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    Share your experience with Jayanata Beauty

    Health & Beauty

    What services do you offer?
    Consultations,  Manicure/pedicure, Lasers & Aesthetic Treatments,  Facials, Multiple stylists,  Salon,  Hair,  Spa,  Waxing and hair removal,  Make up
    Are you a licensed professional?
    Aesthetic Clinics
    How far in advance should your client make a booking?
    3-4 bulan sebelum wedding day
    What makes your product and services unique?
    Jayanata tidak menggunakan produk racikan sendiri, namun kami menggunakan produk-produk dari brand international yang sudah trusted, seperti Valmont, Babor, Maria Galland, dll.
    Do you provide on-site services?
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Cash, Bank transfer, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    100% pada saat treatment atau saat pembelian paket
    When was your business established?
    Jayanata berdiri sejak tahun 1984.
    Ada treatment apa saja yang tersedia di Jayanata?
    Kami menyediakan seluruh perawatan from head to toe. Jadi dari hair salon, facial, laser treatment, manicure pedicure, waxing, body spa/body massage dll.
    Jl. Mawar 4-6 Surabaya 60262

    Beauty From Top to Toe

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