsif banget, sangat ramah, baik bangeet, dan sangat membantu kita2 para calon pengantin biar ga pusing2 ngurusin soal entertainment. Semuaaaa dibantu di urusin. Team Kitty Cat juga semua baik2 walaupun ga sempet ketemu tapi mereka main dengan baik dan sama sekali ga ngecewain. Soal penampilan? Kaya yg udah ditulis sebelum ya SAMA SEKALI GA MENGECEWAKAN! Mereka main bagus bangeeet, hampir semua lagu yg di request mereka mainin dengan super apikkkk. Wedding song dikemas dengan elengant dan kekinian. Sampe2 dipelaminan tanpa sadar goyang2 sendiri ikutin lagu yg lagi mereka mainin. Makasih banyaaak kitty cat, super recomme ded dan super happy wedding kami bisa diiringin dengan musik keren dan indah kalian.

    Vendor Reply

    01 July 2018
    Terima kasih banyak mas Rama dan mba Yella.. iya kemaren kita ga sempet foto bareng yah.. trima kasih bnyak dan semoga mas Rama dan mba Yella langgeng sampe kakek nenek yaahhh aminnnn...
    19 March 2018 | Bride at Syfa & Shahrizal Wedding

    Vendor Music <3

    Having them as one of my best vendor in my wedding day! Thankyou very much, dear Kitty & team for ur beautifull voice & performance. Aku dan mas ichal sekeluarga suka dan puas sm penampilannya, taamu ku banyak yg comment katanya music nya jazzyyy bangeeet. Sesuai dengan permintaan tema musik yang dipengengin bride to be, ditambah Kitty ngakomodir lagu-lagu fav yg di request bride&grooms nyaaaa. Super thankyou so muchhhhh yaaaaa, Kitty & team. Recomended❤️

    Vendor Reply

    19 March 2018
    Thank You So Much mba Syfa & Mas Ichal , Happy Ever After yaa mba

    Entertainment (Music)

    What type of musical ensemble do you provide? (max.3)
    Band,  Duet,  Quartet
    What is the size of your musical ensemble?
    2 performers to 10 performers
    What music genres do you offer?
    Acoustic,  Jazz,  R&B/Soul,  Funk,  Gospel,  Big band,  Rock,  Swing,  Classic rock,  Oldies,  Dance,  Pop,  Reggae,  Blues
    What is your speciality? (max. 3)
    Acoustic,  Jazz,  R&B/Soul
    What services do you offer?
    DJ,  Ceremony music,  Instrumentals,  MC,  Reception music,  Rehearsal dinner music,  Vocals,  Cocktail hour music
    Do you have your own equipment?
    Do you provide other stage equipment(s) to support your performance?
    Microphones,  Sound/PA system, Other
    Is it possible to request something that's not in the repertoire?
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    1 month before your special day
    What is your repertoire?
    jazz, soul, pop, rock alternative and RnB
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    We charge per packages, depends with the clients needs, give us a call for the details
    What is your usual attire?
    Formal Dress
    What makes your services unique?
    we played top 40's music and twist it with jazz arrangements or if you liked it, we could do it in any other kind of arrangements
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    20% on contract signing, 80% 1 day before D-Day
    When was your business established?
    We played professional music and perform at weddings, cafes and events since 2006, but we established our business since 2013
    Can I pick my own players formation?
    Of course you can, in fact, we encourage you to do so, because for your special day, we wanted you to have something different.
    Can I have special song request?
    You can. Just give us your playlist and tell us how you want it. We can make a special arrangement just for you.
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Do you accept Credit Card Payment?
    Yes.. effectively this May 2018 we accept credit card payment (with installment also) with Bridestory Pay
    Are these prices negotiable?
    Of course.. Don't hesitate to contact us and we will give you our best price..
    Jalan Diwangsa IV no.11A Nusa Indah Residence 16154

    KittyCat Entertainment adalah konsultan entertainment untuk hari special anda. Kami menghadirkan performers untuk acara spesial anda, big band, full band, accoustic, chambers, atau formasi yang anda inginkan. Sound system dan juga MC dapat kami hadirkan untuk anda. Konsultasikan kebutuhan anda, dan kami akan memberikan solusi dan biaya terbaik untuk anda. Kami hadir di JaBoDeTaBek. Kami menerima pembayaran menggunakan Credit Card melalui Bridestory Pay.. And our price list is still negotiable.

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