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Jesflomakeupartist Review(s)
5 Review(s), sorted by :
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Love her works & professionalism
Love her works! Whatsappnya sangat responsive, friendly and helpful. Jes juga dengerin yang saya mau and open to any feeback. Hasilnya bagus, flawless and awet, seluruh keluarga juga blg baguss! Pastinya bakal contact lagi buat any future events I have :). Thank youu
Vendor Reply
12 May 2022
Thank you 🥰🥰

Makeupnyaa topp bangeett, highly recommended!!
Aku ambil paket bride + trial + retouch..
Penting bangeet buat bride pake TRIAL, pertama trial ini bisa dipake untuk makeup sangjit/prewed, lumayan jg kan ngurangin budget makeup lain2. Kedua, cici Jesflo ini bener2 liatin kulit kita dan cocokkin makeup apa yg cocok. Even pas trial itu biasanya kan lebi cepet dr makeup pas wedding. Ini enggaa.. bener2 waktunya 3 jam untuk makeup trial. Bahkan ada jg step2 skincare dan masker yg bikin muka kita tuhh haluss dan lembut.
Dan terakhir makeupnya awett sampe malem tanpa retouch cm ada minyak2 dikit.. setelah itu kita bisa review jg mana yg kurang biar hari H lebi maximal..
Pas wedding jadinya cici jesflo uda tau jelas jenis muka kita, dan bagian tricky2 nyaa jadi hasilnya maximall puoll..
Cici jesflo jg dtg 20 menit sblm waktu makeup, mungkin terdengar biasa ya.. tp ini tuh bener2 penting sbenernya, pertama waktu dandan kita ga berkurang buat beres2 makeup, yg kedua.. cici jesflo skaligus kek bangunin aku wkwkwk ak bener2 baru bangun pas cici jesflo dtg huh penyelamatku..
Pas retouch, kita bisa pake buat ganti look dan beresin makeup kita yg abis nangiss.. ya walaupun tetep on point yha, atau mo ganti warna lipstik untuk sesuain baju jg itu smua bisa dibicarakan ya gaes..
Dan pentingnya lagii, cici jesflo ini jg bantuin kita buat rambut apa yg cocokk dan bener2 pay attention gituu..
Walaupun org hairdonya beda, tp bener2 cici jesflo pengen kitanya baguss.
Duh jd kepanjangan wkwkwk
Intinyaa aku bener2 recommend cici jesflo, worth it banget gaes.. jadii totalnya tuh kita kek dapet 3x makeup dan 3x hairdo.. temen2 org2 yg liat aku smuanya bilang cantikkk walaupun stelah retouch ak smpet berkeringat banyaak bgt. Highly recommended!!
Once againn thank you yaa cici jesfloo 😘🥰🥰
Vendor Reply
12 May 2022
Thank you so much ci jess 🥰

Excellent MUA
jesflomakeupartists absolutely the best. Her work is amazingly nice and professional especially with this Pandemic Covid-19 situation. She made me look stunning at that day. Can't imagine going to any other makeup artist other than her!
Vendor Reply
15 September 2021
Thank you ci ☺️🙏🏻

Sukaaaa banget!
Detik detik trakir banget nyaari makeup dan liat dr bridestory, langsung liat2 makeupnya si cici Jesflo ini dan ternyata bagus hasilnya aku suka banget sampe2 mau pakai lagi buat wedding day nanti!!! Mana cc nya baik baik bgt, thank you ci jess semoga sukses selallu yaa
Vendor Reply
13 September 2021
Thank you banget ci ❤️
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Hair & Makeup
What do your beauty services offer?
Bridal make up, Bridesmaids make up
What do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
Bridal make up, Bridesmaids make up
How many customers can you serve at once if the bride were to book her entire bridal party?
1-5 persons
What kind of hair and make up looks do you specialize in? (max.3)
Natural, Glamour and bold, Romantic and soft
Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
Are you available to do make up after hours?
How many make up retouch sessions do you offer in one wedding event?
Normaly 1 time
How far in advance should your client contact you?
3-8 months before wedding
What is your payment terms?
30% after confirmation of contract, 70% 1 month before the event
When was your business established?
In january 2018
What payment systems are available for your business?
Bank transfer, Credit card payment
What rate do you usually charge at?
We charge hourly or per event depending on the packages picked by the brides
Do you have replacement on the D-Day in the off chance you become unavailable?
Do your services continue until the photoshoot or the event ends?
What makes your services unique?
Dalam riasan, saya mambuat look soft tapi glam
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