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  • Share your experience with IMME | Bespoke & Bridal House


    What is your payment terms?
    Semua harga dapat berubah tergantung kesulitan. Pembayaran akan dikumpulkan sebelum penyediaan Jasa/Barang dijelaskan. D/P 50% sebelum produksi diperlukan dan pembayaran saldo harus paling lambat 3 hari sebelum tanggal pengiriman. | All prices are subject to change depending on the difficulties. Payment will be collected prior to the provision of Services/Goods described. D/P 50% before production is necessary and balance payment should be latest 3 days before the delivery date.
    Please list, if any, your business' past achievements and awards
    The 1st winner of Prasetya Mulya Fashion Design Competition 2015 | Top three of Air Asia Runway Ready Designer Search 2016 | Top 15 of International Air Asia Runway Ready Designer Search 2016 | The semi-finalist of Lomba Perancang Mode | The finalist of UC1000 fashion design competition 2017 | The 1st winner of Shoe Designer Competition 2017 held by Yongki Komaladi | The best student of LPTB Susan Budihardjo in the academic year 2017 | The best concept and book of the idea of LPTB Susan Budihardjo year 2017 | The selected fashion designer winner curated by BEKRAF year 2018 | The second winner of Lomba Perancang Mode (LPM) 2019
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    The ideal time is 5-6 months before the wedding day. | Waktu yang ideal adalah 5-6 bulan sebelum hari pernikahan.
    What makes your services unique?
    IMME truly understands the importance of your special day. Your wedding gown is going to be the centerpiece of your ceremony and reception. That is why we want to help you create the perfect wedding dress that describes both your style and personality with a blend of our signature design. | IMME benar-benar memahami pentingnya hari istimewa Anda. Gaun pengantin Anda akan menjadi pusat dari upacara dan resepsi Anda. Itulah sebabnya kami ingin membantu Anda menciptakan gaun pengantin yang sempurna yang menggambarkan gaya dan kepribadian Anda yang dipadukan dengan ciri khas desain kami. Pendekatan artistik kami terhadap busana pengantin telah berhasil mengejutkan banyak orang mode karena selalu didasarkan pada kualitas tinggi, keunikan, dan sentuhan akhir tingkat premium.
    Does a client need to schedule an appointment?
    (contact us directly through WhatsApp: +62 878 6239 6750)
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer
    When was your business established?
    IMME has launched a bespoke collection in 2019 and has been creating breathtaking evening dresses and treasured wedding gowns over the past few years. A bespoke attire shop like no other. Modern and stylish gowns, inspired by people and Asian influences, thus far define the IMME bespoke collection. | IMME telah meluncurkan koleksi bespoke pada tahun 2019 dan telah menciptakan gaun malam & gaun pengantin yang menakjubkan. Gaun modern dan stylish kami terinspirasi dari kepribadian setiap individu dan pengaruh estetika tradisional Asia, sejauh ini itulah yang menggambarkan koleksi IMME.
    What services do you provide
    Bridesmaid dress, Dress rental,  Custom made dress,  Ready made dress,  Once worn dress
    What kind of dress style do you specialize in? (pick 3 maximum)
    Classic,  Glamour,  Contemporary
    What accessories do you provide?
    Other ,  Veil,  Undergarments
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Jabodetabek & Bali
    Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950. 12950

    Bridal Shop A bespoke collection of IMME | @imme.official (WhatsApp: 0878-6230-6750) Fashionably created for a modern bride who wants to create her own tradition. IMME has launched a bespoke collection in 2019 and has been creating breathtaking evening dresses and treasured wedding gowns over the past few years. A bespoke attire shop like no other. Modern and stylish gowns, inspired by people and Asian influences, thus far define the IMME bespoke collection.

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