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    JN Invitation Review(s)

    3 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    catherine keen
    24 January 2020 | Bride at Steven & Catherine Wedding


    Thanks to JN Invitation, hasil desainnya oke, Kita suka.. tema simple dan rustic modernnya dapat.. Recomended dech, Untuk calon bride groom yg masih bingung cari2 Invitation, boleh loh coba design di JN Invitation, dijamin "Cocok". So join immediately for the next couple 🙏🏻😁. (Thanks so much and happy to able to work together Mr. Arnold-The Owner of JN_Invitation).
    03 September 2019 | Bride at Adit & Marlyne Wedding

    Recommended Vendor

    We are glad that we chose JN Invitation as our wedding invitation vendor. They have been very helpful from the beginning in guiding us to prepare all the details and choose the perfect design. It’s a simple and classic invitation. Reasonable price with a good quality outcome. They are able to fulfil the deadline as well. Wish JN Invitation a great success in the future!
    Yunita chang
    04 May 2019 | Client at Yunita & Dony Wedding

    Recommended vendor undangan

    Undangan menurut saya adalah kesan pertama yang akan dilihat tamu undangan sebelum hari H. So, Undangan harus menarik dan ga pasaran.. Jadi saya request desain undangan yang custom ke ko Arnold Dengan sabar, telaten dan ramah ko Arnold mengerjakan undangan sesuai permintaan saya. Dan hasilnya bagus banget. Saya dan keluarga sukaa.. Sukses selalu buat JN INVITATION


    Do you provide catalog or custom products?
    Custom design requsted by customer.
    Is there a minimum order requirement?
    200 pcs
    Do you provide services in other cities or countries?
    anyone who need invitations, can contact us
    What services do you include in your package?
    Design ,  Printing ,  Assembly
    Do you provide delivery services for the invitations?
    free delivery within range 10 km from our workshop
    Do you ship worldwide?
    What other services do you offer?
    Printing service,  Thank you cards,  Guestbooks,  Menu,  Cards,  Gifts
    Do you use any special technology or technique?
    Letterpress,  Foil, Emboss
    What design styles do you specialize in?
    Floral, Vintage, Rustic, Formal, Religius
    What is your average turnaround time, from initial consultation to shipment?
    Depending from the client request. Usually they receive their invitation 4-6 weeks before their wedding day
    How far in advance should your client make an order?
    5 month should be safe..
    What makes your services unique?
    Custom design as requested by customer
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Cash
    When was your business established?
    start from 2013
    What is your payment terms?
    20% after confirmation of contract 50% after final design confirmation 30% after all job has finished
    Darmo Indah Selatan JJ-14 60186

    We make invitations and souvenirs since 2013.

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.